>you will never train magic on the caged demon at the top of wizards tower again late at night on friday, eating goldfish and drinking pepsi after a long week of 5th grade
>you will never discover runescape for the first time on miniclip again
>you will never hear that beautiful newbie melody for the first time ever again
>you will never feel the pure joy you felt when you're mom agreed to buy you membership again
>you will never walk through the members gates for the first time again
>you will never truly enjoy Runescape as you did when you were a kid again
You will never train magic on the caged demon at the top of wizards tower again late at night on friday...
Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never spend weeks becoming a great wizard just so you can steal iron plate from varrok museum
>you will never again discover the vast steppes of the barrens while listening to this
why even continue living?
fishing lvl?
>My dad didn't like using his credit card online was younger
>Agreed to pay with money order
>Spend a week and a half trying to log into member worlds
>Still remember vividly the first time it ever worked
That was ten years ago.
>ywn trap a merchant account into the rune shop with the mugger again
>ywn scam another kid out of his account again
old runescape was like the wild west, shit was so cash. My friend and I literally mained some kid's account for like 2 years because he had it on auto-enroll and was probably too scared to tell his mom some asshole scammed him out of his password and recovery info. He finally must've told her at some point because we got banned eventually, but it was a good run. some of my best vidya experiences were runescape.
no, stop
I hate how sanitized MMOs have gotten. You can't scam people in game, you can't trick people into going to PVP zones, you can't even manipulate the ingame market.
Being a crafty Jew was the absolute best part of Runescape
Yeah, exactly. that's what was magical about the game, that it was a legitimate community with shady parts and crafty jewery included. Scamming was my best source of income before I stole that kid's member account, I'd get the password, change it before they logged out, then ask them to log out and log back in (I ran a fake jagex lottery scam), and when they logged out I'd get on their account and drop all their shit off in an abandoned house where I had my main account waiting for the pickup.
sanitized is a good word for current mmo's... that shit would never happen today. I have only heard stories of the original ultima online but apparently shit was even wilder, and everyone has fond memories of it. Today? Nobody is going to remember these mmo's where you can't do anything freely. truly a testament to free online community gameplay that people are STILL making threads about a game like runescape
Everything is automated for convenience but it also means that games are never going to have any sort of community like they once did. You never have a reason to interact with other human beings, you might as well be playing a game alongside 800 bots.
When i was young I got tricked that runescape could only be played at a certain internet cafe, i spent dollars after dollars playing it there.
I might have not got far in the game, but i remember sneaking myself aboard a ship in a crate of bananas, fighting a vampire lord with garlic and that proud moment when i received my first full rune set.
Is that old version of runescape still a thing? I heard there was some old runescape still running somewhere. Is it populated? Any good? Nostalgia hitting hard right now.
It's bigger then it's ever been, 50k players atm
>semitic cockroaches reminiscing about the joys of scamming children
Gas yourself.
What did you get scammed out of? How many times?
>You have to have been scammed to detest taking advantage of someone else
Gas yourself.
sounds like someone got scammed
it is a shell of what it used to be and 50k is peak times counting bots. No world is ever full. Try it just for a bitter sweet nostalgia trip.
Is it really that bad? I wanted to get into it again because I have some free time in college this semester
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums has a server up vscape.wikidot.com
I never scammed but can respect that it was part of what made runescape special to me.
>Tricked into going into wild and dying
>Tricked into grabbing the wine
Its like when someone gave me a frog mask on endless online, and then when I put it on it was stuck. This kind of thing is fantastic, it taught me lessons about trusting people on the internet. It made me skeptical of people's intent and made the authentic friendships more special because you were taking risks in a place where scamming was common.
We had this thread yesterday didn't we.
Also RS3 Hardcore Ironman is pretty fucking fun desu. It's like all the benefits of the quality of life, more content, and more interesting gameplay. Without the microtransactions and other bullshit.
Luring someone into the wilderness and scamming someone into giving up their password so you could steal their account are two entirely different things. One is simply preying on those two lazy to read anything at all, and the other is on the same level as malicious advertisements.
Why would you play this instead of Starcraft? Diablo 2? Everquest? FFXI?
Never understood Runecucks.
Well, those are the numbers. The game has been techniclly improved. It is still just shadow of what it once was. I tried it but the magic was gone. Runescape just doesnt attract new people so it is bound to die inevitably.
It's unique and nobody has challenged their niche.
Comparing RS to those games is retarded.
>Never understood Runecucks
You got that right. You will never know what it was like.
You should try rs3 my man. Relearning the game was fun for me, retreading old school was not.
It's sort of like an endless game of D&D
>you have to be a jew to trick retards
Stay lower class, lad
>bring a teletab with me to someone's "wildy drop party"
>telegrab the bait 25k off the ground and teleport out as I watch all of the gankers running towards me
fucking morons couldn't even properly set up a wildy trap
>be one of the first to complete Desert Treasure
>94 magic
>joining CW games in full Ahrims
I miss it.
>back in the day
>really wanted to be a pmod
>aggressively tried to stop scams while they were in the process of happening
>reported motherfuckers and informed them that I had filed a report afterwards
>mfw looking back
I feel like I missed out on a lot of fun by being autistic as shit about following all rules to the letter
>tfw you got 99 fletching before fletch/string-x was a thing
who here /magic/
most fun combat skill, meleecucks and rangecucks btfo
>in early 2000
>discover Ultima Online private shards
>buggy as hell with 150 players top, but with unique feel
>talk to a dude, gain his trust
>be invited to his house
>mark a rune when he isint looking
>wait for him to log out
>open portal to his house and let your thief friend in
>he opens up all of his chests and steals all of his items
>share to yoinks
I still play the game (RS3) and I'm really glad they removed IceBarrage2win.
I was playing d2 LOD and someone told me about it in my clan's chat channel. we all picked it up together and made tens of thousands of gold (lel) doing dumb shit like mining exclusively tin and selling it.
>play on a shard with custom map
>shitload of deserted islands with no connection to mainland, can only get there by ship
>find one of those islands
>build a house there
>on the highest floor of the house mark a rune
>remove the house
>leave the island
>go to the main city bank where everyone is
>open portal to your rune, its mid air on deserted island
>people come in because they hope they will be able to steal something
>they fall with no possibility of returning because portal is floating in air
they had to PM gms for help.
Back in the day you could play runescape through miniclip, strangely enough
That's where I discovered it
>All that time I wasted in ardougne market getting lvl 99 theif
>Getting my quest cape for the first time
>Walking round looking like a swag steampunk thief with a hand cannon as people asked me where I got my cloths from
All those moments lost.. in time..
>mfw I will never go to the public library after school to circumvent the 30 minute time limit on entertainment my parents had ever again
RsC a best you underage fags
>meet a random dude near bank
>"hi, wana be friends? lets go hunt orks together!"
>lure him outside town
>loot his body
>make another enemy
those small shards were awesome because the had tight communities.
People always complain about pvp (wah its not balanced so its not fun) or scams in MMORPGs but if I can't get together with my friends to form a gang of ruthless, cutthroat marauders then the game doesn't fulfill the RPG aspect that well.
>he didnt jew out at tutorial island and fill his inventory with as many bronze daggers as possible
I pity you guys for not having that sweet extra cash
That shit was expensive yo, mining and fishing with some questing inbetween was the real deal.
>waking up in the middle of the night to get on the family computer because you were grounded
>poor man's UO
>tfw competing with 3-4 other noobs over a respawning rune in some room in Lumby
Leveling magic still wasn't as bad as leveling smithing FUCKING IMPURITIES
>>you will never feel the pure joy you felt when you're mom agreed to buy you membership again
My parents never bought me membership because they were paranoid that using the credit card online would instantly grant someone access to it and they'd lose all their money immediately.
Instead I would take 7 dollars out of my $20 a month allowance and literally mail it into jagex for a month of membership. I would tell my parents that I was mailing letters to my grandma. It would take like 8 to 10 days to actually receive my membership, and it was never guaranteed that they would actually get my money.
Holy fuck that was autistic thinking back on it, I can just imagine some employee at jagex opening a letter with nearly illegible handwriting written by a 10 year old containing 7 crumpled 1 dollar bills and sometimes a few dollars in all change.
Makes me nostalgic desu
>Play 2007 for the first time
>Tutorial island
>get to combat instructor
>drop my shit
>talk to him again
>he gives me more shit
>mfw i started out with 2000 bronze arrows and a shit ton of swords to sell
dont they just give you the standard 25 arrows, 1 sword, 1 shield regardless? I remember trying to do that with runes and I got fucked over
>I feel like I missed out on a lot of fun by being autistic as shit about following all rules to the letter
you did
Part of the fun of runescape was being a skeevy degenerate and breaking all the runes
Not when I played it, you could grind that shit forever
In theory you could make a million gp if you just sat your ass there and grinded bronze arrows for eternity
fire plz
>ywn have a gf again
>reeee i can't literally steal from people reeeeeeeeeeee
You have the mindset of a criminal so it's unsurprising why you don't understand what makes people want police.
Jesus fucking christ dude you just blasted me back
>tfw had a 2 hour a day limit on video games
I used to go to a card shop down the street from my house that had a few computers open to play whatever games you wanted.
I spent all day there basically every weekend just playing runescape. I got to know one of the employees there really well and he'd let me play in the store for free, he also gave me a whip. I also met some of my best childhood friends at that store
Fuck me dude, fuck getting old. This thread is killing me
Why does it call to me so. Like an old spirit, trying to pull me back through a film I can press firmly against, but never pass. It doesn't hurt, but the great emptiness I feel in my chest when reflecting on it is very draining.
>be a kid back in the glory days of RS
>friend who's a member insists that members can have cats
>write him off as a bullshitter because he was "that kid"
>finally sub
>mfw he was right
The quest to get more features for your cat (names and such if I recall) was absolute bullshit, though.
Fuck stealth missions.
>I always traded fairly
>I never figured out how to "Merchant"
>I'd never be penalized at all for purchasing gold
>Would be banned numerous time for macro software
Jagex are hypocrites same as Blizz
Guild wars in it's prime and runescape were the best vidya times.
>Ywn attempt to get the ring from the bank again
>waking up 3 hours before you had to go to school so you could sneak in some runescape
>12ish at best guess
>try my luck at the "free gem cutting" scam
>some dolt trades me 5 uncut diamonds
>accept trade
>log out
>feel bad
>log back into same world
>walk around Lumb castle looking for the dude
>find him after about ten minutes
>tell him I scammed him and felt bad and he can have his stuff back
>he reports me anyway and I get banned
Friggin douche I tried to do the right thing. Only time that ever worked too. Pan handling doing dances and cape tricks at the grand exchange actually netted me a fair sum and made for fun times.
>you will never discover runescape on minclip for the first time
Damn OP that hit hard
I wish I hadn't missed out on it
>leveling prayer in F2P
>Cant manipulate market
Say that to my 20 mill
I miss watching no1s perfect and nightmareRH pking vids tbqh
logdotzip made the best rs vids desu
too bad he went full autism and now makes minecraft videos for 8 year olds
>you will never mine and mine and smith and smith until you are the best miner and smith in the world
Man, I had fucking 85 mining before I dropped the game and I never thought I'll get the urge to play it again so I didn't give a fuck that my old account was hacked and ultimately banned for botting. And I can't believe bots are still such a huge problem in this game. Like, I started playing again recently and simply not responding to someone's stupid question makes you a bot and you potentially get reported and everyone is just ''bot this, bot that''. Fuck. I just wanna be the best miner ever.
we were kids with shitty computers and parents who wouldn't let us play M games
>Those two fags that would follow each other so they got stuck in circling animation
>ywn do this with your rsgf ever again
Sup Forumsscape was only fun for the first few months, wheh glitches were everywhere. Made it a fun experience.
Who /nevertrainedranged/ here?
I didn't for awhile but ranged becomes extremely useful in boss fights since you can usually get them stuck behind shit
>go to drop party next to where the demons layer quest was.
>still had that part of the quest to do
>everyone is getting rekt by mages because they are noobs.
>one of the higher level guys who has been collecting all the shit stands still and dies for some reason
>I get instant out to the demon slayer quest area.
>as soon as I leave the instance free shut everywhere
That is the story of how I made my first 100k
>tfw you never even got a 99
Is 2007 worth starting?
I haven't played RuneScape since 2012ish
no, accept it user. That time is past.
Someone hasn't played EVE
>minding your own business
>someone runs up to you
>runs away
The victim still comes out with the same lesson learned, one just more severe. I think they're about the same. You literally have to be a stupid fucking child to give someone your credentials. Its better they learn this now with their Runescape account than with their fucking bank account.
same thing with gambling in the game
Back when dicing was super popular around 2010-2011 I got addicted as fuck to it. I was like 16 and by the end of it I lost ~600m.
So glad I discovered how fucking retarded gambling was through runescape and not in an actual casino
>Snow free
>come home
>running in wilderness
>trying to run along with a mate to see how far we can get into it
>we hear there's dragons and stuff so we decide to see
>at the time we never looked up videos of the sort so everything was a rush when we found something
>run along
>I run out of stamina before him
>he keeps running
>I relax and say in chat I'll catch up
>take a sip of my drink for a moment and look away from the screen
>hear this
>Monkey Madness 2
Whoa, what? Does RS3 have that too?
only allowed answer
nope only osrs, i'm afraid they might not even make one now that osrs has it
same with fossil island
posting another good track
But runescape is and has always been shit