Can we take a moment to appreciate that Nintendo is the first to get not only the open world formula right...

Can we take a moment to appreciate that Nintendo is the first to get not only the open world formula right, but also durability? Any other game you just pay a small inconsequential fee to repair your weapons, but in BotW durability actually matters, on top of being balanced due to all the weapons you drown in from wiping one camp of bokoblins and lizalfos.

>b-b-but I can't main the weapons I like
>b-b-b-but muh weaponfu

McFucking kill you'reselves you retarded soulsdrones. If your game has durability and it costs pebbles to repair a weapon, it should never have had durability in the first place

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So the Master Sword can break and can't be repaired? This game sounds stupider and stupider the more I hear about it.

The Master Sword repairs itself. It doesnt lose durability when fighting those affected by blight or ganon though, but against regular enemies it will.

Dead rising 1 got weapon durability right ages ago and I am sure there was probably a game before DR1 that did it right as well.

One Way Heroics has a good durability system.

Open world has already been done right many times. Nintendo just managed to make it fresh which seemed unlikely and is impressive.

Need more webms.

Not on the action adventure genre.

BOTW is undeniably good, but it's greatness and innovation are way overstated. Most of the features and "innovations" can be split into BASIC and WHY EVEN.


When done right they become enjoyable that's why it's so well received.

The features being basic is what makes them good though, because they all compliment eachother.

>liking a weapon and wanting to use it is cancer
>being an autistic femboy gathering ten thousand weapons and getting six swings out of each one isn't

>Can we take a moment to appreciate that Nintendo is the first to get not only the open world formula right,
>but also durability
Fuck no

A weapon is a tool. Its not your friend.

I'm allowed to own and use one screwdriver that fits the same screw. I don't have to use six of the same sized flathead screwdrivers to do one job.

Your analogy is shit.

>tfw bashing bronies is gay as shit because of barney fag

>real life isnt like a video game


>but also durability
>when the weapons are as fragile as glass
Good joke.

maybe stop using tree branches and bring out that royal claymore you found on the tower for a change ;)

Durability is a cancerous design choice that needs to die.

It does nothing to benefit the player's experience. It's little more than tedium and a nuisance.

Here's what happens with durability
>collecting trash weapons that clog your inventory
>having to inventory manage every time something slightly better shows up
>"too good to use" syndrome with WEAPONS
>having to menu mid-combat because your weapon shattered into a million pieces

Sounds more like the player has autism
>hehe i got a new weapon
>I WONT use it

Or, learn to use the weapons you like instead of getting attached to them and if you really can't live with using a Dragonbone Mace over your fireblade, spend 10 minutes putting in some effort to farm a couple spares. The game rewards effort as good games should bro.

Durability has already been done better a long time ago.

>every weapon in the game breaks
>oh no the master sword has broken
>how awful
They do realise this takes away from its emotional impact?

>learn to use the weapons you like
But I can't because they break and then I'm forced to use something else

>spend 10 minutes putting in some effort to farm

That's not a good thing. "Well, you could just waste your fucking time to get a better experience!"

Fuck that. Is that fun to you? Is that the way a game becomes enjoyable?

Nah. I've always liked Sword & Board in games but now I've learned to like the big 2h's , the various spears, the bow especially, some cool boomerangs but I always keep a core of weapons I really like, such as lightning blades & elemental rods for utility. It's a very fun system, just need to step out of your comfort zone initially & put some effort in for the reward. Would you rather the game be more hand holdy?

durability is the BotW equivalent of ammo

it's legend of far cry and you're picking up swords instead of bullets and rockets

there's even towers you have to climb for fuck's sake

>ammo is a durability mechanic

Oh shit nigger, looks like every FPS sucks now

>more hand holdy?
By... allowing me to equip myself as I see fit? That's "hand-holdy?"

What about a permanent weapons system stops you from enjoying a diverse set of arms?

What BENEFIT is there to a system that robs you of your equipment? How does that make the game better, or your experience better?

>thank you for stopping that divine beast from destroying our entire civilization
>as a reward here is the legendary weapon of our chosen champion from 100 years ago
>it is completely unique and nowhere else in the game


How is this good? Or fun? Or immersive? Or fucking any positive word? Durability in this game is fucking dogshit

Forces you to either A. change it up or B. put in effort......wooooow so hard.

Durability is and never will be a fun mechanic. You faggots only like it cause "muh realism".

Holy FUCK the amount og nintendo dick-riding in this board in unbelievable. How can you suck a companies cock so much, with such religious dedication?

>Nintendo is the FIRST to get not only the open world formula right
fucking hell. This is self-evidently wrong, no further comment needed.

> but also durability?
jesus christ. Go play more games. Plently do punishing durability mechanics, even as recently as 3 months ago with Let It Die.

>have weapon that doesnt break
>never use anything but it

Its called balance you retard, also you can remake them.

its pretty fun in BotW. I like they removed it from Nioh a lot because it was pointless, thats a really good example of a studio changing things for the better

Fire emblem and Dead rising are the only two that come to mind when I think of durability systems that don't make me want to kill myself.

Sounds more and more like Far Cry 2.
Do you also get Malaria?

So you are saying to grind for the same weapon just so when the original breaks you can just use another? I played this at a friends house and fought a Minotaur and ended up going through 4 or so weapons.

Far Cry 2 was a good game though, the last good far cry even.

Lynels are tough but they offer some of the best weapons and bows in the game, its worth it.

The game punishes you for trying out the new shit you get immediately which no game should do.

It is, as soon as you get a mod that removes Malaria and weapon durability.

You balance weapons by having them excel at different things you dumbass. Fire sword for ice boss and all that.
Durability is an idiotic concept and it just makes the game less fun.

>Make paper airplane
>why is every one sucking wright brothers dick for making a plane
>paper plane has been out forever

No, it's not fun. You're deluding yourself to think it's fun. When the message pops up "yo your shit is about to break in another hit", do you think oh man that's so fun?

It's punishment for the sake of punishment. It doesn't make you try to use weapons sparingly or strategically cause weapons are literally raining from the sky. It's just annoying.

>grinding out weapon drops
Stop posting any time

Forcing you to use different weapons isn't a benefit. It's a restriction.
Again, there is NOTHING stopping you from using different weapons in a game that lets you keep them. And those games, you get to constantly do what you WANT and enjoy yourself.

The only GOOD way to do durability is the way Souls did it. Where they break, but don't disappear. And breaking significantly decreases its efficacy. It encourages a back-up weapon without punishing you for using the weapons you enjoy.
The reinforcement system and its limited high-level materials also encourages careful consideration of which weapons are best for your build and playstyle, because you can't max them all out.

If anything, BotW's durability system is the hand-holding one, as it restricts player choice. "Whoops! Sorry champ, your nice, rare weapon broke! Looks like it's time to downgrade to some shit drop lying around here."

Open-world games are about choice. The freedom of the player to do as they wish, progress as they wish, fight as they wish.

No. The whole point of the game is for you to interact with the world. Not hack and slash your way through the game. You beat enemies with their own weapons. Why is this so hard for idiots to get.

>When the message pops up "yo your shit is about to break in another hit", do you think oh man that's so fun?
I do because then I can throw it into an enemy's face and laugh when he takes double damage.

>Master Sword can break
No it loses power and can't be used

>can't be repaired

Weapon durability would probably be a non-issue if the game allowed to repaired weapons, like a Whetstone in Monster Hunter, it can also be a consumable.

> there is NOTHING stopping you from using different weapons in a game that lets you keep them
Except everyone just mains a weapon and never plays the game the way its intended completely ruining the atmosphere. Why not have link run as fast as a horse. Sure you can just get on a horse if you want. But it lets people who don't want to enjoy themselves. That kind of mindset is so retarded. Get on a fucking horse.

Awful analogy.
Paper airplanes and real airplanes have entirely different purposes.
BotW is more like the spork of open world games.

Delete this

But that makes fire swords pointless outside of ice bosses and essentially you're just playing rock paper scissors with the world. It works for FE but that shit is one of the reasons why DmC was hated.

But also that system is still in the game, Ice arrows instakill fire enemies and vice versa. I think the fire and ice weapons do too, which the durability system works in its favor since otherwise you would just be isntakilling everything in those regions without a limit and it would become boring.

this, throwing the weapons is so satsying. I only wish you could also throw shields and bows as well.

>open world has never been done ri-

If you want to just use 1 weapon then yeah put a bit of effort to get a couple of them and Lynel's are tough they way but drop the best shit. Strong weapons in this game will let you clear a couple of mob camps before each one breaks and as you kill mobs and blood moons respawn them they eventually get strong & carry better gear to make it easier. You'll be running around with 15/16 weapon slots, multiples of each and definitely more than a couple weapons you like. When you get that far in game it's hard for me at least to imagine going back to just using a Master Sword for a whole game almost, some hearts and get the Master Sword. It doesn't break it just needs to recharge after 10 mins and that's only when hitting normal mobs, the demon ones don't cause durability loss.

weapon repairs completely negate durability and is an awful mechanic.
I have never enjoyed weapon repairing in a game. Makes durability a joke and not a real mechanic but waste of time.

It's functionally a fucking ammo system you fucking retards. Every enemy drops a clip for a hypothetical gun with a dozen or so bullets. Use the easily replaceable stuff on the weaker enemies, bring out the stronger ammo for a bigger enemy with a bigger reward.



Absolutely this. Either have it like BotW or dont implement it at all.

I wouldn't say punish, if you find a great weapon ,try it out (swinging air doesn't damage it) and like it then it gives you one more thing to do in game....use other weapons or mark on the map where you go it and go back there after the next blood moon or next time you load up the console. It's good I've got about 4 favorite spots after 5 days straight.

It is fun. It's a free crit and it knocks the enemy back. You're the type of person who gets a power up and never uses it

Name a game that gives the freedom to explore and fight while being rewarded that botw has..

>Except everyone just mains a weapon and never plays the game the way its intended completely ruining the atmosphere.
Who fucking cares? "Except?" That's not an exception, you dunce. You aren't refuting anything here.

The game lets them play that way, therefore it's an intention of the design. Shocker.

Why do you fucking care? Play it your way, you asshole. Flip between all the weapons you want. You have that freedom.
Other people won't be so inclined. Big fucking deal.

Not the same.
If you run too much you don't break your legs, and you aren't then forced to get on a horse or get a new pair of legs.

>Can we take a moment to appreciate
This is Reddit crossposting. Dumb toddler kill yourself.

Durability is a waste of time regardless.

>what is fucking false equivalence
>avoiding the point this hard

It doesn't restrict your choice, you get to choose to use the weapon you want, just because it breaks didn't stop you from getting it and choosing to use it.

The best part is there are areas to get some of the best weapons in the game early on if you're game to do it early, or do the natural progression in front of you.

Also if you haven't noticed the staple weapon of the series is the Master Sword....which doesn't break and it too takes a little effort to get.

Think of it like OOT but instead of getting the first sword you get breakable varied weapons and then you pull the sword out 1/3 through the game or whatever. Its good man.

>knowing its a reddit phrase
Really stretches that noodle

Not when you are showered in weapons like BotW

Master Sword does break as shown in the OP, but it will recharge itself after a few minutes.

You completely ignored the point of the analogy and talked about a different aspect of it instead of the core point.
Probably the biggest fallacy in this entire thread.

>mechanic that completely ruins the flow of the already dull combat and robs the player of enjoyment

In BotW durability isnt a waste of time since the weapon actually breaks and you cant repair it.

wtf happened?

Running out of juice against normal monsters but not against demons is not breaking, you still have the sword and you can still swing it too.

Funny enough shitty instant durability breaks was the first thing Nioh got rid of because everyone hated it.

Literally okay when Nintendo does it,

The devs made the game for you to play and enjoy the experience they want you to have. Are you this stupid? They don't want you maining a weapon and made a game where trying to main a weapon is bad.
>why do people care if you can run as fast as a horse, if you want to ride a horse just get on one. Ill be busy running as fast as epona.
fuck off. theres this thing called design

Lightning was attracted to the guys metal boomerang so he timed a throw at the big monster and the lightning strike took it out.

Because Nioh is an ARPG, Zelda isnt. It couldve worked in the games favor if they doubled down and changed the combat a bit to cycle throiugh weapons on the fly, but nah, gotta grind for whetstones and glue

>Woah look the sword breaks and runs out of energy!! Nintendo does it again!!!
Nintendo could sell bread and fans would assume they fucking invented it.

hardly open, what-with a million loading screens. good games though. both of 'em.

The fuck are you talking about? Zelda is more of an ARPG now than ever.

>you get to choose to use the weapon you want
Until it breaks.
>just because it breaks didn't stop you from getting it and choosing to use it
But it stops me from continuing to use it.
>The best part is there are areas to get some of the best weapons in the game early on if you're game to do it early, or do the natural progression in front of you.
Welcome to open world games.
Remember getting Umbra straight out of the sewers in Oblivion?
>Its good man.
It's not.

>they don't want you maining a weapon
Why not? Are they afraid that I'll enjoy one of the weapons more than the others?

>muh horse speed
Not even close to the same thing, stop.

Yes. It is design.
Bad design.

There are literally only four types of melee weapons in the game. One handed, Two handed, Spear, and throwables (Rods and Boomerangs). Doesn't take long to master 4 weapon types.

Thehighest form of autism is still dwelling on the pony thing, I mean Undertail and Jojo fans are way worse now.
I see more pony hate fags then pony fags now days.

Let me spell it out for you then.
Having strong weapons be consumable is fine.
Having the basic shit be consumable is a horrible design choice.
That was the point I was making. The Master Sword having a cool down serves no purpose.

It certainly works as a gameplay mechanic but I can't help but feel like durability is retarded in a series about being a legendary swordsman.

I don't feel a hero playing this game. I feel like a hobo throwing sticks. I dunno man.

>Why not? Are they afraid that I'll enjoy one of the weapons more than the others?
Maybe they want you picking up and throwing weapons non stop.
>Not even close to the same thing, stop.
Its exactly the same thing. Nice way to concede by not even trying to refute. I expected nothing less.

fuck off pony lover

Either you guys hate fun, hate options, or have a slight form of stupid or are the same person

Hardly, you can increase your hearts and stamina, with the stamina has a cap after 10 upgrades, and hearts at 21 or so.

You seem really salty with the game, as if you had a really bad experience with a weapon breaking and never got over it.

>repairing weapons is fun

Repairing weapons is why everyone hates durability, because its so pointless.

>Having the basic shit be consumable is a horrible design choice.
Nigga theres a fucking shrine based around you working your way up from nothing. The basics are your runes and paragliders. The game calls you out for being a scrub and relying on anything else to play the game. The shrine is literally the devs telling you to fuck off they don't agree with your scrub mentality.

Maybe I don't want to master four weapon types
Maybe I think two of them are shitty and don't want to use them

>Its exactly the same thing.
It's not. You're comparing a system of resource management to movement mechanics.

It is possible, actually, that it's just a bad mechanic.

fuck off undertale fag

>while being rewarded that botw has..
What do you mean by this? Do you mean "while being as rewarding as botw" or "while being as acclaimed as botw"
If the first then I strongly disagree. Fighting does not feel rewarding and after a while you just want to get away from most enemies since you know their drops aren't worth wasting durability on.
As for the second then that's entirely irrelevant.

fuck off jojofag

Think about it you idiot. Weapon repairs do not make the game more fun. The add absolutely nothing to the game. The only thing they do is negate durability. Nothing more. Which basically makes durability completely pointless.

Go back to sucking dicks on tumblr

then don't put weapon durability in your games then.............

It's nice constantly switching weapons, instead of sticking with one the entire game.