Breath of the wild thread

Breath of the wild thread

What do you want for story DLC?

I think the time travel idea the other user had about going back to the past to meet the champions, and having a different version of the world to come back to is really cool

Rank the game with all the other 3D zeldas faggots

BotW > WW > MM > OoT > TP > SS

Someone tell me where to find some woodcutting axes besides the two on the platue. Really trying to finish this quest and blood moon is taking to fucking long.

>Shatterpoint Peak
>I dare you to sneak past a thunder arrow Lynel and dive into the reservoir
What the fuck is that Zora's problem?


Do you specifically need a wood axe? Any bladed weapons can cute down a tree and bombs work too.

Jungle stable

WW > MM > OoT > BotW > TP > SS

I feel too many people are in the honeymoon phase to see the flaws, but overall this is a step in the right direction.

one of the stables closest to the plateau has one iirc

We need a dlc where you travel to Koholint


>he fights guardians on horses
>he is this fucking weak

Oh shit. Thanks user. Honestly never bothered to try using anything besides an axe. Life is hard but it's harder if you are retarded so they say.

I can see the flaws because I'm a dungeonfag, and there were figuratively no dungeons. Also, the story could have been a bit better. More fleshed out at least. We barely know anything about the Champions, except Mipha loved Link.

more Zelda 2 stuff

Wind Waker > Majora > Breath of the Wild > Ocarina > Twilight Princess > Skyward Sword

just beat the game
final boss felt underwhelming, expected more than two phases
kinda pissed off that i made a point to get the master sword early and then it served literally no purpose in the story
equally ticked that i spent all that time getting all the memories for nothing

is there ng+ or what? do i just continue from where I saved before fighting Ganon?

what i hate about these fuckin controls is accidently tryin to press lock on and it wont lock on. or accidently pressin left stick and my guy fuckin crouches.

lock on range is absolutely fucked sometimes

That is fucking awesome.

Is there a secret to taming horses? I'm to tame a big horse buts it draining all my stamina

Wand of gamelon was the best zelda of all time

Yep, last save before Ganon

I don't know why you expected any story change due to a weapon. It's not like Fi is actively communicating with you

You don't even have the triforce

dont get me started on the shitty evasion jank


You can find one near each stable.

Hit L as fast as you can.

>never ride a horse the entire game
>fucking hate horses
>end fight puts me on a FUCKING HORSE
>get off the goddamn horse and fight pig ganon on foot like a man

you are a genius

I've been playing for nearly 100 hours

>fucking hate horses
No need to take your hate for MLP that far.

>What do you want for story DLC?

Kaepora Gaebora or an aspect of him shows up.

Holy shit.

Credit: Dunkey

>kinda pissed off that i made a point to get the master sword early and then it served literally no purpose in the story
You get small extra scenes or dialogue
>equally ticked that i spent all that time getting all the memories for nothing
Most of them seem easy, got all but two so far. The one in the woods seems the hardest, there are so many forests that I can't tell just from the photo where it could be

>implying the Rito chief was a direct reference to him
>implying Zelda's dad in Skyward Sword wasn't a direct reference to him
I've had enough of Kaepora Gaebora desu.

Dunkey looks and talks like a dumbass but not even I can come up with this

There's a wandering painter you can find in Stables/Villages who will give you hints about the locations of the memories

They should've named the divine beast after him than Medli

So now that the Hyrule Compendium says that you blocked Ganon right before his human reincarnation does this confirms that this game takes place before OoT?

Yeah but Rauru is a human normally whereas Medli is a Rito.

I know, but it's more fun to find them by the hints on the pictures themselves. I'll probably try to find that photo wit the wall on it, probably tutorial area or hyrule castle. For the forest i might try random stables until i get the hint

I'd rank it a bit higher, and put WW lower.

MM > BoTW > OoT > WW > TP > SS

I think the rost tinted glasses need to come off with OoT for me personally. I can't go back to it, MM I can.

But BoTW is absolutely the right direction. I definitely want more of this.

I want more of the following
>More costumes
>More weapons and weapon styles
>More actual quests and not as many fetch quests
>Dungeons that are totally unrelated to Shiekah tribe or ancient shiekah tech. Like Dampy's graveyard or the Kakariko village Well dungeon.
>More enemies, seriously no Lik-Liks, no Redeads, Gibdos, Wallmasters, and Stalmasters? Wtf.
>An instrument. Really would've been cool to have Kass give you a magic accordion or some shit and you can manipulate the world like an Ocarina.
> More Yiga clan stuff, they're gold.
>More cooking recipes, I love the cooking minigame.

I can't think of much else atm. I just want more. I don't wanna wait another 5 years for a new Zelda, just stick with most of what they got and give me just MOAR pls.

It takes place before Skyward Sword.


>not running up to them on foot
>not shooting them in the eye to stun them
>not then systematically tearing them apart with the master sword, leg by leg

That was the first way I killed a guardian and I felt like a fucking beast doing it




What do you want to see in the new Zelda anyway

>Ditch hyrule, or change it drastically. Exploring post-apocalyptic hyrule is fun, but I doubt it will be fun again. Hustling and bustling hyrule might be fun, or termina-like nightmare world is fine too
>More weapon skills, ala TP
>have longer, and more dungeons. The puzzles are great, but the dungeons are too short
>have some classic items return
>make every weapon at least 2x as durable as they are right now, and allow blessings on weapons (allows recharge when it breaks)
>more enemy types

I think that's about it. BotW is definitely a great game, one of the best Zeldas, and I want to see the next follow its path

Anyway, you fuckers have any setting ideas?

Ancient Arrows work nicely.

chikens appear out of nowhere
> omg such amazing technology never before seen.

Whoa, great minds think somewhat alike

>>not shooting them in the eye to stun them
Stasis is much easier, doesn't even need to be aimed

Theory: the game is actually purgatory, and beings that die in the various timelines all end up in this one. That's why it seems like it fits in every timeline.

Actually no, that's fucking dumb.

>still no fanart where Links rams Riju


I want the Cane of Somaria. Shit would have been perfect for this engine.

I only recently got a Wii U and I've already played Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze. I absolutely loved Breath of the Wild and I know Monolith worked on it, would you guys recommend Xenoblade Chronicles X if I liked this game? Big fan of the first one but from my understanding this one's pretty different.

interesting theory
this game might be a dream of the Sleeping Zelda, this would explain why she is messing up with names and timelines

>run up to Guardian on foot
>it keeps scuttling out of reach of my axe
>sigh and pull out my shield to parry kill it
I just wanted to be cool...

No time travel fuck off

Fuck off Sup Forums

>hookshot rune
>candle rune for the slate, equip it once to hold it out to cast light, tap the button to send out a small puff of flame
>fist weapons
>fist armor that allows link to fight empty handed
>somaria rune that lets you summon a big fuck off block that can be moved around with an upgraded magnesis that allows manipulation of all physics objects
>let us talk to monsters when you have masks equipped, form little raiding parties to go fuck up other monster species to cause infighting and to be able to have a pack of lizalfos

X is actually better, its fucking huge with so mcuh to do, and the combat is awesome, and getting a mech is one of hte most satisfying things

So did they finally destroy Demise in this timeline, then?

would love to see hyrule castle town rebuilt, either in the past or future.

XCX is great, but it is a disappointment after the first game. I really hope the true sequel brings back XC's formula with all the good changes in X.

If you like exploration then go for it. There technically isn't really much of anything to do in the open world but it's really fun to run around in and explore. Lots of cool stuff to see.

playable champions

A game on the obvious convergence of the timelines. Would be set over 10,100 years before Breath.

I love XCX but it's not a great game objectively. It has some of the same marks that I can see in BoTW but the overall package is much weaker. I love the world and exploring it but, unfortunately, it does put quest markers on the world etc inherently hurting the exploration.

If you'll manage to find it at a good price it'd say go for it. The combat system is great, there is a lot to do and the world is a joy to roam around having the right kind of verticality and hidden spots to keep you finding new things fairly often.

I have almost 190 hours on it without engaging into the Global Nemesis and grinding (because I hate grinding which is a prerequisite for the ultra-powerful gear which is essential to tackle superbosses) and I find myself returning to the game once in a while, doing a quest or killing monsters every now and then.

that's an /r9k/ meme not Sup Forums retard

Is it worth getting a Switch now just for Zelda?

Sup Forums culturally appropriated Pepe to start a religion.

If you don't have a Wii U.

I'm ~60 hours into the game and clearing every area of the map thoroughly, I've done 3/4 dungeons and only JUST came to gerudo town and holy fuck
they really made a single town thats bigger than every town in any single zelda game combined? and I waited this long to see it?
this game just keeps giving.

Meh, if you have a big backlog it might be worth it, but I suggest you wait a few months for them to iron out the kinks

Gerudo Town is the best town in the game, make sure to talk to all the NPCs.

One of the zora slates mentions Ruto helping the hero defeat Ganondorf.

So it's adult timeline.

Why do we assume the dlc will be some amazing quest? We have never seen nintendo do a big dlc yet.
Im hopefull for something cool but i think we are just getting some extra side mission or some shit.

Zelda was never a good series, the characters are shit, bland and one-dimensional (so the retarded fans can easily self-insert as the tunic wearing numale cucklord Link)

Everything is so fucking...bland....and generic, it's not even good minimalism either. It's just empty and devoid of any life (just like Zelda fans!)

The only reason this """"********series********"""" has even proliferated is because you SPERGS get a sense of community, collectively jizzing on the same chunk of trash so the nagging feeling that you have shit taste in EVERYTHING doesn't creep through into your thoughtspace.

None of the 3D Zelda games were good, Not Fagarina of time that you retards use for "GAMER STREET CRED XD"

Just fuck off and die and take Nintendo with you please.

I though it was pretty clear this takes place after Twilight Princess. Considering the fact Zelda mentions it out right.
"Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight…"

Huh? MK8 had pretty big DLC in terms of what they added

If it's a sidequest I will fucking riot

agreed, good thing botw saved the series

Link and Zelda traveling together
after the true ending.

Wait before buying a new system.

did zora and gerudo today. i'm pooped

whats the quickest and safest way to get to the bird? i'm scared of the hyrule castle area with all those guardians


It also has Rito, who evolved in response to the Great Flood, and locations named after Medli and Linebeck. It's not easy to place.

In order to get the true ending I just need all 12 memories right, also does that painter guy give you hints for all 12?

this better be pasta

You don't encounter any guardians if you go straight from plateau to Bird


How spoony is Kass?

I just dont think it will be anything big or even with cutscenes.
Yes MK and even smash added quite alot but in terms of zelda i was hoping for something like blood and wine for the witcher 3.

Lost Pilgrimage can fuck straight off.

>Diamond circlet takes 6 diamonds to upgrade for rank 3
>Doesn't even provide Guardian set bonus with the Ancient armor
Fucking fuck fuck.

>Implying that makes it any less cancerous
Also Sup Forums stole it from /r9k/ so you get branded as being a user from both places.

>you will never fight zodd in a competent game

Kill me

i'm really glad attacking doesn't use stamina. they could really have fucked up the game with that mechanic

>Twilight Princess so low in all of these lists

It was my favorite 3D Zelda, though BOTW might snatch that title away. What exactly is wrong with TP that I'm missing? Only arguments I ever hear are "muh wolf sections" or "muh OOT pandering"