>Tracer is Lesbian
Now Symmetra is autistic? No, I'm not kidding, she is actually autistic. Why Blizz...why. Am I autistic for playing Symmetra now. I know faggots play Tracer.
Tracer is Lesbian
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God they make it harder and harder to like them.
I really like how Symmetra is Autistic, I really do. I think there should be more of it in games. This isn't a representation thing, I don't feel like Autism should be represented in every game, it doesn't fit. But I like the fact it's represented in a game with these heroic characters, that people rely on. Kinda gives the impression that not every autistic person can't function alone (Which everyone's forgotten, apparently). However, I also feel like, now that everyone knows, they should keep it at this level. If she ran around the place screaming "I'M AUTISTIC GUYS!!!" and wrote it on every wall, then that'd be poor representation. She instead keeps herself to herself, building her turrets and presumably having a great time about it. That's what I, as an autistic person, strive for in my life. That aura of "I'm not letting some diagnosis stop me from doing all I dream".
I'm gonna lay some /tg/ advice on you, it might be heavy but you are gonna have to hear them anyway.
The character you play does not have to represent you as a person.
Isn't she working for a villain Corp?
i have Aspergers (high functioning autism) and I main Sym. Have always been drawn to her but for many different reasons. Not saying saying autism is a reason just a neat coincidence if true.
Soon widowmaker will be a trans spider
>Dozens of heroes
>One is gay, autistic, bi, trans, whatever
>doesn't effect gameplay at all
>might make some kid feel happy and good about themselves
Why does it bother you so fucking much?
Why not?
Give 1 just one reason why not, that isn't just autisticly spouting Sup Forums opinions
You sure are acting like a faggot about this
Symmetra has been autistic for a while. They literally said she was on the spectrum in her comic
>Nanotechnology can revive the dead
>Can't cure autism
Really joggin my noggin
Autistic Sym "main" here, i could honestly see it. i really dont see why people are assblasted by it anyways, if blizz made a huge thing of it then sure, maybe. but its been done fairly subtly, its referenced in passing by the comic and ofcorse confirmed by this letter. but come the fuck on.
seriously not getting why non autistic people, are being so bloody autistic about this.
Not worth the risk, what if she ends up like reaper? Some kind of super autistic super villain.
Wait, does this mean I can play as races other than dwarves and goblins?
No really though, like there's actually no reason for these characters to have sexual orientations or mental disabilities aside pandering. They're not real, they're literally pulling an EA here and using gays and the OTHER mentally ill as potential criticism shields.
Tracer being a lesbian is just fuel for the raging inferno of porn, Symmetra being autistic is hardly news. Do you even play the game or just want something to whinge about?
Call me when you want to complain about the actual game being fucked.
You can, but that would be gay because why play anything other than those two?
Blizzard are such shit. Thank God i've stopped buying their rubbish
This diversity shit went too far
>go to my doctor to collect autism bux
>i dont have it
What now bros?
>fuel for the raging inferno of porn
then why are they making so many take down notices on OW pornography? and banning the comic in Russia?
listen to autism self-hypnosis to make yourself believe you have autism, and by extension, make the doctor believe you have autism
It's just pandering, every company does it. You just don't like when they are pandering to a different group of people than you
fuck off autist
It's all publicity.
>Hey, look at how much porn there is of this game
>Look they're trying to ban all the porn
Everybody knows it's utterly pointless to try, but all they have to do is send e-mails and the word gets out.
Go away marketer.
Don't be a retard.
Skip the middle man and just force the doctor to listen to the self-hypnosis to convince him you have autism.
Okay so now we've confirmed that:
>Tracer is a lesbian
>Torb and Bastion are actually friends
>Torb also has like fifty kids and Reinhardt baby sits them so Torb and his wife can fuck
>Sombra is the little girl from the Soldier 76 Trailer
>Pharah is the daughter of Reaper and Ana
>Mercy is the leader of Talon
>Widowmakers husband was killed by Overwatch on in crossfire
>Zenyatta is an extremely old skeleton of a wizard who uses Omnic body parts as a cover
>Genji and Hanzo are brothers
>Zarya and D.Va are sisters
>Lucio and Orisa have never met
>And now Symmetra is autistic
Say what you want about this game: the competitive scene sucks, the game is imbalanced, etc. But you can't contest this isn't the GOTY when it comes to lore. I think it's even going to beat out the Souls series as my favorite.
>Don't be a retard.
but isnt this what we're trying to achieve?
is this bait
Of course symmetra is autistic; didn't you ever notice how if her team is not placed in order of height at all times all she does is stand in the corner and scream for an hour?
I'm autistic (aspergers) I don't understand why Sup Forums cares. What's the big deal?
Because i play video games to forget im an autistic loser that doesnt have any friends.
Seeing an autistic character that has friends makes me feel worse.
wouldn't the "addition" of lesbianism and autism be more a publicity stunt the creation of Ow porn is out of their control i mean most of tracer porn outside of tumblr is straight wouldn't they be more likely worried it could back fire and damage the brand like horsefucker lara croft?
We knew that since her comic, duh.
*pees into your mouth*
>All that retarded shit
I can't believe you put this much effort into such low quality bait
To be honest they've been really subtle and not in your face with it. It's a bit of backstory for people who care about this stuff.
Personally though I think they really need to lean into autism thing hard. Have all her color dialogue be about her OC sonic character. Have her fly into an autistic fit when someone shoots her turrets. Stuff like that. Just go crazy with it.
I'd like to think people aren't that retarded, but that's just me being optimistic.
>>Sombra is the little girl from the Soldier 76 Trailer
>>Pharah is the daughter of Reaper and Ana
>>Mercy is the leader of Talon
>>Zenyatta is an extremely old skeleton of a wizard who uses Omnic body parts as a cover
>>Zarya and D.Va are sisters
>>Lucio and Orisa have never met
>>Widowmakers husband was killed by Overwatch on in crossfire
no, she killed him. She was brainwashed after being kidnapped and they 'let' overwatch rescue her. a week later, her brainwashing kicked in and she murdered him
overwatch is autistic
You'd have to be pretty autistic to play Overwatch in the first place, user.
just fucking watch blizzard pull this shit! fucking watch in a years time shit like this will come to pass
There's nothing wrong with lesbians.
I also have always been drawn to her butt for many different reasons.
such a brave statement, I give you all my upvotes
i hate blizzard and all but if you complain about this stuff and then give them money for those skins, you really should kill yourself
and i know you are because you overwatch cucks are ALWAYS complaining about the skins even though you buy fuckloads of them, hell thats probably why, fucking stupid ass kids need to learn you vote with your wallet
Yeah, those horrible people, how can they fucking sleep at night, writing an autistic kid a letter something to make them feel better about their mental disabilities?
I swear to god OWfags on Sup Forums are way more autistic that the autistic kid who just like to play the fucking game.
women are needed for breeding they are a waste of resources
You don't get it yet? They have autism that's why.
Symmetra is a character for autists, so it fits perfectly
Just kill yourself autistic faggot.
>Spider dick
you're a waste of resources
Does she demonstrate any of the autistic spectrum qualities in the game? I don't quite understand how this translates to representation outside of just "saying" she's autistic.
I'm not trying to stir shit up, I'm legitimately curious. Having a character be gay/bi is one thing because that doesn't have an impact on how they fight. But I was under the impression that autism affects nearly every aspect of how one's brain functions. Even high functioning people demonstrate traits that can make them seem... off. I don't claim to know anything about proper diagnosis but from what I've played/seen with her makes her seem fairly normal. Maybe someone else can correct me on this
I'm kekking at this shit.
>Sym has legit autism
>that's why she can create all that shit from her hardlight projections
Nigga, it checks out.
>might make some kid feel happy and good about themselves
until they go outside... that's anthony burch levels of arrogance to think their lives are in anyway improved.You just offering them a deceitful lula bye to distract them. it offers them no practical help or knowledge
Her gimmick is that everything has to be ordered. She's an architect, her highlight animation has her correcting a skewed camera, a bunch of her lines reference a distaste for disorderly things. She was clearly designed as someone on the spectrum.
I would have thought Sup Forumsirgins would be overjoyed to finally get some representation in the Overwatch cast.
As somebody who works with autistic people, she's definitely fucking autistic.
Such a lack of imagination.
no i am disposable
>You just offering them a deceitful lula bye to distract them.
One would think that Sup Forums would appreciate the value of nice escape from reality
>ywn be autistic as OP
Okay, I guess that makes sense. I chalked up the "orderly" thing to regular OCD and wasn't aware that constituted autistic qualities
Again, I don't deal with autistic people in real life so I don't know these things
Feels good mane
>Am I autistic for playing Symmetra now
you were already autistic for playing overwatch
its not always helpful. games are a means of entertainment not escape from reality.company's like blizz want us to get mad at the changes to lore and spend as much time as possible playing thought they would never outright say it.
How to do character autism the right way:
I always thought this was a given. All the background info on her points that way really obviously.
And either way, she's not a mouthbreather or even "REEE" autist. She's more of a savant type autist, and that trait actually fits quite well in her character and with what she does.
Why do people care so much anyway.
>Now Symmetra is autistic?
You're a bit late there retard.
the people who replied to your post are probably autistic too desu
t. autist
Imagine the delicious weeb tears when they reveal that D.Va is trans.
Frankly, Sym's bio isn't much different from my main man Jager's. The only real difference is Blizz came out with the "Guys, she's autism, srsly. Inclusion". Which is a bit ironic.
but it makes their unlikable list of heroes even more unlikable.
>Blizz came out with the "Guys, she's autism, srsly. Inclusion". Which is a bit ironic.
What the fuck are talking about?
Sometimes a little self confidence goes a long way user.
Joke's on you. I jack it to D.Va's feminine penis daily.
This "reveal" changes nothing. She's always been autistic. Her personality isn't changing. So why does she become unlikable now?
And frankly, OW characters are at most bland, not unlikable.
>it makes their unlikable list of heroes even more unlikable
>why does she become unlikable now?
Reread what I wrote user
Both Blizz and Ubi both use "lack of humility" in their spectrum characters as evidence to their autism. See what I'm getting at?
Welp, guess I'm the real autist here.
Still, you get what I'm saying. Why does this make any difference to the way people like or dislike the character?
The only reason that people care is because Blizzard is hell bent on playing SJW diversity bingo. You're right, Symmetra was always an autist and people were saying that Tracer was a rug muncher the moment the game came out. They're not retroconning shit like J.K. Rowling does so I don't see the problem.
If just one of the added characters had been a straight white male as opposed to an ethnic female we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.
Not him but you're really bad at expressing yourself here. What are you talking about?
She was autistic from the start was what I was getting at. This isn't a recent revelation. Did you reply to the wrong person?
Who fucking cares who random toon in a fucking multiplayer FPS are? That's the real cancer to begin with.
because its like when the blandest most boring girl in school says she's a demisexual autistic other-kin. Its literally just Blizz attention seeking so people praise the game for something that has nothing to do with the game.
Are you stupid? or just dumb?
>Am I autistic for playing Symmetra now
No OP, you were always autistic
But user, you browse Sup Forums, you encounter autists regularly
>Are you stupid? or just dumb?
Oh, you're shitposting. ok.
I think its all boiled down to some kind or retarded idea by someone high up at Blizzard to help curb the amount of r34.
>make everyone of their female characters some kind of special snowflake
Unforunately for them it just makes the r34 artists more creative
Reread the smart anons mistake so you can see your own
>"one of the most beloved heroes"
Nigga what? I always forget she's even in the game. NOBODY plays Symettra unless they buffed her since I last played in October
What mistake, he made a projection joke about the players being unlikeable, he just worded it badly.
>tfw autistic and don't give a shit
I was agreeing with you and saying Blizz are idiots for making this a "big reveal" when it wasn't necessary, just so they could stroke their ego and show off. I was also saying they were pretty autistic with their lack of humility and subtelty