Just so you know, Breath of the Wild runs at 30 FPS in CEMU now even in scenes like this

Just so you know, Breath of the Wild runs at 30 FPS in CEMU now even in scenes like this.

Other urls found in this thread:


that's not cemu

It is. Are you going to force me to record and post another webm?

when is it gonna be playable
is it good?


Here you go, Anonymous.

make on where you jump twice and spin in a circle

>patreon build

you donated to those kikes?

Can I get a link to the rom? Is it only avaliable for CEMU Patreons?

No, it's pirated

That's neat. So is the game playable on emulator? Or is it still too buggy?

What are your CEMU settings user

>even scenes like this
>runs around an empty field with no enemies

What do the framerates do if Link puts on pants?

It's still way too buggy. Apparently you can't even get out of the starting area. Promising start, though.

Cool. I can't wait.

Too bad my computer is shit

This is what I'm running.
turbomo.de/resources/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-update-v16.367/ - the game.

You need CDecrypt to decrypt it. See: reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/5xpra2/how_to_run_app_etc_files/deko81d/

mega.nz//#!74x3ibrD!ek4nZ8xxS9nW7OcIgEdK8q1DzHvh9e3sZ7f19RuFn3M - This is the CEMU version you want. DO NOT use 1.7.3b.

cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/285631621640486914/289640301100793856/2912eb2f.7z - This is a save file you'll need to load into the Plateau.

So, if you can do all that, you can run BOTW at good framerate. And you're a super hacker, too.

console players

>$400 to enjoy the best game of all time on the switch, can play it anywhere in handheld
>$60 to enjoy it on wii u

pc players

>donate $50 bucks monthly for a bunch of losers getting the game to run on PC
>will take over a year to get the entire game up and running, can't even get out of the starting area right now
>$600 total, not included the monster rig you will need to run it on PC in the first place
>will still have glitches and bugs
>no DLCs
>no updates

the master race, right?

>Patreon build
You disgust me

The patreon build is being whored out on every website. See It's the only run that runs BOTW


yeah boy

Damn, CEMU emulates this dolphin porn at 4k and 60fps.

Yes but the switch has one game. The pc has every game ever made.

except bloodborne and rdr

Best game of all time? Why are you lying, Nintenbros need to get off their high horse.

The game in and is being rendered at 4k as well, it's just not obvious

It still can't emulate Xbox

>or anything from Xbox
>or PS4


>Running an emulator makes you a super hacker

Are you okay?

Be careful or I will hack you, Anonymous.

Just curious, how will you complete the puzzles that use motion controls?

Do you have autism?

yea so does my wiiu

go to a village or a place with fuckton of grass and fight a moblin or use a bomb arrow and see what happens

Pretty sure it was sarcasm.

you've been able to use a DS3/4 with cemu for ages, and you can use the gyro in that

>yea so does my wiiu

Actually it runs it at 20fps

Nintendo BTFO

Remember to financially support good games.

Switchfags on suicide watch.

They were already on suicide watch because you can just play the game on WiiU

They removed the grass and took away the water effects to make it run?

Where is the grass?

But I do.
However Nintendo titles rarely fall into that category. Not with the anti-consumer bullshit Amiibos, shit like Hard mode being DLC, and the lack of dual audio when the dub is ridiculously shit.
If I choose to pirate the game, not only do I not support Nintendo's backwards-ass shit, but I can also modify the game to remove that shit. Why would I want to support it then if paying gets me an objectively inferior product?

still freezes at loading screen in recompiler mode

>it's a week after release
>the game already runs at 4K 30FPS on PC
>consoles are struggling to maintain 720p 20FPS


Looks great have fun PCbros. Can you please show us how the physics and stuff works?

Why? Thousands more of brain dead idiots will still go and finance shit games guaranteeing tons more shit games get made regardless.

goalposts: moved

>However Nintendo titles rarely fall into that category.

That's fine if you dont think BotW is good, but I don't really believe you're being honest with yourself.

>No grass
>No water


>freezes at loading screen

Your save is incompatible with your game version. Throw away everything you have and download the version and save file I linked.

You can't patch the game to 1.01 and use that save, it has to be 1.0. The version I linked is 1.0

BotW on CEMU @4k can't even mantain 15fps faggot

And you will have done nothing to stop them. Pathetic.

why aren't you running it above native resolution
isn't that the whole point

>the report to nintedo has been sent
let me play this on a 8gb ram laptop or else

not if they're made by villains

Stop people from buying shit games? What?

Where's the grass?

There's lots of grass on Switch and Wii U.

Won't be long now, friend.

Everyone says sonybros are most cancerous fanbase but yet here we are, another emulation thread where PC masterrace is taunting console users after stealing more software.

>runs at 30 FPS
>only 29 fps


Christ, piratefags really are the most delusional excuse makers on the planet.

>muh anti-consumer bullshit
only faggots buy amiibos or complain about the missing cosmetics they aren't getting by not owning them, there is a complete game in BotW already.

>muh hard mode DLC
You're already dying in one-hit for most of the game. Zelda games have never had difficulty settings in any case (master quest doesn't count as a setting).

>lack of dual audio
valid complaint I guess?

>by pirating I don't support Nintendo's ass-backwards ass shit
You mean releasing a great game in 2017?

Just admit you're poor and we can all move on.

I am. I pay for games all the time, and I wouldn't even emulate BotW anyway. Had Nintendo released the game with dual audio that would have been enough to get me to buy a Switch to play it, but after listening to the dub I simply can't support that, not with undubs existing on Wii U.

Yeah, but what about scenes with explosions and particles that involve many transparent alpha textures????

>after listening to the dub I can't support that

Sorry Nintendo ruined your waifus, but the cutscenes compromise about 0.1% of this game. You're going to have to stop citing the dub as to why you're pirating BotW.

Tbh the amiibos and DLC are just the icing on top that cemented my decision. Dual audio is what really swayed me. Believe what you like though, we're anonymous and I could give less of a shit.

pizza on me senpai



Stable 30 FPS amirite?

The switch looks better and also has 30 Locked FPS.

Go back to Sup Forums, you petty weeaboo faggot

>can't even maintain 15fps

Weird, because I get rock solid 30 FPS and I absolutely have it running at 4k. It looks gorgeous.

What exactly do you need the save for? Still has that freezing at start?


1.0 or 1.1?

Yep, you can't get out of the opening cinematic

The cutscenes come in during all the key points though and have a significant impact in lessening the game. All of the bosses are riddled with poor voiced dialogue, and all the major story scenes are voiced. Sure, NPCs are just grunts, but you are severely understating it when you pretend that the important scenes aren't voiced, every actual cutscene in the game is. I can't justify it whatsoever. It's a feature that would take no effort to implement and I can get the objectively superior product by pirating.


Can't wait to see Zelda die like Metroid and see Mario go back to NSMB because nobody will pay for the new games.

>But I don't want the switch
Then at least buy the game itself.



I personally have it already on WiiU and am greatly enjoying it. But I have a couple friends that really want the game but have no WiiU or Switch, so this is great for them.

Love the freedom in this game, for the last 3 days of playing I realized I never progressed in the main story. Just been exploring and seeing what things I can do

>Climbing a mountain
>Using ledges to rest and gain stamina
>Starts to rain at night while I'm half way up
>Rocks are to wet to climb right now
>Set up camp on the ledge
>Getting comfy as I look around the land
>So high up can't see the ground
>Morning comes and it's dry enough to start climbing again

Loving it

>why would I support my hobby

hmm yea why?

1.0, I lists what I used here

>a console needs to have at least 30 good exclusives to be worth emulating

So don't pay for BotW then? Thanks I'll play it on my PC soon

Why is there no grass?

That blows.

Wish I could just play this shit on a Switch but this will suffice until Nintendo actually stocks retailers with the things. Thanks user.

That looks worse than the native Wii U game.

>$400 is a lot of money

Come on man.

I support my hobby all the time though user.

>important scenes
Are you really hoping to be that engaged in writing for 12 year olds? It's literally "You're the best Link, save us! Save the princess!" every other line of dialog. Just put on your favorite animes.

You have to be blind to think that's 4K
Post actual 4K screenshots


Don't buy the console to PLAY the game, just purchase the game so you can use it as a coaster!

Nah, why would I buy something that I can have for free

Build me a PC that can run CEMU above 10fps with that budget.

>day 2, the game runs in CEMU
Switch customers:
>i-it will never be above 10 fps, stay mad faggots

>day 7, the game runs at 4K 30FPS in Cemu
Switch customers

ya and half the graphical effects like grass and water are missing. like no shit it runs at 30 when it has the graphical tech of a 2005 game.

are pc madboys really impressed by that? you're making the game look like it's 10+ years older than it is and jerking off to making it run at 30 fps. not impressed.

The Wii U and Switch versions are nearly identical. The Switch version is in reality a Wii U port.

That's a ridiculous argument. The dub outright makes scenes that could have been at most inoffensive into abysmal ones.

people will need to apply a lot of HD texture mods in order for this game to not look like shit at high resolutions

What do I do with the update?

Merge into main game?