Still in alpha

>Still in alpha
What the fuck?
I haven't played it since 2013, are the zombie animations still choppy as hell?

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>are the zombie animations still choppy as hell?

what zombies?

The last major anything from this game was in 2014. It's dead and forgotten. unless you're Russian.

If you're not Russian, prepare to get executed on sight by roving bands of Russians.

Nope, nothing has changed. They removed the zombies because they didn't know how to fix them, they might be back now but I'm not too sure. I'd suggest refunding it as soon as it leaves early access (if that ever happens)

Maybe one day steam will make a limit on early acess shit and refunds

What did they lower the amount of zombies per map?
When I played it there was more than enough

>we need to make a standalone game to fix all these bugs, instead of using the arma 2 engine

>scrap the entire thing and rebuild it on the arma 3 engine, and somehow get away with calling it its own game ( i guess bohemia gave them the right or whatever)

seriously in hindsight i should have refunded this immediately, it was even more broken than the mod


>rebuild it on the arma 3 engine
They didn't even do that, they just made their own custom fork off the latest Arma 2 xpac.

huh i could have sworn they had the same graphical upgrade and i heard they used arma 3

literally used helicopter simulator's engine that was Arma 2.5

I sometimes play the mod but there's only a couple of servers left and it gets boring meeting the same ppl.

I actually had fun with it back in its early days with a group of people. But they always change the spawns/areas and shit and theres just no zombies. Its golden days are gone, at least until release probably. :/ Sucks I actually kind of miss it. It was fun having group battles in cities and stuff coordinating.

>Remove Zs

Are we for real? No zombies? Damn, I knew this game was turning into shit but not THIS badly.

just look at H1Z1 and other "zombie survival" games, they're doing the same. Why would you care about zombies in your sociopath simulator

Just remember that if the game comes out of early access, you can get a refund no matter the hours.

happened with KF2, I got a refund after nearly 30 hours of play and some people got it with several hundred.

it's still the same fucking shit

>prime DayZ days
Some good fucking times

So its the STALKER online game we never got?

>did they lower the amount of zombies per map?
There are NO zombies in this game right now.

yeah i was over 100 hours lmao

that was before he added the fat tumblr dyke in a frilly dress, after saying he wouldnt add a bimbo because that would be unrealistic

i was pretty bored by the game by then but that character made it harder to take the game seriously and i wouldnt feel bad taking my money back from some lying hypocritical cuck, so i did

i dont even like women being unrealistically sexualized in vidya, it ruins muh immersion

i just dont like cucks

they modified the engine from Take On Helicopters

>DayZ is "released" in alpha
>everyone including Sup Forums is fucking obsessed with this game
>"oh my god it's so FUN"
>every time someone dares to point out flaws at the core gameplay they get stomped by Rocket Defense Squad
>meanwhile Rocket went to Everest instead of working on the game
>after he came back he added a few hats in DayZ not fixing any bugs or adding something significant
>every patch was pure shit with nothing but cosmetic items
>"Hey guys we have to switch engines, the one we are using right now is actually a piece of trash"
>Then they switch the engine and graphics become a little bit prettier
>Gameplay is still horrible though and there are almost no zombies
>Every patchnote is fucking nothing
>People still protect Rocket and refuse to believe that he scammed them
>He says he's gonna work on some other projects instead of DayZ
>Suddenly steam is filled to the brim with other survival games
>Devs all around the world realized that people are so stupid you can just sell them an unfinished game with an empty field full of braindead enemies and a couple of buildings here and there
>These survival games release almost every day
>Years pass
>DayZ is still shit, zombies are still falling through the ground and teleport around
>People still say that DayZ is fine and devs are gonna fix everything soon enough

The main problem of DayZ is its community that decided to protect and give money to a person that clearly didn't want to create a good game and didn't even know how to do it since he was an "idea guy".


10/10 post, the game will NEVER leave Alpha, if it does, it'll be Killing Floor 2 refundgate all over again.
Fucking shame I got gifted the game, be nice to have £20 back on my account.

>still in alpha

Because as soon as they release it they're going to get dicked down by Steam's refund policy and lose, without any exaggeration, millions of dollars. So they'll simply never release it.

they didnt change engine, its still the underlying arma3 engine, they switched the "renderer" up so it renders more efficiently

the underlying arma3 engine never was meant to have melee combat, or zombies following you to get in reach for mele combat

remember axes in the mod? it was just a firearm with the projectile distance set to 0 or 1 whatever

Zombie attacks were hand grenades with a minuscule damage radius and zero delay, which is why you'd always get hit through fucking walls.

Oh right that was fast.
Why is this thread still alive?

How can I get a refund for it?

heh, good find, didnt notice

You know there is a game named Escape From Tarkov and it has better graphics than BF1 at 4K.

That's a lie though, they are alot of zombies spawning around towns right now, the zombies themselfs are also more or less fixed, they swarm to shots in big crowds, they don't get you stuck now, you can loot them for shit(but it rarely spawns on them) and you actually can stealth around them.
Doesn't make the game a finished product, it's still shitty and i can't bring myself to something else than launching it once in a month, but you guys just straight up spew bullshit.

Dean Hall please leave

BIS games never leave alpha

Don't forget it was late coming to early access by a fucking YEAR.

This game's been developing at a snail's pace since the very fucking beginning. Christ, Routine's made by a team of like three people and that shit's coming to full release faster than DayZ.

Nice meme, he left the team like a year and a half ago.
Shows just how much you actually know about the game.

Kind of hard to know anything about the game when they haven't patched in any content or mechanics.

A lot of people still remember that happening because it did and nobody gives a fuck to follow it past that.

>pick an axe
>it leaves bulletholes where you hit a surface
Did they fix it?

They did, why do i think you haven't checked any of the game progress since 2015?
True, one of the huge problems they have is the priorities, they do the shit people don't need instead of adding what the game need to have.
Note: not "patching" the content that's already in. Why? Because they do patch it (most of it at least), the way they develop the game is that they have the public version that people play, and they internal version, and what they claim is that the internal version is much more advanced than the public. I know for sure they have alot of mechanics done already, helicopters are working, the new animation system is working, alot of other shit is working, yet they don't include it in the public versions.
The pace of the development is absolutely terrible, they're still doing the mechanics that they promised in Q3 and Q4 of 2015, even though some of them are already done.
The real problem of the game is that all the content they push on public versions is either w.i.p or "to be replaced", people play it and think the game will forever be this bad, while developers themselfs don't actually fix anything to show the fans that it's not true.
Personally i'm waiting for when they finally allow modding and Sumrak will release his version of DayZ on Namalsk which in my opinion will fix EVERYTHING that's wrong with DayZ right now.

Suprisingly yes, there's also different sounds for the axe hitting different surfaces.
Doesn't make the terrible swinging mechanics any better though.

This user is 100% correct. DayZ is still shit, but it's not as shit as it was before.

Hasn't Dean Hall bailed on this abortion of a game?

ITS AN ALPHA! Did you even read the disclaimer saying you're being given the privilege to pay $40 to TEST the game? Fucking idiot.

jk game is shit, the morons defending this game in the discussion boards made me realize why every half assed open world game becomes a top seller on steam

Everyone says Dean Hall bailed but what actually happened was that his contract with BI ran out after one year because DayZ was supposed to be released by then. Rocket is a cool guy, it's unfortunate his name is ruined because of his association with DayZ.

There is nothing to fucking do other than gear up (which happens pretty fast) and ambush other people. It gets old after a while.

DayZ drones might be more delusional than switch early adopters

Dean said from the beginning that he was going to get the first public build of the Standalone out, then he was leaving. It should not have been a surprise to anyone

God we're shitbags sometimes. Spewing invective at real people and thinking it's OK because you paid thirty bucks, so you get to make someone's day a little bit worse? Because their product isn't tugging your dick in exactly your preferred fashion?

This. If you're going to blame anyone, blame that nigger Hicks. He ignores all criticism, and just makes the game to be popular on Twitch with that group of popular but casual DayZ streamers

That top post literally says why the game is taking so long. Why do you want to hate the game so much that you choose to ignore that? People act like DayZ raped their mothers, it's just a $30 early access game. Forget about it for a few years, like it or not it will be finished eventually.

>It will never be >2012 again
>you will never spawn for the first time on the beaches of chernarus
>with nothing but a makarov and a tin of baked beans
>you will never nervously tip toe around the zombies like they're the most terrifying thing ever
>you will never meet up with another player and decide to head to chernogorsk for better loot
>you will never get jumped by bandits and get engaged in a tense firefight
>you will never narrowly escape the battle into the north and set up a comfy camp outside a small town inland
>you will never have fun playing DayZ again

That was five fucking years ago.

And then he moved onto another project that didn't get finished.

you can still do it, what's the problem?

Yes but people also see the direction it's taking, and it's shit. It's going towards the terrible mods that ruined the original

That's true, but it's the way DayZ always have been since mod, it's the way they should have made standalone in the first place and then add on to that existing formula.
Instead the devs decided to do their (i guess "realistic") version of DayZ with artificial progress and things slowing you down.
It's still the same thing, it's just that in the mod you could loot some gear and go pvp'ing in about 10-20 minutes and the arma shooting mechanics was actually working, the game felt right. Here instead you need to loot for a hour or two just to find a firearm and enough ammo to fight other players, all while looking for food to not die and checking every single house (which sounds cool as a mechanic, but completely ruins PVP and prolongs looting times by a mile) instead of just a few "real" houses that guaranteed you'd find something meaningful.

2012-2013 vanilla DayZ was the best thing ever if you forget about the cheater waves and focus on just you experiencing the mod, especially if you didn't play alot of arma 2 and didn't know the map really well.
Then it got popular and kids ruined it just like minecraft or any other game.

I get that, personally I do want a very hardcore DayZ (what other people might see as tedious DayZ) but they should bring back Hardcore and Normal modes with differences in zombies and loot spawns to please both audiences.

So I played it recently after not having played since early days of standalone/actual mod days. Its funny because they have never fixed anything that was wrong with the game when it was a mod.The entire project is a joke and should've stayed a mod.

Star Citizen levels of delusion here boys

looks like they deleted my thread nvm