What did you make your home screen, Sup Forums?
What did you make your home screen, Sup Forums?
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Can i put my own pic on there or am i limited in some faggy way?
Only screenshots you've taken using the PS4 (Though you can use its own browser). They're still somewhat paranoid about USBs due to what happened with the PS3.
>only demo version of GR 2
semi tasteless fag
yeah, you can put your own picture as the background but you gotta do some stupid workaround for it since you cant simply take the picture from a USB drive
Nothing fancy
got tired of the firewatch theme anyway
i have mai's dynamic theme bc it's free and cool visuals + audio
what a horrid username
>implying im not gonna buy 1 and 2
I'm fucking overwhelmed with vidya
Wish Sony would stop being faggots and just let you create full themes with your own background music.
i feel like the only time theyll let that happen is if theyre 100% confident it wont comprimise their system.
so hopefully their team sorts this out
I just left it as the default because all of the themes made my home screen look like my Fallout 3 themed jailbroken iPod touch when I was in high school
I just leave my PS3 background as porn screenshots because XMB looks so nice
You could do that on PS3, feels like a step back.
I'm just using this but damn I wish you could change the icon colors
why would I need a custom theme when All Aboard the Cactuar Express still exists?
the nioh one. It's pretty neat
I remember seeing like a monthly theme section in Playstation magazine back even as recently as 2010, I don't know why Sony would take away such a cool thing. People would painstakingly make themes and now there's nothing but garbage. The PS4 almost looks like an Xbox
Hopefully we get the ability to change individual elements of themes like music and tile cover / multiple images etc.
don't worry, at least there's neat stuff like this that we'll never get to use
the music is max comfy
>They're still somewhat paranoid about USBs
ps3 allows you to have custom dynamic themes though.
I think they are just jewing us for the theme bux
I'd be glad to let them jew me into paying for themes if they had anything actually worth at least one dollar
>Carl of Duty Black Cops 3
>Resident Evil 6
>Some logo that looks like a Guild Wars 2 ripoff
>Rocket League
are you from 2 years ago
>im 12 btw
Looks nice, shame winter is pretty much over.
The PS3 was also 'hacked' so they're probably trying to limit USB-connectivity in fear of people finding another exploit.
Agreed, the themes that are actually on the store page are atrocious, 240p garbage uploaded by some no-name ruskie company with no way of pre-viewing the whole thing.
I've never seen anyone over 13 use this word.
But the video game ass wallpaper isn't? Change the way you view things.
>HUD elements in a wallpaper
i use the esaka dynamic theme
i find myself listening to the music more than playing games
>2 Miku games
>Miku background
>Shitran Kagushit avatar
Paying full price for a game with fan service instead of watching free porn. Sad!
Why would I change it when I already have the best home screen there is, and now custom wallpaper will be able to surpass it
This is what severe autism looks like
Persona5's theme. The music is just too good, and the dynamic paralax background too neat.
The first FF14 theme takes a clsoe second place, the music is super comfy.
NieR:Automata's pre-order theem is shit, but the free themes are not bad at all.
I will only use custom theme once they:
-Allow 2 images (one for bottom, one for top)
-Allow custom music
-Allow custom button sound effects
-Allow custom icons
>demos of games that are already out
>World of Final Fantasy icon looks different than mine
Nothing special for my wallpaper
But I got Ludwig's Moonlight Sword as my profile cover.
It's not a recent screenshot. I do have GR2 and Nier.
Here's a more recent one from last month
hand it over
Sure, I'll trade it for a new PS4pro :^^)
Not my screenshot, but I'm not at home right now.
This is the theme that came with the Bloodborne guide, and it's so fucking good, even better than the Platinum one.
It's got Hunter's Dream OST playing in the background and uses the inventory sound effects, and all custom icons.