When aren't Japanese developers pressured into making more man-faced female characters like western developers are?

When aren't Japanese developers pressured into making more man-faced female characters like western developers are?
Japs are still putting child heads on dult bodies. Where's the outrage?

>le ebin family man

Jews fear the samurai.

Japs just make games

The Japs aren't cucked by SJWs like the west is.

Why does just the one on the left look embarrassed?

Ugliest one there. Feeling insecure.

She hides a dick

I'll take 4 and 11.

7 is the perfect qt

Does japan even have any equivalent to SJWs? Doesn't seem like women over there care about this shit.

4/7 master race reporting

Becsuse women are viewed as subservient objects in japan

The closest thing in asia is in South Korea.

It's literally what would happened if Feminists and SJWs got their way, but a lot more secretive. Well, until someone blew the whistle and leaked a fuckton of documents.

Women too busy doing shit over there rather than complaining

Japan is still a pretty sexist society in some ways

Because unlike the west, Japan is not sexist and believe women can be women and successful.

>Women too busy doing shit over there rather than complaining
>mfw that time a female rep for japan blew some SJWs the fuck out stating they needed to worry about rights of REAL women over fictional women

except for the fact that any represented as such are also considered "unwomanly"
Like what the fuck, office cougars are great

7th from the left is the best

Nothing great about women that will never have children.


You must go back! Build a wall! HARABABARABAB

But seriously, she's fine I guess, if you like Latinas.

As non-whites, they don't live with white privilege, so they are not targets of cultural marxist rage.

For further information, see:

>why blacks are allowed to be misogynists and rapists
>why muslims are allowed to be misogynists and rapists
>why muslims are allowed to execute gays for homosexuality
>why latinos are allowed to beat women who refuse sex

4 is best girl

Because japs understand that games are for escaping from reality, not to remember reality.

Nipps have a racial bonus that gives them -25% to liberalism and +10% resistance to nuclear weapons

They can't control what the Japs does but they will eventually start to curate what you can or not consume that comes out from there. It already has started

I live in Japan and no, there isn't one.

>Well, until someone blew the whistle and leaked a fuckton of documents.

>making dykes
Please NO!

That's the good thing about japan, they don't fucking care about what's politically correct. Most of their characters are white and women characters dress like your pic regardless of age.

They only change that when shipping to the west when they give a fuck... it doesn't even affect their sells.