What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Planning on get it by freeshop, what I'm in for

Pretty good game. You might drop it after chapter 4.

I heard that before, it gets too repetitive?

I'm not in second game that's why.

in a pathetic way

Nothing at all
Still need to play the sequel though

It's not as bad as people say it is. But it's not good. It does do some interesting stuff with some optional bossfights.

Never even considered buying it

Bland characters aside from Ringabell and even he was pretty one-note for a while. the whole "bad guys were the good guys all along" thing was handled kinda boringly. You never see the Fire or Earth vestals at all. There was a lot of unreached potential in the repeating wordlines. You have to be deliberately retarded to get the true ending. You could argue the cast did this intentionally but the characters act surprised. The 4th wall breaking at the end is the stupidest shit I've ever seen in videogames.

Endgame party customization was god tier though, I enjoyed that a lot. Job system was good despite being a good bit too grindy.

Someone tell me what jobs i should be leveling up please

Only the first game had a good story. Shame about the repetition though.

Can you be my wife? (male)

All of them.

Literally impossible without Spirit Master

None of them.

Some of them

Just choose yourself. Some combos were good, I remember I had Pirate/Swordmaster, And a Dark Knight with that dagger that absorbed health or something. And a Knight/Paladin with dual shields for tanking. Think Agnes was an Alchemist/White Mage. But you can grind job points in the last area.
I really don't remember the names of stuff

This 2bh

I love the jobs system / combinations and their implementation, many areas are really beautifully designed, nice and varied subplots, solid gameplay with the brave/default idea realized well

story is shit, characters are shit, dungeons are drab and often nearly identical, the time loop nonsense is indefensible and spoils much of the experience in retrospect.

You apparently can cheese it with the toxic mega elixers and some other combo of skills, but yeah, there isn't a lot of options other than those two.

Ranger/Spell Fencer was OP as shit. Then again Anything/Spell Fencer was strong.

Only if you're obsessive completionist. Otherwise the repeats show neat optional what-ifs about characters that you enjoyed in standard storyline and gives sometimes nice bossfights.

Jobs take way too long to max out in Second.

>tfw knight/swordmaster sounded cool as shit on paper, protecting bitches and countering
>have to default 3 times to cover the whole party
>and no way to draw aggro or tank magic for people iirc
i really wanted the combo to work too

Buyfags get censorship, pirates get uncensoring mods

Rly makes u think