Sup Forums and Sup Forums love traps and trannies

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums love traps and trannies
>Guerilla makes game featuring cute girl (male)
>Sup Forums hates it

Can you guys ever be satisfied?

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That's a mtf tranny after her ftm operation though



Girls (male) and trannies are entirely different beings

Sup Forums loves good gameplay even more

The peak male body is a badly drawn anime character from a run of the mill anime show?

How dare you speak about my wife that way

Sup Forums hates any woman who doesn't look traditionally feminine or isn't half naked. I think Aloy is cute.

Woah, Zac Efron looks like THAT?

>Sup Forums loves trannies
this is what literal faggots actually believe. stay on your containment board tumblr.

i don't understand how anyone could say she isn't cute.

why are the only thing cute to you faggots are 10,000 year old lolis and robots with fat asses.

So thats a yes?

Where do i start? Should i make my hair translucent first? Or should i get my nose removed? Oh, how about sharpening my chin first.


traps and trannies are entirely different beasts

For one thing, to even qualify as a trap you have to be cute. Trannies on the other hand usually look like ghouls.

Are you new here, kiddo?

Literally more than half of Sup Forums are full on faggots or delusional queers.

>itt netherrealms tries to astroturf for ugly

only delusional faggots like traps/trannies. stray from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/ and you'll be called out for your faggotry. I doubt you'll advance very far passed the worst boards though, pleb

Aloy is ugly. Period. This is coming from a guy who doesn't mind boyish looking girls either. There's nothing attractive about her at all.

She's also voice by Ashley Burch.

>if I'm not attracted to a female character, it's a bad character and the game she's in is bad

Even for male standards, her bloated face and ugly american meathead are disgusting.

Link is far cuter

Aloy is my waifu. Anyone who feels differently is entitled to their opinion.

So how many times growing up did Rost show Aloy his secret special game?

>cute girl

Your chin and your cheekbones, yes.

Sup Forums is underage. 99% of the girls they have met are either their mom or high school girls. They therefore don't realize that women have prominent jawlines too. It comes with maturity.


Anri Okita really let it loose lately

Is that... hair on her face???

They only usually look like ghouls is because people like to post and laugh at the worst looking ones.
Most of the time they look pretty generic female with some mild tell tale signs like broader shoulders, and there's nothing really to laugh or fap about with your usual generic/average looking trannies.

There's also the fact that your average woman looks like a ghoul out of makeup, too.

Is that a girl (boy)?


>Western design

There is your answer why we hate it.