They've already stopped selling their docks due to shit build quality

>They've already stopped selling their docks due to shit build quality.

supposedly they're just out of stock

Damn man yeah I think this is finally gonna be what tears nintendo apart man yeah im sure of it dude i mean how can they recover from this one ohhh man mario must be runnin outta 1ups because looks like his days are numbered i mean like so long gay bowser right lol

They stopped selling the dock because it's out of stock


How much longer till they start to do recalls or announce a hardware revision?

>something that is out of stock isn't being sold.

Why would it be out of stock? Why are people buying separate docks in the first place? I don't really get it.

>More than one TV
Also so you can bring one with you to set up on a Hotel TV

>have 2 TVs
>don't want to unplug and replug the dock every time I switch from bedroom to living room


Toddlers BTFO

>Also so you can bring one with you
Wouldn't you bring the dock which came with the Switch, with you?

>have 2 TVs
But you have one Switch? I don't get it, the dock is tiny, not something you'd buy two of in order to save time having unhook it and hook it back up in a different room.

>not something you'd buy two of in order to save time having unhook it and hook it back up in a different room.
Why the hell not?
I don't want to rummage through chords behind my TV and carry more than I need to every time I move rooms.

> Out of stock

You will eat any shit just to justify your purchase, it's amazing.

>Why the hell not?
Because it's a tiny fucking dock with a single plug into the TV.
>I don't want to rummage through chords behind my TV and carry more than I need to every time I move rooms.
That's nice and all but it's a tiny fucking dock with a single cable going to the TV, and the dock itself has to be set up out of the way of clutter in order to be able to easily reach the thing with your hands to pull the handheld out of it and put it back in.

Stop being facetious, user.

It's a convenience I can afford. I see no reason not to.

Cemu works better than this shit

Corporations love fucking idiots like you.

Fucking lol

This is really satisfying, especially after I learned about how they handle anybody uploading literally any gameplay or pictures or music or unboxings of any of their consoles, games, or handhelds on youtube (ie flagging them with copyright and denying every appeal)

Lol, greedy fucks. I hope this hurts.

And I love products that make my life easier and my expendable income.
It's a win win. Except for maybe you because you seem to have a grudge against the idea for whatever reason.

Power cords are a bitch man esspecially the power strip behind my tv. I would by another dock for that reason alone.

Or they stopped selling it and claiming it was out of stock so shills like you could damage control their chink build quality.

Remember when toddlers desperately tried to viral his PS4 videos and now his Nintendo video blew up massively.

Dumb toddlers. You reap what you sow.

>this entire thread

If anything, this just shows that the Switch has far more attention surrounding it than either PS4 or Xbone did at launch.
The PS4 Pro video has pitiful views because nobody cared about the system. It's a literal scheme, and I should know, I fucking bought one.
Meanwhile, everyone cares that the Switch has launch issues because they want one but don't want to get burned by a system that breaks on them.

Show me your PS4 Pro


Here you go, sorry for no timestamp.

Here's an idea *gasp* why don't you just play it in tablet mode when not at your main TV?

Is it just sitting on the floor?

Fuckin' half my house is being renovated right now, and the TV stand in the room I'm currently staying in is tiny and covered in bullshit cable boxes.

who's the girl in your pic OP just curious

No timestamp means shit.

Bravely Second.

sick mad dog rhymes, my G

no recalls, but a new New! Switch Plus will be announced by the end of this year

>kuso, some video with maybe 10 or so examples of faulty hardware out of countless switches sold got 6 million views solely because of self-advertisement an anonymous imageboard, what should we do, kimishima?
>announce a recall and completely destroy our PR, obviousru

This is what MS shills said about RROD aswell. This shit will blow up. Switch was not designed to last. It was always a placeholder for the inevitable revision.

>get nvidia as partner they said, it will be fine their said

they would've made better console on ARMs even if they had to glue 5 of them together

I reckon the leftover stock of Nvidia Shield is what made Nvidia a lucrative choice.