9 years old today

9 years old today.

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Pm loader is that old eh

>it's been 9 years and still no King K. Rool, Ridley, or Isaac

Nothing will top that Sonic reveal

That's crazy
I've put easily 30,000 hours in that game
>Playing every night in undergrad

No but seriously what the fuck how

I miss Japan time

I remember I was in middle school during Japan Time and none of my friends would stay up for it, so I would always come to school and report everything to them

Never forget October 10 2007

>Sup Forums's most hyped game of all time turned out to be complete shit


This is the most hyped game of all time, right?
I can't think of anything that topped it. Not even FFVII:R or Sm4sh.

Better then melee, completely serious

i remember me and my best friend both racing to gamestop to get this piece of shit. good times

it all star with brawl.
every crossover has it fucking soul impregnated all over the place nowadays, even fucking MvsC3 had its stupid memes, dissidia, racing games etc

it wasnt really about the game, but the whole movement it started, the pinacle of gaming, the wish we all had... a game that had the main vidya icons finally together, for some reason.


videogames are fucking dead.

I hate this game so much, but I played the shit out of it in high school. My life was so much better when it came out that I didn't even care how much of a disappointment it was. Snake and the soundtrack were awesome.

>You will never wake up at 3 am just to watch the Dojo reveal stickers again.

>Sup Forums goes on to hype up smash 4 and is disappointed again

>in 3 years it could start posting on Sup Forums


>Brawl is bad
This meme needs to die.

Just because it wasn't fast as Melee and it had tripping in it doesn't make it bad. It was filled to the brim with shit to do. You could sink days and weeks into it, and still have stuff to do. Not to mention all of the fucking awesome newcomers. Everyone shat bricks when Snake was shown, and shat even more bricks when Sonic was shown off. Not to mention Wario, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Diddy Kong, Red, and Zero Suit Samus. With the Dojo and Japan Time, the hype was great, and even though it might've not paid off, it was still a damn fantastic game.

Compare it to the piece of shit that is Smash 4, with its complete lack of content and its shit newcomers. The only newcomer worth a damn was Mega Man, and by the time the game came out, no one really gave a shit anymore.

Best game in the series

Didn't mean to respond but still

I remember my brother telling me everything I was seeing was probably fake. Everything on the internet was fake back then.

feels bad man

Probably wanted Japan time back more than Sm4sh really

That's the kind of magical event people die trying to emulate

>Just because it wasn't fast as Melee and it had tripping in it doesn't make it bad

Yes it does. All the cool new characters don't matter when the base gameplay is shit.

Looking back I kind of wish Snake and Sonic weren't in the game. I like those two franchises, don't get me wrong. But because of them being in brawl now every fighting game is expected to have a guest character. Inb4

>fighting game

That's not the point. Can't even focus on shit in the game, franchise, etc itself. Most focus on outside shit that people expect to be in. It's kind of tiring.

my fondest memory is creating a stage that was nothing but springs with gaps in between and calling it SPRING LAND and the music was Waluigi Pinball and my friends and I would play "Dunkey Kong" where we'd go to that stage and the only attack allowed was Forward-Air


played Brawl with my bros for about 400 hours

good times

Lucas main until I die

We made a stage called "deepest pussy" and it was basically just a big square and a couple platforms. made it in such a way that it's hard to get KO'd outside of the box.

high items. stoned out of our minds. pure shenanigans.

>you will never relive 2007 and 2008 with brawl, halo 3 and the burning crusade and original 2007 runescape

honestly why live