What the FUCK just happened?
What the fuck
You did it op, you're a slug.
You're a baby god who gets to molest the Doll for years until you gain enough strength to basically cause everything you went through before now. I.E. Driving motherfuckers insane, weird space magic, creating a pocket dimension or just inheriting the dream, looking super cool, and mutating some fuckers.
grant us eyes
>yfw the Good Hunter will be the final boss in BB 2
no seriously but why am I a squid
You became a fat monster dick and guess where she is going to put it?
>bloodborne 2
please no
In a carriage to make it comfortable?
>ywn make a group of plip plops and listen to them babble incoherently about the sea and the cosmos all day
>good hunter is being cradled by the Doll as an infant great one
>she rocks it to sleep, and soon it is snoring
>Good Hunter dreams of clearing the chalice dungeons and doing NG+
>it's actually happening
you are a god being raised by the doll
Am I the only person that noticed that, every time you get this ending, the number of winter lanterns in all my future games increases by one?
how was I supposed to know that?
Also what the fuck was up with this guy who kept running away from me and then one shot me with some kind of laser explosion? what kind of bossfight is that? shit was fucking irritating, his stupid dialogue kept blocking me from picking up items, it didn't even make sense
You got mad insight from eating alien umbilical cords which let you kill a Great One, now you're a Great One. You've gained so much insight into how the world functions that you've realised you actually understand nothing and it's like being born all over again, hence the 'reversion' to infancy, but with the assurance that once you grow up again you'll be a being who can comprehend the secrets of the universe and basically a god like the other Great Ones. Also the first and only human to ever transcend reality, which is meant to give hope for humanity but also doubt since you're no longer human and can't relate to them anymore so the whole thing might just repeat itself unless you're a nurturing understanding god to humanity and don't try and rush them or fuck them like the other Great Ones.
>amazon shipped my PS4
>but not bloodborne
I didn't notice that. I did notice that if you let Gehrman execute you at the end then there's a new gravestone added to the Hunter's Dream in all subsequent playthroughs and sometimes the doll mentions that it belongs to a hunter she knew a long time ago and that she wonders where they are now or something along those lines.
he's lying to you
What? You expected a happy end after NTRing a cute spider and killing a baby or three?
If you play the music box you get from Gascoigne's daughter during that weird 10 second delay between killing the Wet Nurse and NIGHTMARE SLAIN popping up where you hear Mergo's crying slowly fade out, the crying is instead replaced by laughter as you send them off in joy rather than fear. Pretty fucked up but also oddly sweet.
>not just grabbing it off the shelf in the nearest store
They have 2nd hand complete editions for like $15 where I live.
I don't believe you
You mean Kos? Or, as some call him, Kosm?
Why did the good hunter turn all the people into loli squids wearing spats?
Youre a great one now
Git gud
people who say Kosm lack eyes
>going outside
I've always wanted to see art of the mature Good Hunter's form for every type of build.
>BB 2
user pls
>Can't even see all my eyes on the inside
Haha, go suck some more brain fluid faggot.
We cannot understand the motives of Great Ones. They think on levels we cannot begin to comprehend and have no way of even visualising. All we can do is accept it and play along.
>the Great Ones of the Nightmare are sympathetic in spirit, and often answer when called upon
someone must have asked for it
i want but also do not want
She's holding a gun in the thumbnail
I dont think the blood prostitute called upon them
>"Every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate, and Oedon, the formless Great One, is no different. To think, it was corrupted blood that began this eldritch liaison."
your lips say no but your hemoglobin says yes
Its Kos
Probably that old hag Annalise. Oedon won't give her the dicking she wants and he goes for that younger whore Arianna instead so she asks the Good Hunter to make her into a younger hotter squid. It didn't turn out how she expected.
Your the dolls new sex toy
>tfw your baby is LITERALLY driving you mad
the doll isn't even programmed to feel such urges
honestly if From plays their cards well
with a new character story arc continuing on and eventually reaching this point where you fight the mature good hunter
that... would...be... fucking... epic
(if done right)
>can you feel you curiously the sea churns? like a storm, but like the rain, only gentle, like dripping water... it bellows, from deeep inside of me... here it comes, up through my insides! but gently, like little droplets...
what did it mean by this?
>every great one loses its child
Then why is Orphan alive?
but user, it isn't alive, it's dead IRL with it's consciousness being sustained in the Nightmare like Micolash, Gehrman, Maria, and Mergo
>tfw you're based on the cutest purest maiden in the city
>Oedon is a formless presence
is all of bloodborne's world just dreams within dreams?
what does it feel like to have the frenzy meter start building?
Like pressing on your eyeballs really hard.
>the Hunter tries to "help" humanity just like all the Great Ones before did
oh god everyone is fucked, aren't they?
it wasnt released on pc
This could possibly work if the game took place in a completely different city far far away.
dude cycles lmao
youre an ascended squid human/ fight ascended squid humans or try to kill Odeon in a meta dream
as much as i want it dlc would be better imo
You're a squib and doll will take good care of you
>from Yharnam
wew lad
Why didn't oedon knock maria up?
He was already pretty autistic as a human.
hello is this the line to bully maria?
too stupid, too nasty, too smelly
Because Maria was a slut
you know it
Is this post meant to be ironic?
Maria pls go
you're a smelly little vileblood and your pants need to be changed.
If you think that a normal Great One helping is bad, just think about the Good Hunter's mental state after seeing everything.
The Great Ones didn't have a nice doll to look after them.
Mergo had the creepy wet nurse and a ghost pthumerian queen and neither of them could speak. No wonder he got all fucked up.
I'm sure Doll will make a great mom.
But why?
This is the only way I think a sequel could work, having the night of the hunt occurring at different cities, at the same time, all over the world or country. Then it all ties together at the end, with the sequel going a little further in story
The Doll is a Great One, right?
Sluttier than the whore? Holy shit maria was wrong with you
Because Doll is nice and good-hearted.
no she's a doll.
If you use Make Contact while Micolash is casting A Call from Beyond he does a backflip into the cosmos and disappear
They really hid all sorts of secrets in this game
You have to eat baby Great One umbilical cords to get this ending, of course you turn into a baby Great One yourself.
>bleeds paleblood
1. Burial Blade
2. Saif
3. Chikage
4. Boom Hammer
5. Beast Cutter
6. Whirligig Saw
7. Evelyn
8. Threaded Cane
9. Bowblade
10. Amy Arm
11. Saw Cleaver
12. Reiterpallasch
13. Saw Spear
14. Cannon
9001. Rifle Spear
900001. Tonitrus
9000000000001. Saw Spear
90000000000000000000001. Logarius Wheel
9001^100. Blades of Mercy
>saw spear twice
what did he mean by this
>BB ends and you become a tentacle monster
>BB 2 is a Hgame where you seed human sluts with your sticky, thick insight