Trio of Towns

Who are you marrying?

Don't know. My top picks before playing the game were Iluka, Siluka, and Inari. I'm not all that impressed with Iluka/Siluka after first interacting with them, but then again, I haven't even seen an event with either one so that doesn't mean too much.


At first, Siluka, because she was easy to please. just gotta give her bananas. Then I met Kasumi, the cold shrew thats got that traditional waifu stuff going on. I think I wanna tame the shrew.

plus I heard your kids take on traits from both parents... and I'm not wild about possibly having purple haired kids.

Hinata most likely, Inari is cute, but his way of speaking kind of puts me off, too formal.

Just unlocked Town Rank B for Westown and Rank C for the Japanese town.

Anyone know where to get Black Lumber, other than buying it, it's like 1k+ a piece...

Why the fuck does talking give so little FP?

It's so you don't run through all the possible character events for everyone within a single year.

I have only ever got a piece from the trading online game thing.

Definitely Iluka at this point, though I'm still going to at least see all the other girls events first, if only because that goddamn pendant is stupidly expensive and there are a lot of other better things I could be spending with that money

I'm the user who's working on that Tale of Two Towns patch. Slow progress is being made, but I think I narrowed down the area in memory to modify. Still wondering what all these conditional ANDs are depending on. Hoping to find a tool to help me with that.
Nori a best!

Screw that, I guess I'll have to buy it..
The liquid fertilizer maker better be worth it

Surprised anons aren't going apeshit adding each other and chatting/trading with the online feature

I forgot that feature even existed.

Probably Kasumi. Iluka is great too, but I like Kasumi more.

Ludus, probably. Ford is cute too, though.

I got one from a fish trap once. Try save scumming.

Also, anyone have a silkie egg? I'd like to trade.

Speaking of which, when do you unlock Silkies?

Never mind, I just unlocked it, apparently Tsuyukusa Town Rank B

Got any eggs? I'll trade you or anyone. All I can give are gems, some seeds, and 2 low-quality quail eggs.

Yeah, I got one.
Sure, I don't really mind what I get.

FC is 3067-5311-7606

Ok cool! Here's mine:

Sorry, but I keep getting an error when I try to get online with my 3ds.

That's fine, I'll ask again in another time.

Do I actually need to water my crops twice per day? I've noticed that they dry out in the evening.

you do if you want a quicker harvest

You don't need to, but they'll grow faster if you do, it also boosts the "juicyness" parameter on your crops.

Alright, sorry again. Something to do with my CFW and game region.

When does the male bachelor with the kimono show up?

Some autist patched him out. Just wait for the DLC.

Is there any way to predict the montly veteran competitions are gonna be based on?

And whats the best way to fertilize your crops to get higher ratings and better chances to win competitions? Just use one type, or should I switch the one I use every day?

Apparently I gotta win the respect of Mr. D...

u wot m8

Doesn't the MC tell you about the theme at the beginning of the season? You can also rig the theme to your favor.

I do half and half then, if I have time, I put the best crop I have to improve it.

If you check the calendar and select the event, you can hit y and it'll show what is being judged for the event that month. Only works for the current month though.

Sorry, I meant to say I put my best crop on the seed maker to improve it.

How do I fertilize chicken eggs?

Anyway I was going for Lisette but I'm at blue flower with her and she's starting to bore me. I'm swaying towards Komari lately

Get a bigger coop.

I want Inari, but her womb is barren until the DLC comes. My children will be gods.

Why do you spread lies?

Her womb is still barren even after the DLC, it's just that magic is surprisingly convenient