Pirates are the only true judges of the quality of a game

Pirates are the only true judges of the quality of a game,

for they are not blinded by the fact that they need to justify to themselves that they spent 60$ on the game.

There is a reason pirates drop and dislike games more often, and it's because they can see the value for what it is.



Games should be free,

And let dumbasses support the dev by donation

The only way to save game industry


You are completely correct

Nah, pirates arbitrarily dislike games that try to implement DRM, like everyone on Sup Forums shitting their pants over Denuvo all the time.

I never pirate games but can be honest about them being shit. Resident Evil 7 being the most recent turd I've played. It makes me sick seeing all the praise.

pirates wont take the price of a game into consideration tho

it's true
once you can separate economic from entertainment/artistic value you can also give a better judgement

that includes pirates and everyone who can piss away 50 bucks like nothing

>thinks that the only way you can judge something is if you experience it their way
>pirates judging the quality of games with online features

I pirate games and if I like them, I buy them whenever I can.

that... is actually a good point.

cool story bro
> I feel better now

>Reviewers who get copies free can't be trusted
>pirates can be trusted because they get the game for free

You're so desperate to shit in Zelda you can't make coherent logic

Its not unreasonable to dislike DRM and discuss its worthiness or lack there of

As long as we aren't talking about online features, yes, that's what I've been thinking as well. But sometimes I wonder myself about games I've pirated and didn't like "If I had bought this game would I have enjoyed it more?"

The difference is the value placed on the free item

Pirates know its something that has no value while Kotaku cucks think they are getting "free" stuff while peasants have to suffer

Completely different mindset and not even comparable

This is the actual correct response in this thread. The only reason people think of piracy first is because Sup Forums is full of NEETs that think $60 is a big financial decision.

Well, It is common sense that if games are free no one would pay shit even if they are good,

You buy games because you have to

>dislike games that try to implement DRM
Pirates don't give a fuck about DRM, because we know that it only slows the process. So only people who complain about DRM are paying costumers.

This thread is turning me off from wanting to become a game developer if I want to survive. Guess I'll go into a different career path.

It's a controversial topic, but I see your point.

Personally I've not pirated a game in maybe three years. Maybe because of the fact that it took away some of the magic. At times I would pirate games that turned out to be amazing, like sin & punishment 2, God Hand and Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. Having finished them I wasn't gonna go out and buy them, obviously.

I'm not gonna be the kind of cunt that says pirating video games is wrong, as I "steal" tons of music and movies on a weekly basis.

>You're so desperate to shit in Zelda you can't make coherent logic

zelda has nothing to do with it.
anyway, reviewevers are getting paid indirectly.

low score=no review copies and no ad revenew for their site


Shitty DRM hurts legit consumers more.

If you are not a lazyass parasite, then you should

No, it's exactly same.

Free games are free games. Same as getting a game as a gift instead of buying it yourself.

Dropping games is more related to your own personality and your ability to enjoy things vs being picky or maybe burned out from things. I make a 60 dollar purchase and the game sucks? Oh well thats lame, I dont lie to myself if I made a mistake and wasted money. I just get bummed out, I dont try to lie to myself and pretend I like it.

most of the praise is because it's better than the unholy abomination that was RE6

Are you by chance autistic? What the flaming shit does this have to do with pirating games? The logic behind this is pure drivel.

Do you need to confirm your own opinion in front of others so badly that you have to shill your opinion? Please tell me these are not you op because they dont add anything to the discussion beyond supporting your opinion.

dumb animu poster

The game started off well, but once you leave the Baker house it turns to complete shit.

you're right, though I recommend against pissing away 60$ for ubi,EA, activision etc.

Then most games will be Gone Homos and Call of Chads, because it's the tumblrinas and normies who have the money, not us the True Gamers*.

* NEET basement dwellers.

Yes anonymous pirate and a reviewer scared of being blacklisted by a company for having a honest opinion are two exactly same things.

Some games start off bad but get really good by the end, if you pirate it is very easy to drop it, but most people wont drop games they paid for so easily.

>my opinion should be valued
>even though i refuse to buy the software

you sound like a cock sucking faggot

Explain all the Denuvo threads on Sup Forums all the time, then? Paying customers have no reason to care about Denuvo, since it has no noticable effect on their experience at all, but you see dozens of pirates in every thread complaining that they aren't going to play the game now because it has DRM. (A real bad case of Fox and the Grapes syndrome)

desu I find if I buy a game there's a much higher chance that I'll actually finish and maybe even enjoy it.

The financial commitment is a big incentive to finish a game. I haven't hacked my 3ds for this reason.


Pirates have no stake in playing the game so they drop them for the dumbest of reasons and don't finish games. They are as arbitrary about enjoying things as the reviewers, all they care about is lowest common denominator to keep them glued to the screen

>Some games start off bad but get really good by the end

name five

>unless you pay for a product, you can't determine its merit

You sound like a good goy

>lying on the internet
For what purpose?

I don't feel bad for pirating, mind you. If I like a game, I normally end up buying it, even moreso if the game has online play. Heck, I buy them even if they are ded games like Skullgirls or KoF XIII.

Also, If you had the same game prices I do, you'd surely understand my point of view.

>but you see dozens of pirates in every thread complaining that they aren't going to play the game
Either you have bad reading comprehension or you haven't read any of those threads.
Not a single pirate has complained about Denuvo because it's already been cracked multiple times. Only people who were going to BUY the game have said that they are probably gonna pirate it because of the DRM. All DRM can, and will be cracked, always, so pirates have no reason not to play the game if they want to.

You mean no threads since forever? Seriously when did you last seen more than one random thread go by.

Yes, spending money on something makes you more willing to power through bullshit. Its the only reason I finished Phantom Pain.

I pirate games and buy them afterwards if I think they deserved it

the only games I've legally purchased so far have been made by indie companies. go figure

Mass effect trilogy

>Same as getting a game as a gift

Emotions I feel from buying a game retail, owning it and knowing that for once of my life I'm not being a sponge, a leech robbing a group of creative individuals in an industry full of corrupted assholes.

There's been 4 or 5 threads on Automata having Denuvo in the last 2 days. Have you even been paying attention?

Aaaah, so I guess critics CAN be trusted after all? Thanks for clearing that up!

Not even that user but that's 3 and only the third game actually gets worse by the end.

critics are not free

if they say a game is bad they get raped by fanboys and the software house

moving. the. goalposts.

How does it feel knowing that even when you buy the game, you don't own it?

The game doesn't even play properly for me. Sill pissed off.

no the goalpost is the same

"only pirates can be the true judges"

Jesus you people are legitimately retarded

No, you guessed wrong. If you cannot grasp the difference between a basement dweller and a person employed by a company/themselves to play games... you have brain problems.

Nier, Pathologic, long-winded strategies like Civ, Stalker, New Vegas

And a lot of people feel obliged to at least appreciate a gifted game, even if it's a bad one. Reviewers are given 'free' games, and have to be diplomatic about it in order to keep getting those 'free' games. The only value a game has to a pirate is the space it requires on a harddrive.

Personally I never put in as much effort in pirated games as I do with bought games.

That could mean both things.

Critics play the game for free, it's also their job so they play more games than pirates.

They get paid for reviewing games. Instead of regretting for paying for the game, they won't get much money pointing triple-a games are shit, so that's even worse.

Its not really the free games though. If you are a semi-successful critic, getting a game for free is not what is valuable. The early access you can get if you are friendly with a dev / publisher, is what counts. Exclusive content, preview builds, being invited to press events ... Thats the value here that skews your opinion.


I pirated DMC and thought it was really good.


Yeah but they always only play the first 10 minutes and write a review based on that

Show me a critic that actually beats the games first

I pirated it. I'm loving the game so far exceeds anything I was expecting.

This might become my favorite Zelda game. It's a survival game, everything breaks except armor get used to it.

>it's also their job
Yes, exactly you fucking retard.
A pirate has nothing to lose if he says a game is shit and nothing to gain if he says it's good.
Enjoy getting shitlisted and losing ads and sponsorships if you're a professional critic and say something bad.

I want to walk the hollow halls within your brain.

There are no "true judges". Your opinion is the only one that matters when getting a game.

Other people's opinions on a game should make no difference in how much YOU like the game


>It's a survival game
Well there goes that small amount of interest I had.

>it's also their job
That's exactly the point

They are receiving a reward, thus there is value attached

Pirates can be truly unobjective on it because they have NO inherent value placed on the game

reality is different from theory and humans are social animals

unless you have legit autism your opinions will always be partly influenced by others

Fine, then it should matter very little. The least possible.

Point is, i never stopped liking a game because others disliked it. Or vice versa

!This thread is turning me off from wanting to become a game developer if I want to survive. Guess I'll go into a different career path."

Yeah on Capitalism of course you won't survive. This system is not for the artist and as a game dev you're an artist basically. No hell no it's not the way to make cash.

You will always be working class. The game was rigged against you long ago user. The ones that profit from your endless labor are obviously people like your president (wherever you live in the world doesn't matter) the social class of the president is the enemy who is milking the shit out of you.

Then whats the point of pirate itself?

You bought it if someone says its shit you lose?

No see

Pirates are 0
consumers are 1
but reviwers are -1

so their opinion is even stronger because they have even less to lose from it AND they get paid for it.

They get so much from games that even games that pirates might like they hate.
because they are hardly entertained by it anymore.

Reviewers are the next step of opinion!

bye have a good night. I will stay up all night playing this game probably it's super fun.

Sup Forums is just retarded when it comes to critics. Yes, the scoring system is fucked but essentially if a game like Zelda was bad it'd get 8s and 9s and they wouldn't talk about it the way they are now. I think it has the most 10s now of ANY game on metacritic. Sup Forums says this doesn't matter. I've already finished the game and yes, it's one of the best games of all time. The critics were right and I would trust them a lot more than pirates because all pirates do is gloat. Look at CEMU faggots. All day they post about games that I played years ago. Critics have far more experience, and they do know what they're talking about. Sup Forums is just tsundere because they think all critics are corrupt when it's actually really simple, if a game is bad they give it a 7, that's all there is to it. What's more important is what they say in their reviews, not the score itself.

You got destroyed pretty hard there, user.

Exactly, seeing how Nier tomato runs only capped at 60fps and 1080p I'll teach square a lesson by just pirating the game. The nice thing about pc gaming is that you can refuse to support such shitty companies and still play for free.

Thanks comrade

Now fuck off back to your community college

>No hell no it's not the way to make cash.
It is if you are good and people like what you do.

> Its not my fault for not being supportive, blame the system lmao

>Nintenbros don't understand the thread is arguing the general idea
>All their narrow minds grasp is muh Zelda
Not sure what I expected tbqh

>Sup Forums is just tsundere
Sorry You just lost me

I cant take anything you say seriously now

>hardly entertained by it anymore.
Do you think that ANY reviewer writes about their own opinions?

Sounds fun.

I'm having a Crusader Kings marathon myself.

Wow, that's a bad photoshop. Learn to edit.

occasionaly, and only if the game stands out so much that it cracks that little shrivled heart of theirs.

>muh zelda

OP here,
this had a broader scope you inbreds

Yeah, hence the 'free'. It's more about the perks of promoting their product.

$60? New games are 80 loonies here.

Havent bought a new game in awhile. I might buy Shadow of War tho looks cool.

Hint: They get paid by the companies who make the games to write good reviews

Nobody cares about what you intended for the thread, faggot.

>There is a reason pirates drop and dislike games more often, and it's because they see no value in them


>There is a reason pirates drop and dislike games more often, and it's because they can see the value for what it is.
Same reason peoples who played a fucking ton of games dislike games more often.