*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is this an epic maymay now?

*teleports behinds you aims point blank with spas 12* heh nothing personal bitch

*unzips dick*


>friends say don't shoot
>you shoot

Only a heavy-footed stomping mong can't get around her.

Stop walking around like you have weights in your heels.

*throws a molotov*


or just crown her

>first time playing
>have shotgun
>friend says don't shoot
>shoot with a big shit eating grin on my face
>Cr0wned! - Achievement Unlocked
Upto that point he himself had never gotten that and was both amazed and pissed.

Coolest enemy in l4d by far

It's a [s4s] meme
Get with the times grandpa


*rides you*


>*toss pipebomb on top of witch and wait for explosion to stun her*
>*Immediately rush in to shove witch*
>*melee and shove till dead*

On Left4Dead 2, theres a delay between when you attack a walking bitch and when she's starttled and attacks you back.
Basically you have time to get 2 melee hits on her for half her hp before getting incapacitated.

Walked up to one with a friend.
We raped her with frying pans.

Good times.

> make love to her

One of the best workshop campaigns I've played had a whorehouse with witches in each room.

Is that Urban Flight?

*turns out it aint right for a man to be ridden like that*

Considering you attack her naked with your boner already activated and are strong enough to overpower her. How do you insert your when you need to pin down both of her arms with both of your arms? Her panties still get your dick off her so I don't know how it's possible. Maybe if you are quick enough to tear her panties before you pin her arms downs.

But you're pretty much dead if you risk that while just surprise grabbing her arms is perfectly possible for anyone.

>open bedroom door
>see this
wat do?

Die faggot

I think you got the wrong guy user...

Can you fuck them?

>play mostly with AI only
>doing this campaign for the first time
>fucking rochelle wanders into that one room that I'm sure has like 3-5 of them

>run past
>clear the area immediatly ahead of her
>look back and watch as my team either carefully runs past her one at a time
>lol, just joking, the second person runs past and the third person just runs straight up to the witch, stops, and immediately gets downed

>boner can't even penetrate panties
Come on man, this is beginner level stuff.
