Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Thread

>implying videos like these don't make you hype as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw never played Final Fantasy or any other overproduced crap
Nintendo games and Skyrim are just about the only games I can play without rolling my eyes at the retarded animations that fat nerd virgin gamers think are "kewl"

>implying they do
>implying they don't just make me angry that the series has been getting worse and worse since 1994

One of the most ridiculous marketing stunts I've ever seen for vidya.

If only modern Square Enix put this much effort into their video games.

>type-0, woff, and ffxv are some of the worst games I've ever played
>can't stop buying ff products due to the hope the franchise will become good again

They did the same thing for the original FF7.

Oh that's pretty cool

did they expect FF7 to be a major success or something? not like they did ice sculptures for previous installments (unless im wrong and they did)

It's gotten better.

You have the shittest taste imaginable. XV is the best FF yet.

>getting hyped

FF7 had one of the largest marketing budgets for any video game - $100M - and it's still #3 after adjusting for inflation.

Bullshit, fuck off.


fuck that i want a mystic quest 2

You know there's people that worked on FF1 on NES and from every FF since still at SE right?

It is.


>mfw they showed nothing from FFXIV1.0
They really want to forget their first launch happened, huh?


X > VII > Tactics > IV > VI > IX > XII > V > III > VIII > Type-0 > XIII > I > XV > II

It's nice seeing them in order like this, especially because I finished them all.


And I'm still having fun.

95 days until her game is revealed, Sup Forums. Get fucking hyped.

Fuck off retard.

Not bad taste, similar to mine, and therefore you are ok.

It's hype until you realized that they're trying to cling into it's glorious past so hard, modern SE or FF is shit.


XV is the best FF yet so no.

>IX cucks
Name one FF fagbase that's more pathetic than IX cucks
Protip: you can't.

>cling into
How do I cling into? Is this like opening someone up and then crawling inside to hug the organs?

17 games and only 4 of them are shit. pretty impressive desu.

>XIV worse than XIII

Hahaha get the fuck out reddit

IV = VI = VIII > VII = IX > XIII = V > XII = XIII:LR > I = X = XIII-2 > II > III > X-2 = Type-0

The only one I didn't like was X-2 and Type-0 though.

XI and XIV are only MMOs, of course they're worse than any singleplayer FF, including XIII and II.

>muh first FF was the best

>They're MMO's so they're bad meme
They're better than any modern FF game out so far. XI especially.

So I hated FFXV, but I do feel like FFXV is the type of game the FF series "needed."

FF became too focused on being a cinematic-heavy linear game with a confusing plot and confusing systems of leveling up.

FFXV has one of most basic plot in the series. I often see people say that FFXV has a confusing plot. I think the confusion comes from people fully expecting a multi-layered, confusing plot and looking too into the game's story.

FFX, FFXII, and especially FFXIII all had a bunch of unique keywords specific to their game (pyreflies, pulse, l'cie). FFXV really doesn't have any of that stuff.

FFXV doesn't have a sphere grid or license system. It has a series of skill trees.

It barely has any cinematics.

For all these reasons, FFXV actually felt more like FF1 - FF5 than any of the other 3D final fantasy games. It was just four characters on a journey through a fantasy land to defeat an evil empire.

The one thing I feel FFXV did truly wrong was too much marketing and too many spinoff materials. Oh, and the DLC is atrocious but I guess that's sadly something you need to cope with with modern vidya.

t. antisocial NEET

Yea, IX cucks are definitely the worst. FFXV fags are pretty bad though, close second.

>Showing spoilers

el oh el faec

sorry, I don't consider menu navigation simulators with cutscenes to be games

what the fuck user

my boss just walked by my computer

now i have to go meet him in his office in an hour

>le company name
>an argument

where were when the final fantasy renaissance began?

show him this as well

VIfags, /xivg/

Says reddit.

Anti xvfags are the ultimate cancer.

>VII that high
>XIV lower then XIII and VIII
I feel like I should just pat your head and tell you that it'll be okay.

it's hype

but procrastinating is a bitch

no that would XIII fags, but who is to say they aren't one ant the same.

All this reminds me is that XV already came out and Tabata ruined it.

This is like an afterparty.

Tabata saved it. Eat shit Nomuracuck.

Speak English you fucking weaboo

The only one I've played was XII and I loved it

I only need the violin part of the final fantasy theme to get goosebumps. Its a masterwork of music.


How do you ruin trash



also nice filename 10/10

it's widely regarded as one of the worst MMOs ever made, can you blame them for not wanting to show it?

Someone fucked up during a demolition is all I know. Thanks, I just made this after 1000 hours in MSPaint

fucked that up

>he doesn't know The Dudesons

Tactics > FFV > The rest.

It doesn't make me hype. It makes me sad how low they've fallen.

neck yourself nostalgiadrone

The only ff thing I still look forward to is the fiesta.