In all seriousness, what are your honest thoughts on this?
What are you hoping to see?
In all seriousness, what are your honest thoughts on this?
Can't wait to see what they do with multiplayer. TLoU is multiplayer is really underrated considering how good it is.
The first game was light on the SJW stuff because Cuckmann was still proving his worth, but now that he owns the entire studio, it's gonna be filled to the brim with black characters, strong independent womyn that don't need no man, and gays.
It shouldn't be happening.
the first one was enough, then they added in the tumblr appeasement dlc.
this will undoubtedly ruin the consistency of the first
I'm hoping for the end of the story. either humanity wins or loses. no 'this is the world now' type of shit that's an endless sequel bait.
Not too interested to be honest. Ellie most likely replaces Joel as MC, I don't think a 15 year old girl is fit to be MC in a post-apocalyptic zombie survival shooter. Leave that shit to anime.
>Druckmann's cuckening
I am at least excited to see what they do on a technical level as always.
TLOU was one of the few games that had characters actually bleed from taking damage.
Since I was unimpressed with the first game, I tend to just forget about the wholly unnecessary sequel until it gets brought up.
PC release.
I'm fully prepared to see Ellie die. That would be the perfect kind of shockvalue tweest that they'd pull... BUT WAIT, SHE'S A LESBIAN SO WE CAN'T KILL HER OR IT'S A HATE CRIME.
im actually looking forward to it
>but muh movie
dont give a fuck, it was a good game. Nothing really innovative but for what it was it was well made, which is more original then a lot of other games can say
id like to see a bigger open world, some new infected and I want to see how ellie and joel have changed
I wanna see something akin to a neo-Medieval society living against the odds of clickers and roving bandits
Can definitely see Joel dying
*snorts* hopefully a PC release
Joel is probably already dead and that'll be the TWEEST
(((Neil Druckman))) from Isreal.
I hope the story doesn't end on a happy ending off into the sunset bullshit.
The first game finished it's story and the world wasn't interesting enough to warrant more games about it. I lose a lot of respect for writers that refuse to let stories end. I'm also real fucking sick of this endless squeal phase media is going through right now.
Honestly, I hope for the game to be better than the first. The original's has terrible combat and AI with a paint by numbers survival story that has been seen in movies and television for years. I want a sequel to learn from what they have done wrong in there Neo-ND era, but with a title like "The Last of US: Part 2" already shows that they are going to be more pretentious. Don't do a Sequel,do another story that possibly brings up the day by day interactions of an group of survivors in one location for a year. Mix the management of State of Decay with difficult choices in "This war is mine" with a story that centers on running a settlement(Totalitarian vs. Direct Democracy; MGS Series) with clever allusions focused on each character(Show don't tell; The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone)
impossible, too much originality, man
>/ourguy/ joel is no longer there
>instead it's an uninteresting boring mary sue lesbo-dyke strong woman character no. 3593
The first one wasn't even that good. The second will be trash.
This. It's going to be disgusting.
I cherished TLoU for the display of a traditional, protective father figure seen with Joel. All the characters were strong, it didn't need anymore. They will be going full SocJus though, and the game will be a shit sequel - as already evidenced by the DLC which had to be all about literal faggotry - so as we can see, the trend is already in place.
i hope it's going to be a game where stealth is always a viable option instead of forcing shootout sequences
Another chest high wall post apocalyptic TPS, how fucking exciting. i can't wait to rent it on redbox instead of paying $60 +tax on a movie game i will only play for like 2 days and never touch it again like the first game.
My PS4 is filled to the brim with Japanese games now. I'm not interested in Western sequels anymore.
Neck yourself, you autistic weeb.
Couldn't really care less. I don't buy games that are only good for one linear playthrough
I'll watch it on jewtube
triggered, SJW?
Get a load of this westcuck
Joel is going to die if not by the hands of his daughterfu. That or it starts off with time jump between the beginning of Tom's camp and back to present with Ellie all grown up facing the firelies.
>Couldn't really care less
I think it's the first time I see this saying used properly.
It's completely unnecessary.
I'm hoping to see the inevitable spoiler threads where everyone cherry picks SJW things in the game to shitpost about like with Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn.
oy vey b-but the multiplayer, goyim. Preorder The Last of Us™:Part 2® and receive the BBC Dildo Bat as a bonus Multiplayer weapon and receive a 0.01% off coupon for the Season Pass® at GameStop™.
I liked the first one and hoped they make a second but I expected it to be a different story in the same world, not a continuation of Joel and Ellie's. Especially with how they said their story was done.
I like the setting and can see a lot of potential for it though. We got very little insight into both the Fireflys and whoever exactly it was they we're rebelling against; they we're just sort of a vauge, ominous side note to the main story. We also didn't get to see infected animals and they're stages- we know they exist but only dealt with human infected so far.
So I'm looking forward to it but a little wary of sticking with the original pair and the changes in the staff (A few have already mentioned Druckman...) but I'll still keep an eye on it. I'll just try not to get my hopes up too much.
TLOU's multiplayer was kind of mocked and ignored by the "all games need to be story games and nothing else" crowed. A lot of reviewers tossed it aside because most reviewers are horrifyingly shit at video games and more than likely got salty after getting the shit kicked out of them.
Fortunately, enough people caught on to TLOU's multiplayer that it's worth keeping it installed on your PS4.
I'm not interested in TLoU II, but I enjoyed the first game enough.
How is it "SJW" to call out a weeb who posts in a thread only to announce his own virginity?
I was hoping if The Last of Us got a sequel game in the series. It would be focused on more characters, Part I was already conclusive on its own.
A sequel should've focused on different characters in different part of the states, a group of people of family/friends trying to survive the chaos starting with the beginning of the outbreak to modern times or somewhere in the middle before The Last of Us main plot occurs.
>playing Japanese games only, because the West spiraled into another video game crash.
>You are suddenly a weeb.
>didn't get to see infected animals
The monkeys at the university were infected, retard. Do you not listen to the audio pickups?
Getting PS Plus soon.
>inb4 "good goyim"
I haven't bought it in at least a year. I've just been playing singleplayer games and Watch_Dogs multiplayer.
Got any tips for TLoU multiplayer? Does it matter which faction you choose?
Don't be afraid to shoot a mother fucker in the face. Save shivs for when you actually need them.
I hope the campaign plays through the seasons again
I hope they don't go with some emotional ending by killing Joel
I hope they end it at 2 and don't run the series into the ground, they could have left it open ended at 1
>Got any tips for TLoU multiplayer?
Never go solo. Find parts and make molly's as your priority, then equip armor when the enemy is below 10 stocks. You end up facing tryhards tho so expect people with mics communicating.
>tfw Ellie ends up killing Joe
there i spoiled it for everyone and saved everyone 60 bucks
I've actually been watching some tryhard gameplay lately.
How do I convince a friend to buy this? He's a huge normie - plays CoD/BF, Bloodborne, and indie shit.
haaa... haaah!
nice try
>Got any tips for TLoU multiplayer? Does it matter which faction you choose?
doesn't matter what faction u choose. stick with your teamates, basically be their shadow
Oh, and Overwatch. I'm actually surprised he doesn't already own TLoU, considering how popular it was.
don't care.
My normie friends used to play a lot of TLOU MP on the ps3 back when it was still hot, so I go ahead and tell him about the game.
Every normie on Earth has a copy of Bloodborne.
>I just love the brutal difficulty, bro
>Isn't this combat SICK?
>It's the best looking game on console
I wish to see actual AI like the one from the original LoU E3 demo
Yeah, one of the biggest selling ps4 titles is very obscure and only played by hardcore gamers such as yourself.
Fuck off, half the normie gamers on my campus are SoulsBorne fags.
Choose Hunters, Fireflies are fucking faggots and Hunters have better voice lines. But really it doesnt matter.
The game is stealth based, so be stealthy. Stick to teammates, be patient, never run unless caught in a situation, take moments to crouch and just stop moving so people cant see you in listening mode, use your listening mode all you can.
Upgrade your weapons to +2 is top priority, Molotovs > Nail Board, Bombs are good, Smokes and Shivs work wonders but you gotta gitgud with them, pick your targets meaninfully just because there is an enemy in front of you doesnt mean you should immediately start firing.
I've played a lot, just go in there and start playing, you'll get your ass kicked but trust me once you gitgud, theres no better feeling than destroying the enemy team with just a Revolver and an Assault Rifle with 40 rounds
The story of the first one was interesting enough to keep me watching a lets play of it to the end, but from this game I'm expecting them to go full on Telltale TWD S2 on it.
I meant in any significant capacity jackass, as in a enemy or some other meaningful encounter.
Yeah, I heard the logs and knew the monkeys were infected. You know how much it impacted the game?
>"I think they're infected" is said as the monkeys run away
Super significant encounter there alright.
>TLOU has bad AI meme
The game had great AI. It wasn't revolutionary, but it was able to catch you off-guard occasionally.
>inb4 cherry-picked video showcase
Well, I already mentioned he should check out some gameplay, but I doubt he did. He may get it if it goes on sale. Then again, WD1 Gold Edition (which doesn't require PS Plus for 1v1) went on sale for $11 a while back and he didn't get it.
He keeps pushing Dying Light, but I despise degrading weapons and most first-person games.
I would be surprised if Joel DIDN'T die.
that feel when you encounter the giraffes again but this time theyre infected
I played TLoU story mode once and tried to replay it and couldnt get passed the second mission. There is zero replayability. However I absolutely love the multiplayer and would consider one of the better multiplayer games out there, an is severely underrated.
That being said, I'm only buying TLoU 2 for the Multiplayer, I'll play through the story once but I just hope to christ they dont fuck up MP
>What are you hoping to see?
Of inner demons part II
Awesome. Does the listening mode have any sort of cooldown?
itll be even worse than the first one
>but from this game I'm expecting them to go full on Telltale TWD S2 on it.
What makes you think a linear stealth-based action adventure game with literally no narrative interactivity would go full story game for a sequel?
side character goes in front of the enemy or clicker and they dont respond
And people say SFM can't be good
Well I mean the original E3 video had enemies surrender and react differently depending on Joel's weapons which they dont do in the full game
I want more of the same.
>I meant
Eh. An infected lion would've been amazing. Same with any big cat, gorilla, or wolves.
Haven't played, but don't enemies in TLOU do the Skyrim thing?
I literally said NOT revolutionary, you retard.
And side characters are meant to be undetectable, so as to not hinder you more than they help you and turn the game into a 16 hour long escort mission.
Same shit I see on netflix ever fucking week, except now I have to pay 60€ for it and have to suffer through the boring gameplay.
>don't fuck up MP
I didn't know this was possible (I don't play a lot of mp games) until I played Watch Dogs 2. Holy fuck, did they botch that.
I've finished the game for the third time last week and they most definitely react differently to different weapons, and surrender too.
they still do
you must beat them to a pulp first and knock em down then aim your weapon and they beg for mercy
Yes, it goes by extremely quickly. So use it sparringly but still use it as much as you can. Theres a perk (Sharp Ears 1, 2 and 3) which let your recover faster and stay in it faster. I feel like its a top tier perk. For a set up, I'd suggest:
Sharp Ears 3
Covert Training 2 (Enemies cant see you when crouch walking)
Agility (Crouch walk faster)
These 3 perks all coincide with each other, as you are crouch walking everywhere, being invisible in listening mode, and simultaneously using the fuck out of your listening mode. Its a hefty amount of points but its 100% worth it. The Revolver alone is a great weapon especially at +2. I use the Enforcer mostly though
>What are you hoping to see?
I want every level from start to finish to be like the later half of the first game. LoU1 started with short linear boring levels but then they got pretty big with decent exploration. I want less forced walking segments and a much better crafting system. I thought it was too simplistic. More variety in enemies would be nice too.
i dont see how can little skinny weak ellie fist fight like Joel against other brutes and punch and fuck them up against the wall
this wont work ffs
>inb4 muh womyn are stronk too
noo.. fucking no m8 not against another 180/200 pounds male brute
>but muh movie
I never got this complain. It had less cutscenes than Metal Gear Solid but Sup Forums loves that game
I meant story-wise. TWDS1 was great and in S2 they dropped the ball and it sucked. On that aspect I foresee TLOU will suffer the same fate.
I'm not expecting changes in the gameplay. Not that it was particularly brilliant in the first place anyway,
Great. I copied that set up down. Thanks, man.
The cutscenes were long.
you will die a LOT early on, it has a pretty steep learning curve to git gud. Like the one guy said don't charge in rambo style to combat and shadow your teamates sneaking around.
Too bad it's never going to happen. I feel like the only reason they didn't have infected animal enemies is just so they could have that fucking moment with the giraffes. Yes it was beautiful and touching the first time but in hindsight more enemy types wouldve been more beneficial to the game overall.
which metal gear
if its 5 then your talking shit cuz that had barely any custscnes and any were spread out all over the place in motherbase travel back sequences
>honest thoughts?
- tlou was great
- story was fucking awesome, atmosphere was there especially on survivor
>what I think about the sequels?
- It will ruin tlou and it´s perfect ending, eventhough I adore Ellie
- Druckmann saying Politics > Gameplay and all this gender bullshit with ugly characters in recent western games even uc4, is just bullshit.
- the only reason ellie became fucking maincharacter is because 1. hurr durr she is gay 2.hurr durr stronk woman
They will ruin it for sure, If I ever play it or watch a walkthrough it will be just a spin off for me like sly4
TLOU remastered is like 20 bucks or less these days, so it's not hard to pick up on the cheap. Buy it for him?
No they weren't, shut the fuck up. The game had less than 2 hours of actual cut-scenes, most of the story was told through gameplay conversations.
MGS5 is the only game from the main series that isnt full of cutscenes. MGS1-4 all had very long cutcenes and full of codex talks. The Raiden vs Vamp fight scene is like 10 minutes long. Most of the scenes in TLOU were done in game while you can still move and explore much like Half Life which Sup Forums also loves.
I'm unemployed atm. He gets money from selling pot (I think) and babysitting his nephew.
The only reason I have it is because it came with my PS4, and I finally decided to give the campiagn a try. Still haven't played Left Behind.
If Ellie somehow going to overpower other guys in combat without her shiv with her small body frame, this game can go fuck itself with its mary sue fantasy
Ellie was a stone cold killer in the first one, by jumping on their backs and shiving the fuck out of them.
A DLC episode that is no disappointing garbage.
I wanted another game in the universe but not centred around Joel and Ellie.
I would have loved a game that followed a similar pattern (jumping between seasons) but set within a quarentine zone as it fell apart and you would spend time going out from the QZ looking for supplies, exploring the abandoned buildings and skyscrapers.
Thats what I wanted but I have faith ND can pull of an interesting sequel.
Why don't people seperate GZ and TPP? They're totally different games.
I actually really enjoyed how much freedom the first TLOU was in regards to it's combat. As far as TPSs go, the level design was open and there were many ways to handle a level. Plus it's one of the games that did "cinematic" right. The animations, the voice acting, the sound design, it was all very immersive in a good way.
I thought that the story was pretty much one of the best written in videogames. It's one of the few games that are celebrated for its story that actually dont rely just on pointless lore that adds nothing to the overall experience. It was Joel and Ellie's personal arcs. As far as the main game goes, i thought it was phenomenal. Didn't care much for the DLC.
But I'm not too sure about a sequel. It seems unecessary and Uncharted 4 didn't really wow me.
kek be that as it may
this game is going to try to pull of the older Ellie as stronger in fisty cuffs against other large men like Joel
just like in UC4 with that strong independant black womyn handling not only drake but his bro too
That sounds much better than what we'll likely get.
Anyone else think The Evil Within's later chapters felt similar to TLoU?
I think it'd be cool to play as a generic soldier, part of some kind of secret spec ops group type of thing and be the bad guys.
Left Behind is a short little DLC with Ellie and her black girlfriend, it's silly, short and skippable. There's not much too it and is just kind of a side story with little action. It's more about joking around like kids would do in an abandoned mall, that's it's.