Let's talk about Half-Life
Let's talk about Half-Life
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I spent thousands of hours playing HL mods like NS, TS, Sven Co-op, Firearms, and Brainbread. The gunplay in HL1 was shit but man it had some fun mods.
>The gunplay in HL1 was shit but man it had some fun mods
And yet it was still better than HL2's.
Very good series. Almost everything is very well designed and polished. The story is not as good as people make it out to be even though it's still enjoyable. Breen is a very well done antagonist too but Nihilath eats smegma.
I'd say HL1 is slightly better than 2, but not by much. Each has its own charms and flaws.
Even though it's generally considered as a ground-breaking FPS, System Shock 1 had already done everything better (and so much more) years before.
Problem with HL2 is you spend 90% of the game fighting faceless dudes in gasmasks and all the weapons are designed around that.
They're waiting for you, Gordon... In the TEST chamberrr
The pistol is genuinely one of the worst guns I have ever used in a shooter. It feels so fucking awful.
an interesting series that lost every scrap of relevancy thanks to the developer's lack of interest and decision to approach new income sources.
seriously, looking at a screenshot of half-life or half-life 2 feels like I'm looking at parasite eve or a copy of pitfall; they've become historical relics.
Even the Doom 3 pistol feels better.
>I'd say HL1 is slightly better than 2, but not by much.
Wrong. HL is vastly superior. youtube.com
>System Shock 1 had already done everything better
SS1 isn't even an FPS, though - it's an RPG. If you're comparing SS to something, it should be other first-person RPGs, like Ultima Underworld.
SS1 has no RPG elements. It's a first person shooter just not a Doom clone.
Kek that video is so embarrassing to watch. That kid has attitude problems.
>it's an RPG
I don't entirely agree either, if anything it's more like a first person dungeon-crawler in space.
Even then, I mentioned SS1 as an FPS only to compare how many of the things that were praised about HL1 and 2, SS1 had already done them and, like you say, without even being a traditional FPS.
wow why did the graphics look so much better back then?
I got up to the part with the helicopter but never went back to it. I'd say I like the weapon variety more in HL1 but just about every other aspect I like HL2 better. The Episodes were great too, shame Valve ended up the way it did.
HL1 is still a great experience and much better than HL2.
I'm glad people seem to agree the weapons in HL2 suck. There was nothing but praise for them back when the game was new.
What's with the low ammo capacity? I could hold 36 .357 rounds in HL, but only 12 in HL2. Crossbow ammo cap went from 50 down to 10. Everything across the board has a lower ammo capacity.
Then there's the accuracy. The pistols always have sniper rifle accuracy regardless of what you're doing, while the SMG and AR are wildly inaccurate even if you crouch and fire a single round at a time.
The SMG is especially terrible. In addition to having the accuracy of a shotgun, it feels super weak. Even if I manage to hit a combine soldier in the head, it doesn't seem to do any more damage than a shot to the arm.
Does this game even have location-based damage?
People would defend HL2's low weapons and ammo count, as a way to force you to use your entire arsenal. It had the opposite effect though. Most people would just cycle through the Pulse Rifle and Shotgun, and maybe using the MP7 if their Pulse Rifle ran out of ammo. The pistol became completely obsolete and we never had enough ammo to really experiment and have fun with the crossbow or magnum. The game also really tried to force you into using the gravity gun many times, where it felt like they were purposely gimping other weapons so you had to use GG. Problem is they didn't really master the gravity gun until the episodes, the best example was deflecting the mines back to the helicopter, the Strider fight in the final battle, being able to strategically vanquish Hunters if you deflected a log back at them with their flechettes, and the battle with the two antlion guards.
Half Life 1 allowed you more freedom in how to engage a firefight, and gave you more than enough ammo to have fun with guns like the magnum or crossbow. It also had fun and nifty toys like the tripmines and satchels. It really is egregious how much HL2's arsenal got downgraded.
It sucks that they only had SLAM mines in HL2 Deathmatch
>The pistol became completely obsolete
The pistol is also completely wimpy. Wow. Maybe this was intentional? Have you ever played Doom? Same deal.
People have a weird ability to completely misremember how the weapons were in HL2. I really like HL2, and the only place it really falls down for me is the weapons your're given.
Simply put, they're just terribly implemented. There is no recoil, period. None. There's inaccuracy, but it's constant and unchanged by how you fire. You basically just have a bullet cone, and the different guns are just different bullet cones, and even then they're still very similar. The effective difference between using the SMG and AR2 is minute. The AR2 is actually MORE inaccurate than the SMG and so is much less useful at long ranges.
Without the Bugbait and Grav Gun, the novelty of HL2's combat would've worn off very very quickly and our general rose-tinted disposition towards it would be very different.
You don't find the alt-fire of the shotgun to be satisfying though? Or a headshot with the magnum? Agreed though, the weapons don't really have that punch.
The weapons being downgraded is the main reason I'd place HL1 over 2. I think 2 has better pacing and more variety in gameplay though.
Do you prefer to use the High Definition model pack? I prefer it myself but I like the original MP5.
I always use LD models. I think the HEV hands look ugly as fuck but the opposing force and blue shift arms look great.
Original for me. I think it just looks better than the HD pack.
Why do we all have to wear these RIDICULOUS ties?
>want to replay HL1
>the version on Steam has shit like the gluon gun graphics broken and the SMG nerfed because Valve patched it after 15 fucking years for no reason
I like how they removed renderers instead of adding them in an update.
>System Shock 1 had already done everything better (and so much more) years before.
Why would they nerf the SMG? It was already useless as it was. It had a wider spread than the 9mm and did half the damage per bullet. You always used the shotty for close range anyway.
Because they're fucking retards.
Shit, I never knew it was that bad. Is there any way to get the Steam version to play like the original?
>he doesn't remember the butthurt around steam forcing updates
>he thinks gabe the kike will ever allow his users to have options
pirate the WON edition
from what i see rpm is dictated by framerate, so maybe valve capped it at lower framerate with steam update
Who does this to an almost 20 years old game.
Also I always thought the original menus were better.
valve makes a conscious effort to patch out the fun in their games like bunnyhopping
Personally I use Rot-Life. It provides a balance between fresh, new visuals, and the classic viewmodels we all love.
Shotgun's good. Magnum's the best of the remaining weapons but that's still not saying much. Headshot damage in HL2 is just 2x which feels really inadequate.
HL1 weapons to me were just perfect. Bunnyhopping around with the shotgun, circle-strafing with the glock alt-fire, The Gluon gun and Vacuum canon.
My favorite thing in the entirety of the HL series was the teleportation alt-fire you had in Opposing force. All the fucking awesome cubby holes you could teleport to with unique bits of dialogue from stray NPCs