Atelier Firis

>best Atelier game in years
>sold like shit to the point where they need to do a PC port

Sophie was that bad, huh

They're ALL that bad. Get your head out of your ass, weeb.

Fuxk off pussy

Last good game was Ayesha
kill yourself

>best Atelier game in years

Being slightly better than Sophie doesn't make it even remotely good.

the Ps3 games were great although they needed to flesh out their mechanics and loosen up the time restraints.
I couldn't be bothered to get a PS4 so I wouldn't know how much they improved on the atelier formula.

The time constraints were incredibly lax with Ayesha and EschaLogy already.

Ayesha was my first Atelier game and i finished it with 10 months to spare.


play the game.

It's like Totori but more story focus.

EschaLogy+ on PC when?

>unironically use word weeb in Sup Forums

That's 9gag tier insult.

you're in the wrong site

I want to impregnate Cordelia.


>time limit is back
>Need to break a rock to gather ores
>rock has hp
>Hit it spend your time
>high-level rock has tons of HP
>need to waste my bomb to one-shot it or waste my time hitting it
>also has to manage LP
>fields are fucking huge
>only 1 year to complete the license exam


I want my comfy game back.

>hating on time limits
go grind your nepshit and kill yourself

yea I love spending a month traveling to a map, then come across a giant roadblock that my bombs won't kill, so i'll either have to reload my save or waste my time going back and synthesizing a better bomb.

git gud
also firis is shit

4 hours in and i'm having a pretty good time w/ it. First atelier game, I've always been moderately interested in them.

I'm having a hard time figuring out how it's worth $60 though.

It's only 30$ in my country

Play the Arland games and Ayesha. If you know jap, play Salburg and Gramnad games. Don't bother with the rest.


Arland games are not even a good video games.

shit combat, boring crafting, dull story.


drink bleach
Arland trlogy is much better than Dusk.


arlandfags detected.

Too bad the game run like shit on PC.
My toaster literally hit 90C if i don't stick pedestal fan into it.

Actually I like Gramnad games more. Especially Violet.

DAMN i don't see they really fucking give quiz out of the ass for the fucking final boss, 10 seconds for each question no less what the fuck i have yet study for those shit.

>finished bullshit exam
>announce who passed the exam
>no firis
Triggered my PTSD.

If it's your graphics card hitting 90C then it seems like a bug with the game, much like how Sophie initially made cpus run hot but later got patched.

I pirated Firis but I'm reluctant to test it in fear of my gpu burning up.

But any kid Cordelia pops out would probably be a manlet.

Just started playing and already loving it because of Sophie.

I love her character and VA.

>English port sold like shit
>we're not getting the next games

Prepare your anus.

Yeah, I don't know why it can't run at 60 fps on 1080p.

Have to dial the resolution down.

So what makes Firis better than Sohpie?

I'm 196cm tall and my genes are strong.

>mentor character from the previous series overshadows the protagonist

Is this a Jojo reference?

> time limit
Ha-ha, so funny! No.

>no AA
>game crashes if you force AA through the control panel
How the fuck? I heard Koei-Tecmo ports were bad, but Jesus Christ.

even worse

Nostalgiafag detected.

it's Totori but with fun combat and crafting

Releasing this game in the middle of a sea of huge Japanese game releases was a stupid fucking mistakes. The audience for this game is likely too tied up to give a shit about JRPG Call of Duty.

t. casual
I bet you'd fail Violet at first assignment.

Playing on Vita, just started playing, just managed to leave town. the game gets VERY laggy at the center of town (where the large crystal is) until I rotate the camera away from all of the scenery.

I desperately hope this doesn't keep happening...

This really looks like shit.

Fucking fan made MMD models look better.

Their facial expression needs work.

Also, goddamn Liane's English VA.

is there a time limit in this game?
I remember reading something about a limit in the first part of the game and then no limits till the end, is that true?


thanks user