>First time in the Aurum Vale
>Tank not wanting to wipe explains what to do before each boss and actually doing pretty good job
>Looking how dps collected stacks and both catched frontal cone on the second boss few times, it feels like they don't remember/know tactic very well too
>Still 3 comms in the end
Sometimes I feel sorry for people who actually doing their best
>Do new Diadem for first time
>People pulling 5-6 monsters as a DPS
>Maximum salt
So this is where all the retards have been hiding.
>Doing diadem as SCH
>other healer is a scholar too
>emergency mission pops and the whole area fucks it up
>fail it and go back to doing FATES
>I died last from the emergency mission so I was last to leave
>group pulls 4+ mobs while I was still on my way
>Wow these healers lol
>other sch switched to whm
>everyone assumes I pulled everything because a scholar did it
>why are you in cleric stance???
>want to level every craft to 50 just so i can start getting free exp from gc
>3 crafts left
>can't be bothered to collect shit for them
>no money to buy mats
>money to buy 52 gear is slowly dissapearing.
>Can't make stuff myself because i need every prof at 50 to make anything
I want to get off "just level every dol to the same level" wild ride....
And after im done i need to make every thing i can...
Is there any good way to get money if i have only starting HW access and is not alumen farming? Also how do you people get your crystals?
>tank pulls two rank IV monsters
>melts instantly
>be me, WHM
>try to heal
>barelly can
>pop every cd, somehow manage to get through
>Realise i was in cleric all this time
Every time...
>Diadem just shitting materia out the fucking ass
>Release the most basic casual content yet
>People pitching a fit when it doesn't go 100% perfect
Is this runoff from people being salty at the weapons?
>join zurvan ex farm
>retarded monk fucks up every mechanic
>said monk spams chat in caps lock after wipe
>run again
>said monk causes wipe again by fucking up the mechanic again
>says "RETARDS" before abandoning
>See him post this PF a second later now switched to drk
Holy shit, why did I forget to screen cap what he said before blacklisting me?
Is it just me, or are the most retarded players from balmung?
yes everybody on balmung is fucking awful
this is coming from a medicore nin on balmung who isn't afraid to admit that im shit
user, I have no problem with people who are shit players. If you're shit, then you can still improve.
What I can't stand is when people displace the blame to cover their own mistakes. You cannot hide your own mistakes. All it does is get you put on more blacklists.
well honestly what did you expect out of a server only known for erp and that 95% of the games player base hates
fuck man shit is so bad anytime there is a Q&A going on at fanfest or something any question thats about stupid shit like underwear are labeled as "balmung questions"
Most players, in general, are from Balmung.
It's like saying the USA has more serial killers than Canada.
>Finally get a competent party for emergency mission
>We run out of time at 10%
>question thats about stupid shit like underwear
What? People ask questions about underwear?
In what regard?
On Balmung? In every regard.
last fanfest someone asked about being able to use different races hempen clothes no im not joking
So after the big head thing in Emergency Missions, you just isolate each boss and kill them, while killing the adds and protecting middle? I literally can't work it out how it works myself because some fucking retard always jumps gun and it's a clusterfuck.
What the fuck were they thinking with this trash.
Nobuyuki Hiyama voiced a Lalafell in the nip language version.
Can other races use the race specific designs for hempen underwear
Why even bother making a map if the dungeon is just a straight line?
Why are all of XIV's dungeons shit?
The mansion was ok, if a little short.
They cater towards people who are of simple mind or clearly don't want to even do them. They should just make PotD the new Tome threadmill and actually make challenging, sprawling dungeons. Fuck this gay Diadem shit, exploring Dungeons would be a thousand times better.
>teleporting around a house in a linear fashion instead of being able to explore all of it naturally.
Nah, it is shit too.
>use different races hempen clothes
Well that actually sounds like a fair question to me.
I don't know what kind of questions are raised at fanfest, so I don't know what range from serious to mundane issues are raised.
However, it would be nice to mismatch the design the for hempen camise between au ras and miqotes.
In the wake of a new fucking expansion and considering how bleak the future looks for the game, these type of questions should be outright banned. I can understand asking if more customization will be added but asking for whacky specifics just to have a post or two on reddit talking about you is fucking pathetic.
I hate this community.
We're never gonna kill Lolorito are we?
Lolorito did nothing wrong.
> how bleak the future looks for the game
Should we quit?
What's so bad about that? Having nicer looking casual wear would be a good thing. What sort of questions/suggestions would you want?
>that zone design
And people keep shilling that this shit is decent
Wow, take a chill pill. Not like any other question asked is going to wildly change the direction of the game to something fantastic.
The expansion is literally going to be more of the same.
I'm not quitting any time soon but I can't say I'm looking forwards to SB as I was for HW. If the story takes a nosedive after the first few patches then yeah, it's game over for me.
the people who sit around in underwear are from balmung so you already know whats it's going to be used for
personally i would have liked more gameplay or lore questions not "hey yoshi let me wear highlander panties on my au ra
He was the true puppet master. Put everything in play only to come out on top of everyone's ass.
Maybe if the useless figure head acted like a real leader for once he wouldn't had to.
>still posting shit from web 1.0 mmos
Fucking hell user, shit have changed, this won't work out now no matter how hard you will push for it.
You can and try some shit like Shroud of the Avatar to get your nostalgia goggles removed.
But you do explore it naturally. Unless you mean the HM version
>let me wear highlander panties on my au ra
Ok, now I see where you're coming from.
Its not much to ask for some level design.
You should pride yourself in being more clever then a 3 year old
I don't care about him. This faggot on the other hand.
>Doing the Fist of the Father for the anima weapn
>Both tanks are new
>When we reach the boss start typing what they need to do
>But have to fucking rush at the arena because MT pulled the boss
>Obviously die since they don't know what to do
>"Gee you could have explained the fight"
>Someone responds "Don't pull the boss first idiot"
>Explain the fight
>2nd try
>OT does jackshit so the 2 bosses stay together and we wipe again
>He didn't say a single word the whole ordeal
In the end we did it but these fucking people I swear.
Yeah well she's the syndicate's bitch now for sure
Were you oppressed?
>Cleared Gordias Normal for the first time yesterday on my iLvl 245 DRG
>OutDPSing ilvl 270 somethings running for glamour
It's like adding insult to injury considering I won't be able to get into Zurvan for a long while and I just know one of these faggots has run it.
Tanks need to do things?
yeah their dps combo.
>thinking people in BiS are actually trying in ilvl 180 content
I still do 2k even when I'm not trying at i270 user.
You're a shitter if you perform poorly in any content.
You mean augmented shire?
This game doesn't reward people who tried. Not really that surprising that people are not trying.
No, I mean dungeons that allow players to actually explore them, instead of boring theme park dungeon rides.
>dungeon map
>it's a hallway
and people praise the FF MMO why?
Dont show me this, please.
Because the other MMOs are worse.
Embrace it. Tis the truth.
>More gameplay
You'll be doing 2 expert dungeons every 3 months, 1 raid tier and 1 extreme primal every 6 months. Forever and ever until the end of time.
Maybe they'll release some new shit 'gameplay' designed for casuals to catch up in gear.
There that answers about 100% of those questions.
Buy the lore book.
>You're a shitter if you perform poorly in any content.
Why even bother in low level low tier content that was cleared over a year ago?
>Augmented shire
Don't even get me started, handing 270 gear to casuals is a mistake no matter how shit the stats are.
Whats even worse is when you see people with it with things melded into it that shouldn't even be.
>mfw seeing a tank with crit and skill speed melded into their accessories
>Run Baelsar with a random DF DRK
>He's popping CDs appropiately, holding aggro, dropping Grit and activating it at the perfect time, healing through the massive pulls, always keeps mobs packed and in parriable angles
>Whisper to him if he wants to tag along for Zurvan EX to learn (this was shortly after the patch)
>"Sorry I just enjoy playing this game casually"
I swear to fucking God I wish the core community didn't suck so much ass and made every bit of challenging content look like an insurmountable mountain to everyone.
What can we expect from Pax? What did we get when it was before HW?
Because people that enjoy shitty Korean MMOs and loved XIII watched their favorite streamers and let's players enjoy older FFs (so they are super big fans as well XD) and WoW doesn't have cute cat girls.
>Explore dungeon when it's fresh
>Do dungeon 10 times through the next week
>By the third time you're yelling at people who want to explore because it's taking 20 minutes longer
I mean c'mon, the entire game would need to be redesigned.
Nobody liked XIII.
Scholar is so fuckin fun to play holy shit
should I be flipping between cleric stance and not cleric stance for optimal usefulness or does it not matter
>Emergency Mission is basic to be explained
>Just kill the adds in the middle
>Then split into 3s and kill each elemental monster
>Kill adds when they spawn
>Then kill the final boss in the middle
>This is somehow rocket science
when you arnt busy shooting out heals go cleric stance to help the dps
Fish for a crit Adlo and laugh at ASTs and WHM popping their ""mitigation""" CDs.
Lost out on a bird today from a guy who refused to swap off of a 2nd healer on Ravana Ex. Dude legitimately just sat there for 99% of the encounter and died every other pull. I left the party immediately.
It was on lootmaster and the PL fucking gave it to them
It matters so much that if you're not DPSing in cleric stance you may as well not even bother.
>Joining lootmaster parties
You literally asked for this
I know, I've been burned by both parties at this point. Normal loot rules mean as soon as people get a bird they ghost, and lootmaster means shit like this happens.
>Tanking as DRK
>Grab one pack
>Sprint to another
>Then another
>Gather them all up in a Salted Earth, hit Blood Price...
>WHM starts Holy Spam without even doing Aero III first
>Pull a group, hit them with Unleash, start running to another
>Melee DPS burned a stun and a few cooldowns to burst on a single target and managed to pull threat from the Unleash
>They're still tanking it at the location they pulled it two packs ago when I started gathering up mobs
>Doing ravana bird farm
>Get the first bird
>stay for 8 more tries because i dont want to be a cunt
>Roll need on drk sword because i want it for glamour
>"user why did you roll for that do you need it?"
Bitch what the fuck, its not like anyone uses ravana to gear themselves, fuck you.
>acts as if a dungeon has to have a start and finish
>as if there can't be multiple objectives, quests, or reasons that bring a player there
>can't be considerate, helpful, or display any type of communication skills
You are part of the reason MMOs have gone to shit. And yes, the game would need some redesigns, because it currently caters to the brain dead monotony casual retards prefer.
>Joining cuckmeister in the first place
No pity from me user.
I feel like the only thing XIV does well is its raids, visual designs, and its music. Everything else seems to be meant to string you along without being too boring or difficult to make one quit.
So what exactly are you expecting by bitching about it? That the game is going to drastically change from how it has played for the past 4 years?
And whatever, I'm having fun. Enjoy never having a game cater to your autism again and venting on Japanese image boards about ye good ole days.
>In this little FC that my friend invited me to
>Founder goes on long break due to RL issues
>During this time the second in command actually sells the FC to some people in Party Finder
>All of the original people are disgusted and leave except for the guy who sold it
>New people seem a little dumb but friendly enough
>Finally invite me to run Alexander Prime Normal two weeks ago
>Every FC member was triple rezzed by the end of the encounter
Luckily my excuse that I'm taking a break from anything progression based after my decade long career of hardcore raiding in WoW to dodge all Extreme and Savage still works, though.
Its why anytime anyone asks if its worth playing I only tell them its great to themepark and nothing more. Play to experience the content, and then as soon as you've done that unsub the instant you are done until the end of a cycle.
This is absolutely disgusting. I can't stand it when I'm running trough half the dungeon fishing big pulls and half of the party wants to tank the 1 mob they accidentally pulled from the pack.
>tank pulls 1 pack max and still manages to lose hp at incredibly high speed
>tank pull several packs that have interrupt
>tank stands in every aoe
>tank uses his CD when he's on low hp and there is maybe one-two mobs remain
>I overaggro with a couple of heals
I was told retard don't play tanks..
No better feeling than making the tank rage.
Just criticizing a game I've played, like most do on this board. If you can have fun with a watered down game, then more power to you. I just fucking wish I could enjoy this genre that I used to love.
Idiots that attack during pull have a special place in hell
Do moogle dailies. 50-60 within 11 days with 0 effort and expenses.
Rain of Death ain't gonna use itself user.
How should I gear my fresh 60 crafting jobs if I have them all at 60?
Yea i heard they are good...but i need to complete HW questline for it, right? Im just closing in on 50 right now...47 i think.
I have 50+ MAR but i don't want to play him so i don't do main story.
You go back about 8 months when crafting was relevant.
You have lots money? Buy ironworks. Keyword is "lots" - literally you don't care to lose, lets say, 40m
No money? Just get whatever and wait for stormblood because 62set will be better than ironworks.
>Should I spend time and money on gear that is going to be invalidated minute one when SB hits
No, to any question for gearing. Hit the breakpoints for functionality and call it a fucking day. otherwise you are wasting time.
>b-buh it will be good until 64 or whatever
Who gives a fuck, those levels fly by anyway and you'll have more gil in your pocket and all the xp sources you'll need.
I want to make gil so I don't go into SB dirt poor.
It is too much when nobody wants or will play it. Stop pretending like there is market for it, even hardcore faggots that scream for it will abandon the ship the moment they fully remember how fun it was to camp nameds for 16 hours straight.
Fucking hell people were screaming that a nektopros castle and ruins of varsoon was mazes in EQ2
Just do maps.
Don't bother with crafting this late apart from leveling up and get your free scrip shits I guess?
If crafted gear is BiS for gathering/crafting what are you suppose to spend your red scrips on?
I have not done a single map in this game yet, probably due to a combination of no one doing them in the PF and having no friends or an FC to do them with.
The tools are pretty good and will save you gil, I think.