This is Mercy. She's your new dedicated healer. Say something nice to her!

This is Mercy. She's your new dedicated healer. Say something nice to her!

She looks good in diapers

I ship her with Roadhog.
Fight me.

not enough art

Dedicated comfort officer for Overwatch agents

can I see your dick please miss ziegler

video games

She has a very nice gun.


made for sex

i am a girl and i mained Mercy to masters.
ask me anything.

How big is your dick?

No overheal, No go

Can you heal muh feels?

How much of a slut did you have to be to get carried that far, will you post nudes here

swap to a good healer pls

Please switch to Lucio, Zenyatta, or Ana, please.

What's it like knowing you'll never be below 200lbs?

pretty slutty but it was worth it i admit.

>consistently get 40+% healing and double digit rez as mercy
>rarely get more than 4 commendations
Fuck you people

>tfw die defending as mercy and entire team falls apart

Uh, that isn't Ana

I can only be healed if she sits on my face.

they're literally married so

>stop gluing yourself to roadhog's ass and heal the other teammates, fucknuts.

seriously, the only time I focus heal hog is if I SEE he's in a tight spot, otherwise let him charge his ult and do your damn job. healing is one of the most braindead jobs in this game and people STILL manage to fuck it up.

Stupid kunt bollocks!

>not ana

healing is one of the most braindead jobs in this game and people STILL manage to fuck it up.

>Be me
>playing WoW as healer
>Keep people alive but just barely
>Make them beg and plead for healing
>Let them survive raids with only the tinniest sliver of health
>Gently reminds them that they're nothing without me

She was going to be real nice till Ana mains cried and got her grenade nerf reversed.


I wish you were real.


>has no children

Fucking idiots come up with stupid ass terms and then they cant even use them right.

>Mercy has her magical nanomachines
>Mei was frozen
>Tracer is displaced in time
>Ana is old

Is the power of boners the only thing keeping widowmaker youthful?


I really like that video where she futa fucks a futa D.Va while she plays video games.


Well, you play WoW in current day.
Healing use to be very difficult, you casual sack of shit.

>Blizzard's new demographic

i need healing

kill yourself

>bionade nerf reverted on PTR

>mercy forever outclassed as a healer

Not enough Mercy here.

Tfw a mercy pockets my hog



I want to marry Mercy and have lots of kids.

Stupid riced whore.

>"we don't want to sway a characters postion too much with one patch"
>turn Dva into a wet paper bag
>retool Bastion into a T-1000
honestly I'd rather them just say fuck it and and randomly make the least played hero absurdly OP to keep the meta fresh
less than 1% of the playerbase plays for any serious gain so why not have some fun

Mercy is post-menopausal.

>be me
>have a shitty mic and troll people with a pretty decent "girl" voice
>main mercy
>I'm starting to get into healslut shit now
feels weird, guys

Is it wrong that I want to ejaculate multiple times inside each of her holes?
And then after cleaning up I want to go marry her

>blizz says they don't want to nerf a hero too much in a single patch
>as if healing and dps are the same thing

that's like saying hogs hook is still bullshit so were nerfing his self heal

Pls heal me

I want to bite your face.

>ask for healing
>get nothing
and now i'm fucking dead, goddamn healers can't do their job

I'm fucking sorry, okay?


because while you and lucio are being the team's communal buttplug, other healers are actually getting kills

>mfw hearing the clacks of her heels

>still haven't gotten revived

Shut your FILTHY mouth

This thread sucks!

Mercy is a chubby mommy!

Now the fat fetishists are here.
Time to abandon the thread


One of these days, I'll main Mercy.


mercy should be male

Wait, are the ana nerfs not going through?

Ana ruined the game and she deserves to be gutted and useless.

delete this shit now

>tfw you're healing the ever loving shit out of your team. Clutch saves left and right.
>Your team only manages to kill an enemy team member three times the whole match.

DPS do you god damn jobs!


This pic makes me wish I knew a Mercy.

There are no gud options, why would I take this?

wow, almost all of these are pure shit

switch to lucio or i feed

Fuck off white devil me and Anna run this shit. Zen is cool too. Reminder never to let autistic characters be your support.

Spin it.


>waifu roulette
this shit is a minefield

She still gets a a reduction in shot damage but her biogrenade nerfs went away.

Mercy is a good healer. I have 30 hours played on that ho.

She's still the most fun and her rez pisses people off like nothing else.

My dick is hard for you m'lady ;)

I only use Zen because I cannot trust anyone to deal damage and protect me so I do it myself.

What absolutely boggles my fucking mind is when I get a gold healing medal when I have another healer on my team. And no, it's not like I had one clutch ult during a massive enemy attack that boosted my score a shitload, I'll get it just from throwing the orb of harmony around. Like what the fuck are they doing?


Here I go

Not. At. All.

Post feminine penis pls

You should have realized by now that 95-99% of players in any game are incompetent retards

If the other healer is a Lucio then that's not that surprising.


You and your robot japanese boyfriend are so cute together!


Only three?

If I get 74 I'm going to chop off my balls

I haven't fapped once, send help.

This guy is better healing than her. Period.

dangerously close but I'll take it!

I know but he isn't fuckable

that pic is adorbz