Unfortunately, even with those two mixed together, it would still be open world garbage. I'm afraid there's no saving either of them. Better frames aren't gonna save either game from that boredom.
Maybe glue them to to yourself and hope the cancers fight eachother.
>absolute shit gameplay and story
B-but the framerate is high so it must be good!
I just deal with shitty frame rates now and enjoy Zelda. I've already had to deal with shitty frame rates on games I liked on PC like XCOM 2 and Planet Coaster, both of which will continue to shit the bed even on a 1080ti and an i7 late game when aliens are destroying buildings on a horribly unoptimized physics engine or too many guests entering your park on horribly unoptimized AI system.
well thank god he can play real games like hearthstone, overwatch and clash royale.
Other games doing it doesn't make it OK for Zelda. Nintendo needs top stop shitting the bed with their hardware, it's having a noticeable adverse effect on their games outcome. When even Nintendo is having issues with optimization yknow somethings wrong.
Thanks for finally admitting the truth about Zelda and Horizon.
Clash Royale would be pretty good if there were no card and tower levels
Is this fat faggot not dead yet?
Has ass cancer and is supposedly dying, yet still wastes him time complain about pointless shit on twatter. What a pathetic existence.
It doesn't make it okay, no. But I'm learning to just deal with it anyway. Upgrading your PC now feels like you're just trying to keep up with developer's lazy optimization. It's frustrating.
point is he plays mobile games and putzes that other games aren't real games because of his framerate fetish. Someone who spent money on a fucking star wars mobile game should really not be seen as a good judge on anything really.
>When even Nintendo is having issues with optimization yknow somethings wrong.
Nintendo have had shit performance for decades. Do you fags not remember the fact that OoT runs at a locked 20fps? Or that Wind Waker's framerate shits itself when an explosion goes off, or when fighting big things like the octocunt at sea?
This isn't a new thing.
I hear cancer's framerate is pretty good.
>shit on the two best open world games of all time
>can't stop jerking off to another ubisoft open world checklist marathon
I will never understand why this guy somehow became the PC mascot.
>replying to yourself
>cacner lmao
Still way more frames than he has years left.
His ass and cancer glued themselves together and now he's scraping by on life
Like we had a choice.
I personally can't fucking hear that forced British accent, never will, never could. I just can't stand it.
>Making a game with no progression
dead game
Just take out the gold/dust requirement for level them up. Go the cards? Autolevel.
Someone really should build on the main concept of the game though, it has lots of potential
He still is right about Zelda and Horizon. Only a real cucks would enjoy these games.
thin skinned piece of shit
jesus christ, it's amazing how pleb his tastes are depite him being some paragon for "hardcore pc gaming"
i feel sorry for guys like this. not just that hes ugly and has cancer but hes one of those guys who cant have fun with games because theyre 30 fps. literal autism
Does this cunt even play video games?
Oh please, they do good with every update except for card balance, which is meh. It is super easy to get a legendary these days even as a f2p. The concept is crazy good, and simple for normalfags, why is why it worked. Any copy of this game will get looked down on and frowned upon.
>his cancer has now spread to his twitter account
>Says the game is kind of shitty but has few nice things about it
30fps is shit and shouldn't be encouraged, but Jesus Christ, it's a fucking handheld and the game looks and plays amazing.
Total Asscancer is clearly succumbing to his cancer.
I have no idea what this game is but I am disgusted by this screen