Casual filters

Casual filters.

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>Junkie simulator

Just started playing this today. What are the best mods for this?

The healing animations in this game were fucking gnarly

I've been wanting to play this game for years because of the setting but then i remember it's Ubisoft and that i have hated every Far Cry game i played besides Blood Dragon.

>Fire mechanic had to be retooled because in it's original state the entire fucking map was burned down by a single fire

Farcry 2 was a fucking snoozefest. After the first 3-5 hours or so, it's the same fucking thing over and over. Go from A to B, do this in between, refill your pills, clear this area that will be re-occupied once you leave the area.

Not to mention the game was so fucking brown

>Get to enemy outpost
>Kill them all
>Turn around
>They respawn
was this shit ever fixed?

I want to see this game remade in VR with some jungle animals thrown in. Jackal's still my favorite Far Cry antagonist.

>the patient zero of the open world sandbox meme
shit game.

it wasn't really a bug, the map is split up into different cells and as soon as you leave a cell the game forgets what you did there to save ram.

Literally nothing wrong with open world sandbox games if it's done right.

>>Turn around
>>They respawn

It wasn't that bad. You actually had to travel a decent distance before they would respawn.

I wonder why it is that so many people never figured out it's actually possible to go around the outposts, you don't have to fight your way through every time. The only thing that really was a nuisance in the game was the way vehicles worked, i.e. it's impossible to outrun someone, their vehicle always has a higher top speed than yours.

Far Cry is definitely not the first bad open world game.

>see assault truck coming down the road
>switch to gunner seat
>shoot them both before the shitty ai can swing around to aim
pshh... nothin personell, UFLL

How the mighty have fallen. What is Ubisoft's hate boner for Tom Clancy franchises? The big three all got ass-fucked so hard.

I didn't say it was hard, I said it was a nuisance. Having to sneak around outposts makes sense and is actual gameplay, it being impossible to win a car chase simply because the AI cheats makes no sense and is anti-gameplay.

Although it does start to become hard when instant death grenade launchers turn up in the second map. Your vehicle HAS to have one of those or you're fucked.

true enough

>be 10
>get special character
>he's dead on the next mission
this game surely liked to fuck me in the ass back then

it was pretty funny seeing every single one of your buddy's little get rich quick schemes invariably go south and you having to go waste a syringe on them after they're shot down.

I loved it, though. I think it was actually the first game I ever played that had 'permadeath' as a serious mechanic. Ghost Recon got me hooked on the real-time squad-tactical genre. Breaks my heart to see the genre 110% dead now, with Ubisoft pissing on the grave. Closest we get now is weird 2D top-down indie shit that looks like it was designed for phones and is only 'technically' real-time because of the emphasis on pausing, and turn-based XCOM knock offs.

I just want another game like old Ghost Recon, full spectrum warrior, brothers in arms, or even old Rainbow Six before it turned into another generic multiplayer dude-bro shooter.

blame the market. nobody buys squad-tactical games anymore.

Was there ever really an example of them doing badly, though?

It's not like there were many made, or any real 'flops'. Companies just go for the low hanging fruit and the path of least resistance with casual-bait. I'm pretty sure if you made a game like brothers in arms or old-school Ghost Recon today, it would sell a fuck-load of copies, if nothing else because it would be something 'different'. Even casuals would buy it for their 'muh authentic operator!' roleplaying.

If there were no interest in these kinds of games, shit like Squad and ArmA wouldn't sell so well. There's clearly a significant market; Just no competent devs willing to try.

I think the only outright 'failure' I've ever heard of for the genre has been Task Force Red Sabre; And that was because it barely even met the minimum requirements of being a functional piece of software, let alone a video game.

>If there were no interest in these kinds of games, shit like Squad and ArmA wouldn't sell so well.

They don't, relatively speaking. You are talking about games that don't even break a million sales as if they are blockbusters.

Tactical shooters are a very niche product, the vast majority of people would rather play Battlefield or Call of Duty. Don't expect major publishers to be dumping $50 million into making them.


ArmA 3 sold over 3 million copies. That's not 'CoD numbers', but if a company thinks everything they sell has to hit CoD numbers, they're fucking retarded.

Squad-tactical is a genre that would be piss easy to make money in; There's literally no fucking competition. All you have to do is not be a lazy asshole and you'd print more money than you invested in just from bringing something 'unique' in a sea of games trying to ripoff the flavor of the time period, or the companies churning out endless sequels.

It's like movies. People think they make the most money by just copying whoever hit it big for a few years, when inevitably, someone does something new and ends up the 'top dog' BECAUSE they took a risk by filling in a market demand that few, if anyone, was answering.

AAA devs simply aren't innovators. They play it safe and wait to rip off whoever DOES innovate. It has nothing to do with 'complexity'. MOBAs, for instance, make billions.

Are you saying mobas are complex?

You'd have to be pretty damn contrarian to suggest they aren't in comparison to most games when there is absolutely a steep learning curve, both in controls and mechanics, for pretty much anyone that wasn't already playing RTS games for years prior.

Got every rough diamond in this game. Got reeaaal sick of stopping my vehicle to shoot the fuckers behind me every 30 seconds.

lmao, opinion fucking discarded.

Nice attempt to derail thread, retard.

You would get shot by enemy beaners beyond the fucking view of distance in the original GR, I remember it in Island Thunder expansion.

mobas being at all complex is the bait opinion though. it's 4 keys and mouse input on 1 (one) map with absolutely no variation.

Easily my favorite Far Cry game.

This is a dumb question, but are any of those healing animations realistic? As in, if a bone is dislocated, can you really just pop it back into place and have full function again?

Depends on the bone and if there's any nerve or muscle damage. As for all the bullets, it's actually safer to leave those in to prevent further bleeding.

Dislocated? Yes, assuming you don't fuck the joint up putting it back in.
You might have some internal bleeding depending on how bad it was, though.
Most of the other stuff is complete bullshit, though.

I have a complete hard-on for war-torn Africa related shit. How come there aren't more gritty games in that setting? Think Lord Of War, Blood Diamond, Beast of No Nation, etc.

How fucking sweet would it be if there was a game where you played as an African warlord and had to build your army, massacre rival villages, kidnap the children and turn them into soldiers, etc?

That sounds pretty horrific tbqhwy.

My uncle once had to pop his wrist back into place and it kind of worked, it still needed medical attention but depending on the wound and if you know what you are doing it can be different

It's one of the last games before Ubisoft got firmly entrenched in their formula. It's got some neat ideas but it's deeply flawed. It's basically a non-casualised FC3 except there's no memorable moments.

FC2 was great at giving you a sense of despair. I remember feeling like I was fucked for the entire playthrough.


I've never had this happen. In fact, long range fighting heavily favors the ghosts. AI have a limited engagement distance; You can shoot as far as you can see. You got popped from someone you didn't cover, user. AI engagement ranges barely reached 100 meters. Heck I've been playing the original recently for days. AI are accurate as fuck and sort of remove notions like suppressive fire as a result, but long range shooting isn't a thing for them which is why snipers were OP as fuck on open maps.

>FC2 remake with Far Cry 3/4 style outpost respawn option never

Full Spectrum Warrior was a one of a kind game

There are many similar games, but it has something to it that makes it stand out

>no memorable moments
this. the game is fun but its never THAT fun. Its like the whole thing is just a solid experience, but it never does anything to make you remember it

Nah senpai it would be dope as fuck. Take FC2 but expand the fuck out of it.

Sad how much cool shit got cut from this game.
>Allying with factions and using the flaregun to call for backup when shit got heavy.
>Wildlife that actually posed a threat to the flare
>Game was originally supposed to be pure sandbox with the only goal being to find the Jackal.

posed a threat to the player*

It didn't have the hilarious production values of Men of War?

>Just got fucked over by AFL after doing so many dirty missions for them
Killed their leader as revenge
Now doing missions for UFL, the faction I hated.
God dammit. Why did you do this to me? And do I completely lost the ability to go back to the earlier map, or can I return when I want.

>something to it that makes it stand out
Mostly the more realistic approach of not allowing players to MLG no-scope opponents. It was one of the only 'true' squad-tacticals in the sense that you HAD to win fights through positioning and team-management, and couldn't just pop people in the head through unrealistic weapons handling like you could in Ghost Recon or Brothers in Arms that trivialize how difficult it is to be accurate with a weapon while in actual combat, let alone under fire.

That gave the game a very distinct 'rawness' to it. Especially since, unlike brothers in arms, your troops could actually run out of ammo if you dicked around in firefights for too long, and taking casualties removed TWO people from your side, as one healthy member had to carry the wounded one.

The warlord thing just sounds depressing, FC2 was ok because all the horrific shit was happening to generic mercs who all sounded the same, enlisting child soldiers and slaughtering innocents would just be brutal.


IIRC you can still access the old map.

Would be pretty genuine and amazing, but literally no dev(let alone publisher) has the balls to ever try this subject matter with any sincerity.

It's still considered wildly taboo just to have civilians in war games period.

Okay. Fucking British dude keeps calling me "China". I never even wanted to work for these bastards.

It appears you posted a wrong picture.

>game about shooting people
>game gives you more people to shoot
I don't want that

You can still take missions from the APR, senpai. Once you unlock the main town you'll find their second faction HQ.

I want any game where you play as a fairly realistic guerilla army warlord or jihadist or something.

I blame C&C Generals.

>tfw this game refuses to run under windows 10

so your ideal FPS would be playing Doom on Nightmare and never leaving E1M1

>so your ideal FPS would be playing Doom on Nightmare
>never leaving E1M1
didn't say that

The closest thing we ever got was pic related.

It's such an obvious but criminally untapped setting. Everyone that loosely tries it just shits the bed and goes 'hurr durr one man army' like Far Cry(Especially 3 and 4) or TPP does.

Have you tried x64 patch?

Fuck you, I was about to post that too.

Casual filter as in people that like it are casuals? If so I agree

It's totally different than FC3/4/P. It's personally one of my favorite shooters, especially once you get to the second "realm" due to everything being accessible via boats. It's rare a game makes me feel like I'm in the setting they intend it to take place in, and this one definitely feels as close to Africa as a video game can.

Fucking god dammit, but boats always carried an inherent risk. Enemies were always coasting around on patrol in their own boats. I feared the river.

Bruh, you had to get your Apocalypse Now face paint on and blast past them. Honestly, I hated the roads more since you'd run into checkpoints every quarter mile. On the rivers you could usually run through and then repair.

>FF never got a sequel
>But utter dogshit like Homefront did


But user, that's when I'd pull out my dragunov and maliciously slaughter the base one by one, until the last paranoid survivor kept yelling about how they must be surrounded by an entire squad. He'd then try and pick up his wounded buddy, and I'd go for the kill. Boats are different. Not much room to stealthily kill your enemy on a boat.

>ywn play a warlord-sim with mgsv-tier base building

That sounds cool if you put it like that but in actuality it's more like "Jesus christ I was here ten fucking minutes ago I just want to drive to the objective in peace for once". Then you get run over.

I guess Jagged Alliance sort of counts?

This shit is unplayable without Dylan's Mod.

>That's not 'CoD numbers', but if a company thinks everything they sell has to hit CoD numbers, they're fucking retarded.
Welcome to the modern vidya industry.
Everyone and their mother expects to sell CoD numbers.

That's why you had to grab a boat with a mk19 on it to level the outpost. One of the best moments was getting a line of IED's and blowing away a weapons convoy.

git gud

>Team-members carry wounded.
>Team-members run out of ammo
Fuck I never even heard of this game until just now.
Brb pirating.

>Here ten minutes ago and just want to drive
There's almost always a work around to that. Driving through the checkpoints is valid from my experience. The enemy doesn't always rubber band to your location. You can outrun them if you go offroad and do some fancy driving.
IED's were God's gift to a stealthy sniper. Just place one on the road and you'r good to go. Just wish you could lay down more than one IED at once.

No shit but the point is that it's tiresome having to deal with four checkpoints in between every objective. The lack of fast travel compounds this, it wouldn't be an issue but the world is fucking ugly and completely static outside of jeep patrols and checkpoints.

>Driving through the checkpoints is valid from my experience.
I tried it a couple of times on max difficulty and it ended up badly. Plus, you run into random jeep patrols if you use roads.

>tfw you make a bro in Far Cry 2
>go to an outpost to help him
>he's wounded and there are multiple enemies surounding him
>slaughter the guards and rush to save your buddy
>pump him with medicine
>he's gone
The multiplayer was pretty fucking great on PS3. I played the shit out of custom maps people made.

The first game has a bit of trouble running, be warned, you may have to do some troubleshooting for certain missions. The 2nd one supposedly runs fine, though personally I enjoy the first one more for character reasons as the characters in 2 are a bit more cheesy.

>take out a gun to mercy kill him
>"faster than morphine"
I don't give a shit about the flak this game gets nowadays, it had some good atmosphere back before the kiddos that only played Far Cry 3 came along

>FF sequel became Kane and Lynch

If Far Cry 2 was remastered and this shit was fixed by the outpost mechanic from newer FC games, would Sup Forums buy it?

I sure as hell fucking would. I loved the jungle and the gun jam mechanics. And this game had the most realistic exhaustion from sprinting I've ever seen.


It was always ragged on for jamming weapons, eagle eye enemies, and checkpoint shit.

>wow this game is amaz...
>le mutants XD

Siege sold over 10 million buddy

Are kane and lynch games even remotely similar to freedom fighters?

But other user just said there is no fauna that can harm you.

That just seems really fucking dumb for this setting. Even RE5 has Hyenas running around

There's so many of those animations it's insane. FC3/4 has like 3 animations tops.

>tfw when you reach the mid-game climax
>both factions betray you and send armies to kill both the priest in the village and all your bros in the lake bar
>lol fuck you father, go defend your bros
>everyone in the bar prepares for the surrounding forces
>a hail of gunfire tears through the boarded windows
>your bros go down one by one as you lob grenades and shoot KANGZ left and right to no avail
>you go down too, and your dying body is thrown onto a truck of corpses with all your other dead friends to be dumped in the middle of the sahara

>Except they're not actually dead, and they all betray you in the end for some shitty diamonds

war is hell