Do you prefer 2D or 3D gameplay?

Do you prefer 2D or 3D gameplay?

2D characters on 3D backgrounds

Depends on the type of game, but I like both.

Paper Mario?

2D is too limiting

2D gameplay is always better. 3D was a mistake.


I prefer real life

lots of games feature sprites against 3D backgrounds

it's the best aesthetic

name π games that do this

Depends on the genre.

This. Sometimes 3D characters on 2D background also work pretty well.

I don't really prefer one or the other, just depends on the game if its good. Like, Jak n Dak (1) is prime 3D, SotN is prime 2D. I can't really compare them or decide which I enjoy more.

depends on the game. if anything, real 2d is dead (or niche). the hipster indie 2d trash they put out on steam will never look like old metal slug and stuff.

4D gameplay

>It's a swimming section in a 3D game

Favourite 2D game is Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Favourite 3D game is Dark Souls

I think I would have to go with 3D.

>It's a swimming section in any game

Toon shaded 3D.

>underwater section
>characters walk underwater
>they can drown
>they can't swim or get tired of swimming after a certain time period and go back to walking


My tastes generally align toward a lot 2D games, though.
Mega Man's underwater parts are pretty fun. They're not really swimming, though.

2D with pretty pixel art, action RPG preferred

SotN has some 3D background elements

seiken densetsu was such a good game

>sonic advance 3
>tails can fly and swim
>cream can fly but can't swim

Why? I mean she's still a better sonic because she has the chao to attack, but why can't she swim too? It's just inconsistence, triggers my autism aaa

paper mario
2D fighting games
all jrpgs before 1995

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan 2
Jackie Chan 3
Jackie Chan .141592653589793238 : The Prequel


give me low poly over all that other shit any day

>OP asks about gameplay
>all these retards talking about artstyle

I've never really got the wankery for Rondo of Blood. I like it, it's a very good game, but there are several Classicvanias I'd put over it. The game has somewhat boring and flat level design most of the time. Some of the best bosses in the series, though.

you can have shading on a 2D image you know

technically those are both 2D images

the only way to truly showcase 3 dimensionality on a screen is with movement


the image is misleading
just saying

>Jackie Chan .141592653589793238 : The Prequel

My least favorite Jackie Chan.

3D, how the fuck is this even a question? There's just more variety in the types of gameplay you can have.

Most of my favorite games are 2D, so 2D I guess.

Is there a 3d game that ever pulled off what terraria did?


It depends on the genre, but on the balance, I'd say I prefer 2D/2.5D to full-on 3D.

I can take most any type of game in 2D, but there are some I don't like in 3D. I've never been able to get into 3D platformers, for instance, and 3D action games tend to give me headaches and/or motion sickness (FPS does this to the point where I simply can't play them, TPS less so). I tend to prefer 2D fighting games to 3D as well, although I play (and generally suck at) both. I don't think I'd ever want to see a 3D dating sim, either.

3D, every time.

Just that extra layer of movement is some minor complexity that 2D games don't have

Although, obviously, a good 2D game will always win out over a mediocre 3D game. But if we're generalizing, we're generalizing.

Even with mods, I don't think it comes close to the combat or enemy design that terraria has.

I'm gonna go for 2D but not by much

I think that it's rather that I don't like modern graphics, in terms of lighting

That doesn't make it a 3D game, just because one or two rooms. It doesn't effect the gameplay