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>yfw even if the emulator gets going decently on PC, someone has to build an entire shadercache of 100% of the game before PC players can play this open world game without constant and I mean CONSTANT stuttering


That guy is running the shitty 'single core interpreter' mode of CEMU

is running recompiler which is like 4x faster, dunno how they got it working however

Why does his movement look so laggy?

What a fucking retard. There is ONLY stuttering when discovering new objects. So even if you're playing the game without shader caches, you will come across only temporary stutters when in new areas that quickly disappear.

Also, BoTW on Switch hits very low fps yet I don't see you calling the game unplayable on Switch. Faggot toddler Nintendo cocksucker.

>tfw you're not an assmad console war shitter like this guy

And you'll never be able to complete the sections that require you to tilt the tablet or whatever. Unless you make some kind of tablet tilting emulator program or something.

Any good lewds of Purah?

Playing on my Wii U since it leaked

wew somebody seems mad btw Switch version runs without any stutters but enjoy your game PCbro!

I was under the impression you can disable motion controls?

You have never even used Cemu you Nintendo whore.

Let me guess, you can to Sup Forums via finding out about Sup Forums during the cancerous Burgerstani elections and ended on on Sup Forums through Sup Forums and their Rェddit colony, but since you're a braindead Nintendo fanboy, you're not extending that Trump activism to defending the memory of your other God Emperor, Iwata?
You don't have to tell everyone how close to home this assumption was because your fucking posting shows all the hallmarks.
Fucking neck yourself, cunt.

Nice botnet OS

on handheld mode it runs smoothly but the performance sure can take it in the ass in console mode.

It pisses me off too, I was hoping lowering the res to 720 in the Switch options menu would help.

We emulate gyro controls with the mouse.

Are you sure this is 60fps? There's mini-stutters throughout. Looks like completely unplayable so far.

You can de-botnet w10 pretty easily

source your quotes

Epic post.

How can PC fags ever recover XD

>tfw you will be angry like PCbros here

You can't

This webm is fake, theres people with overclocked CPUs getting 15 fps all over youtube.

You seem awfully mad for being in a non-Switch thread. Get out. Emulator threads aren't homes to console warring toddlers.

the thirst is real

>please let this emulator work so we can have a game to play
> signs up to the patreon and pay them per month
>until then, I'm gonna go around saying this game is shit! [but please cemu let me play it soon!]


The only angry ones are nintenbros

Why are you in this thread? Emulator threads have been on Sup Forums since forever but now we also have toddlers who can't stop derail them.

>1 week after release
>already better performance then the Switch
>in one or two weeks it will run 40 fps
>then 50 and stutter will be removed
>next month it will be 60
>faggots who bought a Switch will hang themselves

Nintenbros are all playing the game, what's the issue here?
The only issue concerns the contrarians who still think BotW is bad.

>Nintenbros are all playing the game
Obviously not, as proven by your presence here.

>"N-no, they're stealing our ONLY game!"

Nintenbros are assmad they lost their only exclusive

>people still using derogatory terms for people who play on certain platforms
>not following the path of idortism

> derails legit zelda threads saying it's shit and overrated
> leave our cemu zelda thread alone!


God this board is so fucking gay but I just keep coming here day after day. I love BOTW one Wii U and I think CEMU is coming along nicely. Why does it have to be so negative? The game will run like shit long enough to not impact the initial sales and when CEMU is far enough along, more people will get to play this good game. If a friend wants to play Super Metroid, you tell them to go download SNES9x or Higan, not go buy an SNES or a newer system that's just emulating it anyway.

The bro filter is amusing as heck tho for idiots who haven't noticed it yet though. Make love not war

how thirsty are you emulatorfags

>can get high frame rate while just walking around
Man just what pc needed, another walking simulator.

>This webm is fake, theres people with overclocked CPUs getting 15 fps all over youtube.


>Sup Forums is one person
Get off your victim complex, nigger. There has been an interest to emulate games since forever. You're not special.

>tfw I made half those threads

>PC gamers are crawling all over themselves in a mad thirst to play a 30fps console game on their 2000 dollar PC's

Don't you have enough shovelware on Steam to satisfy you? What's wrong? I thought Nintendo made shit games you don't need?

Nintendo can make their games because of the control they have over their hardware. They go 3rd party, the games stop.

A game like Breath of the Wild had all the time to happen on PC, and it didn't. Because it couldn't. Because the love of development and the will of console dev's to push boundaries within limitations is something that inspires true game design and thinking outside the box.

PC gaming is literally a sick joke of itself now.

You fuckers used to have at least some dignity, I remember the bard's tale/ultima days fondly. What the fuck happened to you lot.

RX 470

What FPS does Sup Forums think I'm gonna get once CEMU gets a bit more polished? I'm not expecting it breaking 30, since I have old CPU, but 20 is something I would consider playable.

CEMU is really the deciding force between me getting a new CPU or saving up for something else.

Consoles limit games.


lmao stay mad, crybaby


It will be at least 4-6 months before you can run it well.

That looks fucking awful. The lighting and shaders are all wrong.

It's like the cel shading is missing half of it's shading steps

Is this some new copy pasta?

People actually don't believe this right?

Computers are used for more than playing baby tier games and watching porn.

I don't even want to play

I jsut want to spite you

Posts like this makes me certain that toddlers are mentally ill. You should send a letter to your NoA censorship bureau and tell them of the big bad PC players stealing your games.

>No grass
>Barely 30fps


Can you upload your shader cache? What did you do to get it to 30?

Imagine being this mad

Just like the switch version :^)

>playing Zelda on brand new Switch and enjoying both game and system
>even people who can't afford to buy the console themselves can enjoy this great new Zelda game soon
>everybody wins

>console limit games
>the extent of creativity on PC comes down to autism military simulators, walking simulators, minecraft games, survival games, and indie pixel shit

It was just a cloud passing overhead, Anonymous. The game shades correctly.

>clipping trought the ground

All I used is listed in

Give up. Cemu isn't the only thing that your CPU will limit.

1.7.3 non b where?

All grass fall through the floor due to the bugged physic.

That was fast

>someone unironically wrote this and or is this mad about it.

And the sweet part this is only going to make people play it more.

I've got the game and Cemu 1.7.3a. What I'm looking for is a shader cache so it doesn't stutter every time I'm in a fight. It's a bit too early for that huh...

>tfw consoles get virtually none of those

you just sound mad

There's no shader cache out yet, it's pointless since you can't access all of the game.

No it fucking does not. I'm looking at my screen playing the game right now. Your shaders are missing half their instructions. No fucking shadows either.

It looks like the game is running on Low compared to what WiiU looks like.

This is your first experience playing this magical game. Feet sticking through the ground and this bullshit.

This is worse than just spoiling yourself with youtube. Why bother? The magic is gone here.

You'll be playing the very start over and over and over over the coming months until it's "finally" working "pretty good" and you've just sucked the soul out of the game before you've even started playing the real actual game.

>All I used is listed in →

This is what I'm running.
turbomo.de/resources/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-update-v16.367/ - the game.

You need CDecrypt to decrypt it. See: reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/5xpra2/how_to_run_app_etc_files/deko81d/

mega.nz//#!74x3ibrD!ek4nZ8xxS9nW7OcIgEdK8q1DzHvh9e3sZ7f19RuFn3M - This is the CEMU version you want. DO NOT use 1.7.3b.

cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/285631621640486914/289640301100793856/2912eb2f.7z - This is a save file you'll need to load into the Plateau.

So, if you can do all that, you can run BOTW at good framerate. And you're a super hacker, too.

9.78fps smoother than the Switch version

just inject bro :^)

I have no interest in stuff like gone home, ARMA, and the flavor of the month indie survival game.

I'm a sucker for some indie pixel shit though. I'm waiting for ESA 2 to come out

well then there you go

100% and agreed PC Gaming is nothing more than shit tier moba games. Reminder last years best selling PC game was that trash moba Overwatch. This is what PC gaming is in 2017.

>need a save file to load in

Does the game bug out during the first part or something?

I'll admit, emulating this game already seems kind of gross. I'm all for emulation, but not when a game is just currently released.

This is just blatant piracy at this point. emulation should be reserved for archival and out of print games, or at least a few years after release.

I personally think CEMU is a honeypot anyway. All those patreon doners are going to get the switch flipped on them in 6 months and it won't surprise me.

Please, more!

This is exquisite.

>they're THIS mad

Okay, I am actually calling the police now. Because it is illegal to discuss this and steal from a company. Enjoy.

Nothing prevents you from buying the game, you fag.

All I'm saying is it doesn't really seem like consoles are holding games back. I blame the mainstream industry, publishers being faggots, and normalfags eating the garbage up in droves.

Years ago consoles used to have some of the best action games, but that was mainly due to the industry being smaller and more focused on a userbase that actually plays video games, and before publishers went full retard and put a death grip on developers to crank out mediocre garbage.

I can still find some good console games, and I can still find good PC games. Don't hate the platforms, hate the dumbasses running this industry and the tasteless faggots promoting their retarded behavior.

literally wont change anything

stay cucked kiddo

>Because it is illegal to discuss this and steal from a company.
I know this is bait, but Emulation surely isn't stealing, except for the rom. Nintendo owns the rights to the Wii U and the Switch but they don't own the rights to a computer program which emulates their console without using any of its hardware, why would they?

>[ring ring]
>Shekelberg police department, how can we he-
>Sir, can you expl-

I concur, chum, i concur

feels bad to be in this pickle

Not as fast as Skyward Sword, which was fully playable from day 1. BotW still has some ways to go before it's fully playable though. Performance is still mostly shit even with a OC'd CPU and an overkill GPU it's still going to preform worse than either the Switch or Wii U version, the frame timing and awful right now with major hitches, there are lots of bugs and physics not working properly and there is currently no way to solve the gyroscope focused dungeons, but at the current pace I expect it'll be playable in six months to a year from now which isn't bad at all in emulation terms.

Certainly faster than TP/WW, those game took forever to become playable it wasn't until 2011-ish when you could finally play through those whole games in emulator.

switch has less power than the current consoles and they still innovated stuff with new ideas/implementation within the game

>consoles limits games

the delusion is unreal

>this magical game

why save file?

good pasta

>What's wrong? I thought Nintendo made shit games you don't need?
That's the best part! we don't need the but we still have them.

Just hold onto your butt, play older games you love, and dig deep for the good shit.

or consider breaking into game design, it's what I'm doing

>Skyward Sword, which was fully playable

uh, what emulator do i use and where do i get the rom

also where do i get the hd texture pack, if applicable?

This is illegal you know.


someone make these pc guys a game this is just sad

where is Bob Geldoff & can we get a Games Aid concert going for the starving pc gamers? come on let's help out our gaming brothers!

not that user, but i heard something about a cutscene crashing the game or something

Your method doesn't work, though. It's in the proper place and everything.

I have my own path, i'd much rather do VO work

good luck though, give us some good games