The Switch launch was a failur

The Switch launch was a failur....

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>Purposely omitting Bomberman R and 1, 2, Switch

b-but muh manipulated user score

The only people saying that are sonybros
The switch and zelda are sold out everywhere, it's obviously a huge success.
Even if nintendo purposely limited the stocks, it works, it makes the hype increases
And before you ad hominem me, i own no console since the gamecube

He showed the top 5 reviewed games of each consoles launch.

Sorry that you forgot how fucking absolute trash the ps4 launch was. It's worth having one nowadays but at launch it was worse than the switch games wise.

>metacritic scores count now if it supports my argument

Only Sony ponies get upset at metacritic scores

I never owned a PS4, I'm a dirty Xfag

>He showed the top 5 reviewed games of each consoles launch.

But that's not true, I remember stuff like Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, Injustice, Need For Speed, Trine 2, Contrast and surely many more with a Metascore higher than 47

Never said you did said you forgot how shit the launch was. Two different things mate.

Here's your (you)

I was giving my reason for not knowing how shit the launch was

A week ago everyone was shitting on metacritic scores due to Horizon SJW Dawn.


Why the fuck does Snipperclips have such a low user rating? That game is a fucking blast.

And how many of those are exclusives?

Dude, You just sum up the western politics


Reminder that ps4 launched with tons of multiplat games.

Switch didn't. Switch is LITERALLY the same thing as the Wii U and it will fail for the exact same reasons: selling your console on exclusives alone doesn't work. It didn't work with wii u, it won't work with switch.

The reason over 50 million people have a ps4 isn't ps4 exclusives but the fact that they can play basically any big franchise out there on it.

The best nintendo could muster up in terms of third party support is SKYRIM, a game that is 7 years old and to top it off it's not even the nnewer remastered skyrim but literally the ps3-tier skyrim.

Fucking embarrasing.

I hope they get their shit together because i really don't want to be locked out from another generation of MH and FE games just because the system is flopping so hard that i don't feel confident in buying it, which is exactly what happened with Wii U

they're as exclusive as LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Angry Birds, or Zelda

zelda isn't even a switch game desu it's *also on wii u and *also on pc

>i own no console since the gamecube
So you're a nintenbro

Isn't Voez already available on Android? Why would I play it on a crappy console that only does 720 in portable mode when I could be doing 1080 on my phone?

Why is it exclusives now? Even two of the games in the OP aren't exclusives, that's not what we're looking at here

Since when was Zelda an exclusive?

>sold out everywhere
I can walk into my Walmart or Target and still find a good supply of Switches and Zelda. Only reason I don't buy one is because of the shitty hardware design prone to errors and FE Warriors isn't out yet.

Yes. All those wonderful multiplats were the reason the PS4 was so successful


It's easy to fabricate success when you fabricate scarcity using data provided by launch on a short period of time.

Let's see in a year if they can reach 10m for starters.

Meme all you want, but the fact of the matter is that EA Sports shit sells like hotcakes to the normie audience, as well as CoD. By far, the best multiplats the PS4 has going for it though are Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant Video in terms of normie popularity, and that's always going to be a constant for the console market.

Depends where, they are all gone in Switzerland. (We're plagued by scalping tho...)

amazing multiplats my friend

>The best thing the PS4 has is media stuff
>Xbox One does this better with VLC and 4k Blu-Ray support

>GameCube Launch Games:
>Crazy Taxi
>Luigi's Mansion
>Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX 2
>Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
>Super Monkey Ball
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
>Wave Race: Blue Storm

>Switch Launch Games:
>A Wii U port
>2 different piles of minigame garbage
>A port of a meme racing game that only exists because Nintendo hates F-Zero and will never make another one themselves
>Timed indie exclusives



What's your point? I never said anything about the quality of the mulitplats?

You do realize that mainstream gamers don't check metacritic? They buy whatever franchise they've always been buying.

And guess what for every few million units that are sold additionaly by getting CoD and Fifa onto a console, a small dev studio decides it is worth it to port their hidden gem game onto the console because the user base is big enough to make profit.

>BotW is a Wii U game
>Blaster Master Zero is a 3DS game
>VOEZ is a mobile game

Explain to me why people are buying a Switch again. If Xenoblade 2 ends up being decent that'll be the only thing that'll sell me on it.

I don't know why but that game always makes me laugh. What the fuck were Sony thinking?

>have to have 3 devices to play 3 games
>or just play them all on one

"selling like hotcakes" is a really dumb turnip phrase

who the fuck would eat a cake that's hot?

Considering they've topped software sales for the past 3 years every month, yes, they were. A majority of gaming software was bought for the PS4 for the past 3 years.

Resogun and botw should have their scores swapped tbqh

on pc? :^)

Xbone physical media master race

No dog is this fight, but my memory's fuzzy, was Angry Birds Star Wars REALLY hyped as a launch title for PS4??


Sadly this is how the console market works.

You need quantity to attract quality.

The only reason nintendo is even still alive at this point is that their dev team are so fucking phenomenal that they managed to cary nintendo through every single shitty buissiness decision after another.

The real question is if nintendo if gonna change before their studios can't carry enough weight for them anymore.

Outsold Super Mario 3D World :^)

3DS has an actual game library so it was worth buying. Easily my most played console of the last generation.

Wii U lured me in with Xenoblade X. Also, the Wii U version of BotW has a more stable framerate because the draw distance is lower, and that matters a lot to me. If I didn't have one, I'd buy one for the game over a fucking Switch.

Everyone has a phone or can use an emulator.

I'd rather they didn't so there's even less chance I can ever interact with you again, you ugly little cunt.

exclusives doesn't mean what it use to mean. Exclusives are no longer platform related, but brand related. The original Super Mario bros. has been done on nearly every other nintendo console, thus making it not NES exclusive, but Nintendo Exclusive.

Zelda is still exclusive, you must own a Nintendo branded system in order to partake in it.

Mark Son- er Cerny though throwing a bunch of Polygons into a character would sell people on the systems power

>Bad Port
>Soon to be available on other platforms
>Subpar rhythm game
>Game that should have been a pack in

Great launch indeed.

You'd rather they didn't what? Did you even quote the right person?


Well slightly warm cake doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

The only good gamecube launch game was Star Wars Rogue Squadron

Everybody knows this. Stop making your hipster console like somehow a obscure precious hardware.

Xbone is the other side of the spectrum from nintendo.

They have all the multiplats but virtually NO exclusives, which makes it pointless to get a Xbone over a PS4 since the PS4 has the same multiplats AND good exclusives.

>Using metacritic as a source

lmao dis nigga never ate a pancake before

Sales, nigger, show me the sales

Since when did this happen? Just because you make up some new definition for exclusives doesn't mean everyone else has to follow it

Dumb animu poster

Literally not a cult, right?

>Considering the GameCube a hipster console.
Can you just please fucking kill yourself, if you're going to meme at least talk about the Dreamcast.

I like to read this threads and imagine that literally every poster is a businessman working for their respective company. It makes me laugh picturing Miyamoto, Reggie, Kaz and co. all calling each other niggers and shilling this hard.

Zelda is great but it's not "the next game comes out in over 6 months"-great

Well, if you aren't a Windows 10 PC gamer, Xbone still has solid games nobody else has.
Forza Horizon 3 is GOAT racer and a criminally underrated game from 2016

>a monster hunter clone
my sides

>t-talk about Sega!


>The only reason nintendo is even still alive at this point is that their dev team are so fucking phenomenal that they managed to cary nintendo through every single shitty buissiness decision after another.
This + underproduction and most importantly eternal blind support from their die-hard fans who keep forgiving them for treating them like shit.

>0,10 are the only scores he gives
>0,10 are binary for 0 and 2
>hl3 confirmed for switch
On a serious note, a buy/dont buy binary scoring system is a good idea. It really forces the critics to make a decision and use their degenerate noggin.

what i find more hilarious is a nintendo fanboy complaining about framerates

Okay, you decided that, that's fine. But why does it matter? Again, we're not looking at exclusives here, just launch titles and metascore, and again, even some of the games in the OP aren't exclusives, even by your definition.

A game that has PS2 graphics run at lower frame rate than Bloodborne day 1 without patch.

The game is so empty that they had to market the game as a climb simulator.
People on Sup Forums will defend this

I belive snes had 59fps, and then for n64 it was 20

SNES had constant slowdown in most games due to its shit-tier CPU

This. When it comes to framerate, sony is like a plumber fixing the toilet of the PC Royalty. But Nintendo is the literal turd in the toilet.

The only games they've managed to ever get to great framerates where games that had graphics that looked outdated even for a system that itself has outdated as fuck hardware.

We are dealing with the most aggressive and stupid fanbase.

never reply to Nintendo fans like you would to normal people. They live in a alternate reality.

This thread is filled with butthurt sonyfags. But how is VOEZ? Is it entirely touch screen?

Did it? I actually only owned a nes. It was pretty good, but when I upgraded to ps1 it was godlike

Zelda and Voez aren't exclusive, so fuck off

>indie exclusives
>Shovel Knight
>Binding of Isaac
They aren't even really games, more like stupid meme garbage that favor style over substance.

Blaster Master isn't either, and I'm pretty sure Fast RMX is just a port of NEO

>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 wasn't good
>but Star Wars was
You get the fuck outta here and take your trash opinions with you.

They're not wrong

All but ONE game (snipperclips) on that Switch list is a multiplat

So why not post the highest reviewed PS4 multiplat launch games too?
It's not like you didn't nitpick Switch games, 1,2Switch! and BombermanR are actual exclusives, why not include those instead of indie multiplat games?

Why, instead of useless hypothetical "What if Switch released in 2013?" lists, don't you post the RELEVANT current date list?

NieR Automata
Resident Evil 7
The KingdomHearts remakes (hey you're including ports and remasters on the Switch list so why not?)

Are the games releasing at the same time as those Switch titles in the real world, not in your made-up irrelevant list. Why not compare those instead?

>NieR Automata
>Resident Evil 7

>All these games came out since 2017 started
>PS4 took 4 years to have games

4 out of 5 games on the Switch list aren't exclusives either. Ironically that PS4 list has more exclusives included.

What's your point?

The GameCube version of THPS3 was rife with slowdown. It was a trash port.

if I remember correctly the SNES had 3.6mhz clock speed while genesis released 2 years earlier had 7.2mhz

That's what blast processing was all about

Hyrule Warriors is not a 10.

Even with a trash launch Sony STILL wins

I already argued that the launch games alone were already better. If he is going to include multiplats on Switch's list he must also include multiplats on the PS4 list, which were quite good. Assassin'sCreed Blackflag is arguably the best of the series for example. There were also quite a lot of good indie games, that Switch list if made up of LITERALLY 80% indie games, so why only mention Resogun on PS4 and nothing else?

Just a sad nitpicked list. And like I said, irrelevant. Switch isn't going against 2013's PS4. It's a mid-gen launch and thus competing with 3+ year old consoles, all their backlog, and 2017 releases.

>mario kart dlc

>A Monster Hunter clone

You forgot to mention that PS4 games have thousands of ratings while Nintendo games only have about 3


Voez is very good it deserve more sales.

The funny thing is that the Genesis CPU is even better than the clock speed suggests. It has sixteen 32-bit registers while the SNES CPU has four 8-bit registers and four 16-bit registers.

More and better registers means the Genesis CPU doesn't have to read RAM as often and can do complex operations much faster.