If you don't own at least 2 consoles and 1 portable you are not welcome here
I have a Xbone, Wii U, Dreamcast and a PSP
Is that ok?
I only have a PS3 and a PSP (that itself is a PS One and a GBA too)
I would like to have a Wii U, a 3DS and a PS4 but hey huebr here.
I have:
>Wii U
>DS Lite
Am I cool now?
>Wii U
>Xbox One
Well, I'm sure there are worse people like criminals and junkies
You are welcome
Counting this gen only I have:
Wii U I guess this is last gen now?
I have:
Wii u
Ps 2
Ds x 2
I have a PC, therefor I have almost all consoles released to date.
I also have an Android phone, with most of the gamehelds.
Your move faggot.
I own a PS4, a PS3 and a PC. I don't have any handhelds because I'm not a fucking manchild who needs to play video games on the go.
NES, SNES, Mega Drive, N64, DC, PS2, Xbox, 360, PS3, Wii U, Switch
Gayman PC
Hope I meet your standards faggot
You're not welcome here Sonyggar.
>not a manchild
pick one
I have the PS4, Xbone, Switch, and Vita for current gen. Last gen I had PS3, 360, Wii, and PSP.
Also have a gayman PC but that's not a console
Nice toys, forever virgin
Being a poor college student I will stick with my PC.
Going to finally upgrade my 2014 build from 2 970s to a 1080ti for 4k gaming. Should also allow me to play Project Cars in VR while adding supersampling.
Got a PS3, PS4 and a 3DS, and a gayman PC.
I've got a Megadrive, Dreamcast, CD-i, Gamecube, Gameboy Color, Advance and DS lying around somewhere in here. And an Amiga 500 that's hidden under my couch. Am I good enough?
>Bing! Bing!
>No Sega Saturn
If you have two home consoles of the same generation you're a retard
t. poorfag
I have a PS4, 3DS and Vita but will never ever buy the Xbone or Wii U.
I will probably pick up the Switch at some point though since I'm sure Nintendo will port everything worth playing from the Wii U.
Spoken like a true pleb.
I also have a $1k PC including 4k montitor and a $1.2k laptop
I can't possibly imagine getting value out of buying a PS4. I already have a living room console with home media capabilities and living room multiplayer, I don't need an uncharted + bloodborne machine
the switch being a handheld and having nintendo games are two reasons that individually justify its existence, and combined make it more worth owning than any other console released in the last decade
If I wanted a PS4 all I have to do is buy it.
Consoles: Megadrive, N64, PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Wii, U, PS4Pro, Switch
Handheld: Gameboy Color, Gameboy Color (Pikachu Edition), Game Boy Advance (x2), Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 2DS, PSVita
Used to own: Playstation, Xbox, Gamecube.
I own:
>Raspberry pi for emulation
>PS1, 2, 3, 4, Vita
>Wii U, 3DS
>Gaming PC
I forgot my Dreamcast
I have a $1500 desktop, a $2500 MacBook Pro, and every current gen console.
You're a poorfag and don't like video games.
>$2500 MacBook Pro
I have a girlfriend
N64, PS2, Xbox, Wii, PS3, Xbox360, WiiU, PS4, GBA, DS, new3DSXL.
The Wii is hooked up to my CRT via composite emulating 3rd and 4th gen vidya and I switch to component when playing GC/Wii. I have an everdrive 64 2.5 flashcart because N64 carts are privy to retarded amounts of nostalgia tax. Everything else I buy physical except Steam games which I have 345 of and play on a GTX 1060+i5-4690k rig.
i do alright.
Why not? I hate Windows for things other than gaming.
oh nice, i didn't knew there was a program like that. I'll search for it
because for that money you could buy a gaming laptop and dual boot windows-linux or even windows-mac and it's not as expensive
sorry I do not have autism
PS4, Xbone, N64, XBOX HUEG, PS2, 3DS, PSP.
I haven't touched either handheld in over a year though.
I own a console and two portables. What about it?
>because for that money you could buy a gaming laptop
>gaming laptop
that's why i own a desktop you retard. I'd much rather have my 15" rMBP than any gaming laptop on the market.
Ps2, ps3, ps4, psp, ps vita, 2ds, and a laptop.
Am I acceptable by your permavirgin standards now faggot?
inb4 sonybro
you just hate money.
I would not enjoy playing Bloodborne with its frametimes and I can watch Uncharted 4 on youtube, plus I've already played DeS and the entire Dark Souls trilogy and Uncharted 2, the one thats actually a game. I'm missing out on nothing.
Handhelds games are genuinely shit though.
>you just hate money.
You just hate not having money.
>I'm missing out on nothing.
Except you're missing out on the 2 best games released this generation.
Holy crap, you're being retarded right now.
ASIDE from the desktop, of course you should have a desktop. But why a desktop gaming pc + 2500 macbook when you could have a desktop gaming pc + 1300 gaming laptop and you could have a portable gaming experience and wouldn't be as expensive as a macbook and you could boot mac or linux anyway on it?
Or are you technologically inept too?
>gaming laptop
>$2500 Macbook pro
For what purpose do you need to waste that much money when you can grab a Macbook for like $500 or some shit
which games
bloodborne can't count because of performance issues
I'll play it when it's on PS5 with an HD port of Demons Souls
Why would I want to come over to your house?
Consolefags are mentally ill.
If you don't own a Sega Saturn with at least one copy of Burning Rangers and one copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga you should be permanently banned from the website.
gaming laptops are heavy and hackintosh is retarded. they also all have bad keyboards and trackpads
yes this applies to the razer blade too.
i have a 360 in my closet and a wii u that was gifted to me that i rarely ever played
but i use my gaming computer every day
mcfuckingkill yourself
>1300 gaming laptop and you could have a portable gaming experience and wouldn't be as expensive as a macbook
Because gaming laptops are objectively shit laptops. You might light shitty LEDs, plastic builds, functionally useless battery life, worthless trackpads, and all of the other issues that come with a gaming laptop but I don't, which is why I have a MacBook Pro. I don't need to game on the go because I'm not an autistic manchild.
Plus, it can run games if I boot Windows 10 Pro but like I said, I don't give a fuck about running games on a laptop. Gaming laptops are exclusively shit and I'd never buy one, especially not to complement a gaming desktop. I want a laptop that actually functions well as a laptop, not an overheating heavy piece of shit.
a own more than that, but I my games are pirated.
Bloodborne, Breath of the Wild.
>bloodborne can't count because of performance issues
I'd rather have a few framedrops than 0fps like on PC.
PS3, PS4, Vita and 3DS reporting here
I have never owned any console or portable
I have owned an Amiga though
>it can run games if I boot Windows 10 Pro
with the measily 660m and 2.7 ghz CPU you over paid $1000 for?
>I want a laptop that actually functions well as a laptop, not an overheating heavy piece of shit.
it only over heats when you play games, and surely a laptop not designed to play games will be worse
heavy? you're some limp wristed leftist cuck macfag i guess
the only legitimate complaint is battery life, but where do you sit for 1+ hour where there isnt a wall socket nearbye?
>and I can watch Uncharted 4 on youtube
>There are people who are so bad at video games they have to watch it on youtube.
Top kek.
I know the shooting mechanics have a bit higher skill ceiling than your average COD and BF shooter but jesus christ thats pathetic.
PS2 PS3 Wii Wii U DS 3DS
Honestly mate, the fps are not nearly as atrocious as haters tell them to be. It's noticeable in only a couple of areas.
>being an disgusting consolecuck
>the shooting mechanics have a bit higher skill ceiling than your average COD and BF
imagine actually believing this
I'd like to see you play something that's actually game, even something as nearly casual as gears of war
>using an in place of a on purpose
>calling anyone else disgusting
>I know the shooting mechanics have a bit higher skill ceiling than your average COD and BF shooter
u havin a giggle?
>that webm
Wowee, it's just like Gears of War 10 years ago. Is that contextual partner melee thing supposed to be cool when it's literally a single button press and not in the players control?
it still baffles me how people praise this games animations
they are strung together so stiffly in both combat and movement it makes me want to barf. Even third party trash games like Batman and Shadow of Mordor actually LOOK good even if they control as badly as Uncharted
>t. havent played game
Stop yourself. Its embarrassing
4 buttons were pressed in the entirely of this webm
not gameplay
OP should read "if you do not have autism you don't belong here"
>with the measily 660m and 2.7 ghz CPU you over paid $1000 for?
That's not the GPU it has, and there's more to a laptop than CPU and GPU specs. The display, build quality, and trackpad are more important to me than having a gayman GPU I won't ever need.
>it only over heats when you play games, and surely a laptop not designed to play games will be worse
I don't play games on a laptop, what part of that don't you understand?
>heavy? you're some limp wristed leftist cuck macfag i guess
You're a NEET who never leaves his house. In the real world I have to carry a bag when I go to work or travel and it contains a bunch of other shit along with my laptop. If I can avoid carrying an extra 5lbs every day I'll gladly do it.
>the only legitimate complaint is battery life, but where do you sit for 1+ hour where there isnt a wall socket nearbye?
What is the point of a laptop if I have to be tethered to a wall all the time? Now I'm carrying a laptop and a power brick, and if I had it your way it'd be a fucking 200W power brick for some piece of shit gayman laptop. No thanks, I'll gladly spend a little extra for the superior OS and build quality of a Mac.
I have
>ps2 (use it as a psx mainly)
>gba sp
>3ds and n3ds XL
And a PC i need to upgrade but can at least run das3 and stuff on medium.
It sucks, get over yourself.
>that horrible aim
6 buttons were pressed. try again.
This is of course not including the analogue controllers.
With this logic i guess Counter Strike is one of the lowest skill ceiling games.
>only bronze trophies
lel you haven't played the game.
you couldn't do better.
>Psp fat (with psp2tv, so it's basically home console now)
>Psp Go (with cradle and component cables so same as above)
>Nintendo Wii
Can I come on?
>The display, build quality, and trackpad are more important to me than having a gayman GPU I won't ever need.
the CPU is the most important part
> In the real world I have to carry a bag when I go to work or travel and it contains a bunch of other shit along with my laptop.
ive taken a gaming laptop to work every day along with another bag full of tons of shit, for the past 3 years
>What is the point of a laptop if I have to be tethered to a wall all the time?
for me that works out just fine, its not like im using it while im moving around constantly, or in a fucking desert
> if I had it your way it'd be a fucking 200W power brick
i guess the power supply is a little bigger than normal laptops but its not a huge difference
but then again i have an iphone so who am i to complain
I need to start getting rid of them.
>being a trophy whore
I beat the game clearly. I didn't feel inclined to get all the collectibles in a game I disliked and wasn't interested in multiplayer.
why would you buy blackops on the wiiu?
You're an idiot lol
1. He said he doesn't care about playing games on a laptop.
2. The build quality of a macbook is way better then almost all windows laptops, mainly the trackpad which is one of the most important parts as you are using it the entire time
>inb4 mouse jesus christ how much stuff do you want to carry when you are on the go?
3. Battery life is important for a laptop that you are moving around all the time. My macbook will easily last all day unless I'm streaming
4. OS is way better for a mobile pc
>there really is no point in a mac for a desktop outside of graphic work
I have 4 PSPs, a pc and 2 dreamcasts
>1. He said he doesn't care about playing games on a laptop.
The CPU my nigga
The CPU bottlenecks all
but yeah there may be non gaming non mac laptops better suited for that
>2. The build quality
totally worth anywhere near an extra $1000
>inb4 mouse jesus christ how much stuff do you want to carry when you are on the go?
lmao really? you take a whole laptop bag or whatever but you think shoving a 3 inch mouse in there is too much?
other than that i cant argue, i dont need battery life, sockets are everywhere
let me ask you this, if macfags were smart and knew what to do with their money, why do all of them have dr dre beats headphones?
checkmate atheists
Gamboy Color
Nintendo DS
*new* 3DS
2 Ps2
Xbox 360
youre not going to be able to play HZ:D after BotW
I have an NES, PS1 and a Gameboy. Why are console owners proud of the fact they spent money on a turd?
>I know the shooting mechanics have a bit higher skill ceiling than your average COD and BF shooter
>implying AI can ever be as challenging as actually competent human opponents
Something tells me you don't actually know what you're talking about but I can't quite put my finger on it...
The game has an active multiplayer user...
>Game Boy Pocket
All of them secondary because I always played on pc where I emulated the shit out of everything.
Xbox One S
Game Cube
Xbox 360
My newest console is the PS4 and I wish I had gotten it first. It's a great fucking console
Nothing comparable to either BF or COD
Wether its active or not is a boolean.
Uncharted 4 has an active multiplayer where you can land a match within 10-30 seconds of searching at any skill level.
And those are just the ones that I have easy access to if I want to play something.