Have you played your switch in public yet?

Have you played your switch in public yet?


I've been thinking of meeting up with some friends to play Fifa on it when it's released. Besides that never bringing it in public.

I brought mine downtown to school today but I didn't even take it out in the library or on the bus because I didn't want to look like an autist. I don't think I'll be bringing it anywhere anytime soon. I am truly ashamed.

Have you played your switch ------ yet?


why not? What are you waiting for?

the thing was a brick

Nope. Friend of mine brought his to a party though, and we all played 1 2 switch for an hour and got bored, then he stuffed away in his bag.

I don't have one but some fat probably on benifits indian guy was sitting down in the mall and playing zelda on it.

I don't even play my 3DS in public, unless I'm with other players. Other times, I just browse the internet like everyone else.

for it to work


I'm afraid people will take pictures of me

I just love to bully nintendogs but now i feel really bad, this is really sad now


Im waiting for my screen protector to get here

no, and i wont
Its to big to carry it around.
If I want to play in the metro or something like that I have a psvita or a DS

>*boing boing*
>*battery dies*

I fucking saw some chads playing one out at a fucking bar and they were enjoying it! What the fuck Sup Forums I thought you were supposed to be shammed for it?! These chads were fit and had GFs and still got to enjoy it in public ITS NOT FAIR

I'm waiting at the hospital doing it
Deal with it

No. Because I'm not 12, I prefer my smartphone. It has more than one game and doesn't die after two hours of heavy use.

don't worry dude just 7 more weeks at most

Yeah, in fact, I am doing it right now!

*bing bing* wahoo!

Ive played it at a party if that counts, we played 1 2 Switch and Bomberman. One of the guys there who hasnt bought a Nintendo system since the N64 plans plans to buy one after giving it a go.

Just brought mine to class. I hate statistics.

>then he stuffed away in his bag.

>Bringing toys out in public
>Playing with toys in public

>proud phone gamer

Only an autistic neckbeard would play vidya in public

Feels good not being a console peasant

Le dank angry birds phone mature gamer maymay

took it out to a bonfire last weekend. we all had fun playing 1,2 switch but maybe for like an hour.
then we all just kinda forgot about it.

>I prefer my smartphone

>giving a shit what other people think of you
your all a bunch of faggots

bitch i take my psp wherever i go

>phone gamer

no because i can't find a case to buy that's in stock near me

>I prefer my smartphone

That sounds great. Good to see that people are interested in switching over and getting the console.

There are so many things You got wrong. I don't know what to say.

Im surprised there isnt a cuck version of that image.

Yeah, people are trying to buy it from me.

Pretty damn sad when a mobile phone offers more than the shitty fucking Switch in terms of video games.

>playing video games in public
do people actually do this?

at least it autosaves when it dies.

I don't even go outside, if I did why would I take games with me?

>then he stuffed away in his bag
What kinda bag we talking about here user? Like a fagbag?

>I prefer my smartphone
Hi, would you mind kys? Thanks.