Tfw was about to reply to the thread that was up and it died as I was typing

>tfw was about to reply to the thread that was up and it died as I was typing

niggers get in here

>pressing enter just sent my post


anyways if this is what it looks like (attack the light but expanded) it'd be great, just what I wanted

they did say CONSOLE game though, so I'm guessing it's not coming to pc ;_;

Threads always seems to die when i type "niggers" aswel...

fucking CUTE

>murdercock and connie are playable

if peridot and lapis aren't playable too i'm gonna flip a tit

Dumbfuck, make a better OP and then the thread will be able to be bumped.

you're bumping the thread so I don't think using niggers in the OP is actually doing anything

it's not like it was my thread, I started this one because the other one had like two posts and died while I was replying

From what I understand, OPs can't bump their own thread until a certain amount of time has passed.


Yeah, my mistake. I kinda forgot about the restrictions OPs have on bumping their own threads.

Ok, I was thinking of furry. That auto-saged threads before. My mistake.

I meant to quote this , not this

>3 threads up
really makes you think

Worst case scenario they get relegated to DLC.

PCs are the new consoles.

I want to ____ Greg!

Aaaand deleted.

Wonder why

>Connie has more fucking health than Steven
>Steven is confirmed in the show to be built like a fucking tank as is

save him from that shitty show

>Not able to see inside of the Funland arcade
It's shit

I'm guessing it's because connie is a frontline fighter while steven has defensive abilities

Same reason why greg has less health than connie, because I'm guessing he's a backline support type

Take your garbage there and stay there


>Defensive support who's weapon is a shield
>Less HP than a skinny swordsman
To be honest family, I'm shaking my head

>moving to consoles
>keeping mobileshit graphics

There is no way they are prepared for the expectations that come with console gaming.
You can get away with no story, limited variety, no character development, and limited exploration on mobile, but that shit will not fly on a system.

Heres hoping im wrong and that theres a million & ten other things to do in this game.

I'm guessing the shield makes him avoid HP damage so correct usage of the shield is more important than HP, while connie can't defend herself on her own because she's a purely offensive character

all of these are guesses of course, but it'd make sense to me that a character whose gimmick is shields is expected to use them rather than take damage and someone designed to be in the front getting targeted would have more room for attacks

this is all speculation of course