Post bosses that are worse than Bed of Chaos.
Post bosses that are worse than Bed of Chaos
Not worse, just boring and somewhat tedious.
I hate everything about this thing, this is a master class on how NOT to design a boss, a Kalameet copy pasta would have been way better, but, they had to do an one hit kill slow as shit bitch because of muh difficulty meme, and besides, there is no way to win without cheesing the same shit strategy over and over until this thing falls. At least they made a good dragon boss with Sinh.
And since this is a somewhat souls related thread and I don't wanto to start a new one, what is the deal with the bloody crown of cainhurst? I heard horror stories about him, but yesterday, when I went to fight him for the first time, I found eileen outside the great cathedral, she gave me her badge and, inside the cathedral there was nothing besides a rune (the description said it was related to the queen of cainhurst, so I assume it belonged to the crow). What the fuck happened?
There was probably a bug related to him using Chikage, it drains his health so it's possible to just lame the fight out until he dies. It's possible that it was triggered in your game even before you even approached Eileen or something.
Makes sense, thanks user.
I tried going to the dream and coming back, even restarting the console, but nothing happens. And Eileen, after I got the badge, is still there almost dead on the floor, but won't say anything now.
>I tried going to the dream and coming back, even restarting the console, but nothing happens. And Eileen, after I got the badge, is still there almost dead on the floor, but won't say anything now.
That's normal, the game basically put you in the state where you already beat the Bloody Crow. That's the end of Eileen's questline, IIRC.
Still waiting for someone to start
You first
You're telling me that Micolash is not as tedious, artificial and cheap as Bed of Chaos? Are you shitting me?
He gets a free pass because of atmosphere on Sup Forums. He is, mechanically shit however
Yes, that's exactly what I am saying, I am not shitting you.
When compared to Bed of Chaos, yes he is better in all those regards.
Even Ancient Wyvern is better than Bed of Chaos.
He IS better. For one thing, you actually fight him, and not just a gauntlet with environmental effects and a janky drop-down.
>not Undead giant
>one hit kill invisible shockwave
it was basically everything wrong Dork souls 2 in one fight
>has trouble with a boss that only has 2 moves
>blames the game
That's not his point faggot, it was about BS hitbox all over DS2, which is somehow worsened against that shitty boss
too bad it's locked behind DLC
Hang on, how are you fighting him in an arena with a hole in the ground? did you just luck out in a root chalice or something? I've never seen that kind of arena.
Just fought this guy recently, and didn't have much trouble, but I was massively overleveled and knew about the pungent blood cocktail trick.
Seath the Scaleless in that tiny room
The whole boss fight feels like an afterthought, like they just slapped it together after someone said "hey wouldn't it be cool if you could fight this thing"
I killed the one in normal level 5 chalice on level 80.
It was probably the hardest boss in the game.
The holy trinity of the worst nu-bosses from this franchise.
Undead Giant is one of the best bosses from BB, easily top10.
Having death be mandatory to progress is incredibly bad design. If he were killable in that little room then fine, but otherwise it's bullshit.
A DLC that, along with one of the best bosses of the games, Sinh, there's onw of the worst designed areas in the entire game and, in the end of this horrid area, the worst and most lazy designed bosses in the entire series
>not ball and chain undead giant
Harder to learn how to fight than Gehrman
Get on BB bro
That boss isn't designed for coop, it's easier than Capra Demon and pretty much required the same strategy, hit and run till you kill one of them.
Capra Demon in burg
>there's onw of the worst designed areas in the entire game and
so badly designed that I quit the DLC in disgust before getting to any boss
That boss is intense as fuck, loved him.
Shulva is probably the best area in any souls game bar The Old Hunters's areas.
You're fucking terrible.
>You're fucking terrible.
no, the level design is terrible. Just like the rest of DaS2
what is this shit?
See, I didn't start this chalice dungeon until recently with my main character, with which I only do SP and just continue leveling. I had only done the dungeons required for Yharnam Queen and beast claw, no more. By the time I got to him I was like level 200 and something, so he was no problem. Boss's I had the most trouble with were Ebrietas and watchdog. Laurence is the worst boss in general though.
Are you saying that the 3 man squad boss in the end of the area advertised as the cooperative area of that specific DLC is not designed for coop as its main focus?
After I beat the game me and my friend played through it together at my place (he hadn't played it) over the course of some 80 hours.
We would basically get together, buy a shitton of booze and snacks and just play. Shit was so dope lads.
>ball and chain undead giant
I hate that boss so fucking much. Its healthpool is fucking massive, and does an absurd amount of damage. Not to mention the strategy
>1 - 2 hits to the back
>dodge-step away 2 times before you get BTFO by the spin move
>quickly close in on him
Rinse and repeat a lot of times, and pray that you don't mess up even once, as it might 1 shot you.
Considering it's easy to 1v1 both the area and the boss, yes.
Guess it was their first "coop" area and they were merciful.
If you want a bullshit area that's truly hard w/o a partner, look at ron Passage.
bOc WAS THE MOST BULLSHIT UNFINISHED RAGE INDUCING fuck lostiza could have been great.... AH FUCK NOW i AM MAD, THANKS Sup Forums
I was not talking about Shulva you illiterate faggot, it's one of my favorite areas in the series, I was clearly talking about the area where you fight those bosses, the cave of the dead.
Micolash doesn't constantly try to sweep you into death pits
>>dodge-step away 2 times before you get BTFO by the spin move
This is why you're bad, you can dodge toward the spin and never leave close range and do massive damage on counters after the spin ends, no more wasting time going in and out.
It's like a rhythm game, fucking intense as well.
The run up to that boss is easy as fuck, easier than a lot of parts from regular Shulva.
I chucked knives at him from outside his first room until he came out and started punching me. He never cast a thing or ran away again, just killed him right there.
I personally cheesed him at the part where you are on a higher ledge by throwing poison daggers at him until he died
>dodge it close quarters
>dodge the main attack successfully, but get hit by ball as it's settling down and moving at 1 km/h
>lose half my hp
Sure thing.
Easy doesn't mean it's well designed, everything in that area is not on the same quality level as the rest of the DLC. My point the whole time was not about that area or those bosses being hard, it was about being lazy and shit.
But yeah, the iron passage is on the same level of horseshit, worsened by the recycled boss from the base game in the end of the area.
Annual event.
The ball doesn't become a hitbox till he goes into phase 2 and does a new very slowly telegraphed double spin move where the ball starts jerking all around.
I wish DS3 had bosses that were half as good.
I hope your build is good for dps
I will not defend this terrible boss fight, but i argue that the bed of chaos still worse, and is the undisputed worst fight in the series.
I'm fairly sure that's bullshit. I got rekted so many times, because the ball would stack with the blade's damage.
Not that it makes a difference. Didn't find the boss very exciting, just annoying.
Wasn't he severely nerfed in sotfs? I could take a hit from him easily compared to dks2
I did him at SL4, trust me, you can hug him completely and just dodge toward the spin he does when he tries to backhand slap you. It may be only viable with a fast weapon like the closed saw cleaver, but you do massive damage between his spins like this.
Once he gets to 50% then you gotta GTFO because the ball attacks starts coming and they're one shot you if you're under SL 50 or have very low vitality.
This boss legit made me ragequit my first character. Nothing in the game up to that point had prepared me for that amount of bullshit.
That fight is really terribly done, but it surprises me find some quality thrown in.
For instance, when its flying and using the "downwards flame" attack, you can see a small red glow where he is targeting, so you know exactly how far you are from "ground zero". I personally see that as good design. The rest, however...
>Seeing this red spot wont helpnyou because unless youbalready started to run long ago, you cant dodge that flame attack.
>The damage is insane and will one shot you.
>You *can* defend said attack with the 100% res fire greatshield (the one that loos like a rock slab) if you are maxing stamina.
>All his melee attacks (stomps) are essentiqlly unblockable, hard to predict and have surreal shockwaves.
The annual "please come to get ganked by assholes" event. They do those for every souls game.
Me too, my character was kinda weak because I didn't level the right stats and my weapon was shit. So I had to start the game again and then I killed Four Kings easily.
>Dropped a black knight sword out of the first black knight in the game
>Ds1 became easyode for me for the entire first playthrough.