Repeat famous lies about video games. I'll start

Repeat famous lies about video games. I'll start.

>"Spore will be great."
>"It's only bad because it's early access, once the game is finished, it'll be good."
>"The difficulty in Rayman is progressive, it's a good game."

Rayman was a great game.

>7th and 8th gen of consoles will be great!

Nice example there.

See that mountain?

OP is mad about a rayman game?

I tried waking up but I'm still in hell.

"Planetary Annihilation is a spiritual sequel to Supreme Commander."

Rayman 2 > Rabbids Go Home > Rayman Origins/Legends > Rayman 1 > Rayman Raving Rabbids > Rayman 3 > Everything else


"Early Access is good, it means devs listen to players!"

Fucking EA.

>We will never charge for map packs

>We know nothing about this game but it has 1 quadrillion X so it should be good!!!

>New consoles being x86 will make PC ports better

Haven't played the Rabbids game, but sure. Seems like a reasonable ranking.

It just works.

CSGO and Overwatch have high skill ceilings

Where's the lie? You actually can see the mountain.

Dark Souls isn't unfair, just hard.

>Mass Effect 1 was really good and not at all a massive boring linear disappointment

Consoles don't ruin games!

>mfw Thief
>mfw Supreme Commander

>Battlefield 1 is based on WW1.

Consoles don't need PC
>Majority of the best selling console games are formerly PC focused titles

Deus Ex was even before that.

I try to forget about Invisible War. At least the third one was okay.

My rage.


>indies will save gaming!
>steam greenlight

Spore was fine even if it was overhyped.

>We're taking the series back to its roots.

>It's not a reboot but also not a sequel

"Gone Home was good. Way better than God Hand."

The lower framerate is our design choice because it makes it more cinematic

Absurdly shit taste

>"It's pre-alpha"

both are greater than ever thanks to console focus

"VR will revolutionalize gaming"

>that ass

Crysis is dead as shit
Battlefield is a corpse EA keeps dragging around

A question cant be a lie, but the memetically implicit statment that follows is.

>new game will be more innovative
>its pretty much the same shit as before.

>"Our game will be provocative."
>it's just pretentious trash

>they just made the game more expensive to a comparable game

>"Our game will be competitive."
>single player is just a disguised tutorial

Why do game companies do this shit so much, especially when the product launches in weeks?

>Footage shown is from a pre-alpha build.

Does anyone still fall for this nonsense? The final product doesn't look any better.

In 99% of cases, it's just a scam used by developers to cover their own ass in case their game looks like shit, or to build up hype for something that will have "amazing graphics."

To deflect criticism. Sometimes you might be playing an older or more stable build than the release build as well.

You think you do, but you don't

>trying this hard to be contrarian

>They will fix everything in a day 1 patch

>We're taking the series back to its roots by not even having half the features the original game had!
>B-b-but muh grafix!!

Fuck you EA and whatever dumb fuck gave you the rights to star wars games

>DLC is a way to support the company

>We can do fine without Kojima!

Rayman 2 > 1 > M > 3 > Rabbid shit > rabbitgayshit that comes out now.

>At least the third one was okay.
kek no. It was a literal corridor.

This game is a wii u exclusive.
Valve software is about the consumer.
We went free to play to enhance the player experience by increasing the player base also enjoy the brand new hat update which you can only buy with the all new gems!
There have 3.

>it's not a good X game, but that doesn't mean it is bad game.

The amount of times I have seen this shit opinion on Sup Forums is unreal. If the game is just slightly bad, I'll accept it, provided it's more or less the same sort of game as it's predecessors. If it's far removed from the original formula, than sorry it's not in line with the rest of the franchise.

That's a retarded interpretation of that really shitty opinion, the problem with the opinion is that it's not a bad game, it's just completely different from the rest of the series, which is a good thing.

If you think a franchise deserves to remain stagnant and the same you are retarded.

Then again if it is far removed in terms of quality from the rest of the franchise then yeah it's shit.

Don't get me wrong, releasing the same thing over and over is just as stupid as changing the original game too much.

New features are fine as long as you don't fuck up the good parts you already had, and obviously don't add "features" which do not need to be there. If said franchise is an RPG, there is little point enhancing the combat because that's not why people liked the original. If it's an FPS, don't tack on 4 hours of cutscenes when all people want to do is shoot shit.

What about something like Majora's Mask or Silent Hill 2? They're completely different from their previous iterations, but they're both considered the best game in the series for that, and if they aren't, then they're considered substantial timeless games with long-lasting appeal.

>I'll end it thus!

>reboots that shit on the original series and fans is a good thing
Things that never happened

>breath of the wild is revolutionary

>Something simply being different is "shitting on the legacy of the original and shitting on the people who like the original."
How big of an ego do you have that you automatically see different things as bad? Don't you realize that a lot of these types of games would have otherwise failed without the backing of the brand logo? Don't you realize that a lot these types of games are what the original team wanted to make, too, and that's why they tend to be good on their own? Don't you realize that things are bad because they're shallow, lack polish or nuance, lack substance, and don't excel at anything, and not because they're different, right?


>"Return to Castle Wolfenstein was bad!"


"there's no way starcraft 2 can fail, it is going to ride broodwar's hype!"

>ctrl + f destiny
>0 results

you kids dont even know what lies are

>They're completely different from their previous iterations
But they aren't though.

Majora's Mask only differs in tone and setting. Something dramatically different would be Adventures of Link or Super Mario Brothers 2, which are very different when compared to the rest of the series. Hell if you're going of minor differences, you could argue WW sudden change in art style was a big deal and enough to warrant criticism amongst purists.

Zelda is a tricky one to evaluate anyway because it's not on a fixed storyline, so having the setting be something dramatically different (e.g on the ocean, on a train, as a midget ) is fine because there really hasn't been a proper explanation of why there isn't a fixed setting. Well, there was until SS but people didn't take to that game all to well.

Can't speak for Silent Hill honestly. I've played bits of 2 and 4 and that's it.

>Adventures of Link and SMB2

But those are some of the best games in their series too tho.

Halo 5's story marketing.

>"Liking traps makes you gay"

Every single time

Go off the history of reboots/remakes user. I guarantee there are more films, games and tv show reboots which are inferior to the original source material than otherwise. Every so often you get a REmake or Mad Max Fury Road, but it's rare.

Problem here is that most of these products exist because of the brand only, and retards will lap it up purely because of the brand and not because it's a good, faithful to the original game.

Purely subjective. I can see why people like them, but I also totally understand why people see them as the black sheep of their respective franchises.

I wouldn't say they are bad, but they are Zelda/Mario games in name only. Nobody would know any better if they weren't part of those franchises.

a game isnt bad just cause you suck at it OP

Ignore the SJWs they'll go away on their own

>botw game of the century

They will if you actually ignore them and stop pushing their agenda in our faces you goose

the xbox monkey is dead and buried now and they have replaced him with a much smaller monkey with a switch logo


they're already going away. think about that 2B butt thing. if this were 2014, it would be months and months of SJW whining about it. But instead it went away in like 2 days.

bioware is just a SJW company and they're going to make SJW games, and it's your fault for not dropping them by now.

they are pretty much gone other than people like you who keep bringing them back up that and the horde of youtubers who keep making response videos to the same arguments OVER AND OVER

I fapped so damn much to 2b's butt.

And I don't even know what the game is about.

I hope the "sjw" age is going away. Even if it is, it's still sad we had to endure these years of regression in vidya.

Praise Trump and his patron Saint Gamergate. Praise them.

We need to make sure they are dead and gone- permanently.

this will never happen so long as you keep reminding people they existed let them be forgotten about and a thing of the past

Same than with Nazis?

They're far from dead. Their ideas may be on the way out of the industry, but they need to be stomped out in other ways too.

>Overwatch is a good game

this was the moment Sup Forums became supreme casual

there is nothing that can be done about mental retardation

everyone laughs at the modern day nazis they are everyones joke fodder

Fury Road was garbage and I don't know how anyone, let alone people who like Mad Max, actually liked it. I feel like the best explanation is that it wasn't as bad as it could have been (see also Human Revolution) but that doesn't deserve acclaim.

there is when said retardation is caused by the education system

>Wolfenstein TNO
Even though neither played like what they originally were

>SJW's will ruin gaming

Bish, where?

>dwarf shield maiden


>even with paid metacritic scores, the entire west cant even come close to japs due to SJW infestation

The only time I'm willing to accept it is if the dev is trying to appeal to a fanbase that it no longer does.

Like how Armored Core V was trying to throw a bone to Chromehounds and Metal Wolf fans.

From Soft can't make Chromehounds or Metal Wolf games so they threw in some callbacks in Armored Core. Whether or not it was good is a different factor.

None of those are "SJW" games. There just games. Depression Quest? That's an SJW game. Super Lesbian Animal RPG? That's SJW.

For me, it was more a triumph for practical effects more than anything.
>but muh giant sand tornado
Well obviously you can do everything practical, but what it demonstrated that you don't have to do EVERYTHING in CGI, just the bits that need to be in CGI because there is literally no other way around it.

I wish there was less Furiosa and more Mad Max, but from the SJW "woman stronk" fest I was expecting, I was pleasantly surprised. It's not as good as Mad Max 2 imo, but it shows that at least some remakes/reboots can work.


>muh stonk wymenz

>for honor
>muh stronk wymenz

>muh stronk wymenz

>literally called "Nu Men Era"
>muh genderqyr pronoun usage

3/6 severe cases of sjw infection, and the others probs have signs

the plague is wracking the entire western industry right now, essentially causing a gamedev brain drain. it lowers game quality across the board.

Oh no. Women in games that can fight. The world is ending.

Strawmanning THIS hard.