Tfw my first 1440p monitor in the mail

>tfw my first 1440p monitor in the mail
making the jump from 1080p, whats it like bros

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you wont notice any difference. but you can tell all the girls that you have a 1440p monitor i guess

Crisp image. I was amazed at how nice 1440p is when I first saw it.

Everything is tiny as fuck

Went from a tiny 1080p to a 27in 1440p. Really is a massive leap in quality, so much screen space. Enjoy user.

>Getting a new monitor when 4K HDR 120hz monitors are around the corner

I don't think it's that noticeable. I'm happy being a peasant until arrive and drop price.

Using my 1050p 16:10 master race monitor until it dies.

Mine died, got a 2560x1600

Maximum Comfy

Do they make them 120/144hz, or do I need to keep my current 1080p to play CS:GO and games above 60fps?

Why should I leave 1080p behind?

higher res = nicer graffix

You'll never go back, 1080p will feel so damn restricted in comparison.

you can zoom in more on things

It's pretty good. The picture is super-clear and looks amazing for it. One of the first things you'll notice outside games is how tiny everything on your desktop now is, and it's an absolute bitch finding a good 1440p wallpaper that isn't an upscaled 1080p. Of course, I'm nitpicking. You'll enjoy it.

Mine is 144hz.

Right now it's a luxury/future-proofing thing. If you aren't looking to play in ultra-HD right away, it won't hurt to wait a couple of years until it's a better-supported resolution overall.

What about 144? I'm not a graphics person but I do like high frames.

Restricted? How?

4K is fucking insane, eyes cried first time I used it, it was so clear.

But how?

Better looking picture wtf would you ask that

higher resolution just needs a beefier GPU, 144hz needs a beefy CPU on top of that so its definitely a more expensive investment

90% of stuff isn't made for 4k. Video games still look the same at a higher res, just no edges if you aa it
I have a 290x sapphire

I can see all my glorious waifu's from my visual novels in higher fidelity. I love it

I made the jump from 1080p to 4k and it's so beautiful. You can't appreciate how great it is until you have it

>visual novels
>larger than 720p

In what fucking universe are the nips competent enough for this?

pretty underwhelming
4k UHD makes a fuckhuge difference though


>tiny room
>giant TV


i wish, the first couple learning nip with are 800x600
suffering is all i know

Because 1080p is what 480p was 8 years ago. Grainy obsolete low res garbage, the poor man's resolution, too low for any vidya platform besides Nintendo, and absolute unenjoyable once you're used to high resolution.

I cropped picture, you understand that dont ya?

Wait a sec, those PS2 games..

i usualy play these games in windowed mode because you-what-why reasons

>90% of stuff isn't made for 4k

Basically any game can do 4k now. And it's not just the edges. The added sharpness makes a world of a difference and you'll miss it every time you're on a normal display. 4k is the way to go you can treat this as fact. It's stupid to buy a 1440p display if you have remotely affordable 4k monitors avaliable

the only annoying thing with 4k is how tiny the UI can be in some games

Had 1440 since 2013. Upgraded to 165hz this year. Best decision of my life.


enjoy your over-stretched pixels and lag

>playing sekai project vns
You only have yourself to blame

only the latest 1080ti can manage 60fps at 4k. Well, not in crysis 3 and witcher 3.
its TDP is also 250w. Forgive me for not wanting to run a fucking air conditioner worth of power draw just to play vidya

>want to 144hz
>also want something above 1080p
>cant have both without sacrificing one or the other

What do?

>i'm poor and need to justify it


>checkerboard upscaling
>buying a 4k tv when your console doesnt even output native 4k

give it a few years when mid range gpus become capable of 4k

I dont see pixels from couch, 22ms input lag

Netcliz does and it looks Mint

1080ti can almost pull it off. Keep in mind these guys are running at absolute max, which usually entails dumb performance sinks like 8x MSAA or ultra shadows.

>I dont see pixels
>not seeing the tiniest of details

Kill yourself, chav

Why is your TV do crooked?

>that collection
Normies leave etc etc

>falling for the visual jew

it's alright? I use 1440p monitors at work and my laptop has one. Practically speaking there was no difference from 1080p though, not sure why you thought it would be a huge upgrade.

Your room is very small if you have to have your entire entertainment center next to a wall corner.

>buying 2k when affordable 8k is just around the corner


8k won't be a thing for at least 10 years.

4k is still in it's infancy.

It's a meme you dip.

8K is already a thing.

Uhhh I browse Sup Forums dude, I know all the memes and that wasn't a meme dude

I meant as in upscaling. It's not like you're playing a game that's 4k from the start. Tell me about higher hz monitors instead.

I think that pic is crooked, or maybe tv was. Wallmount too shit maybe.

Ye, Ive fallen for some memes. Pic releated is what I mainly play atm

The >not waiting for X when it's just around the corner
when talking about PC component is totally a meme.

>lecturing me about memes

get fucked bitchboy!

You won't notice a difference....until you look at a 1080p monitor again

Man get that low refresh rate shit outta here

What brand should I buy a 144hz monitor from?

How do you even live?

Acer or Asus.

However it doesn't really matter since all the panels are made in the same factories

I dont play mp shooters(except for overwatch and destiny rarely)