Forget about this image?

Forget about this image?

>Morrowind was considered to be one of the best games of the Elder Scrolls series - Game that is so long that people often do not care long enough to see the end.
>People on this very thread praised it as one of the best RPGs of all time.
>Those people got older, me being 27, I am still here like a fucking anus.
>Now people are claiming that Oblivion was objectively better than Skyrim, and then talking bad about Skyrim babbies

What the fuck is wrong with you damn kids just don't like reading or something? Is "Muh dice rolls" too difficult a concept to understand? Must you have feedback to every little thing instead of using your damn brains?

I don't understand man. Oblivion can be completed with about 30 hours in and most of that is spent in oblivion portals. Champion of Cyrodiil shitty title. "Y'your the champion of Cyrodiil" said one guy in the freaking game.

Skyrim can be completed in about 40 hours, the game is pretty fun though and managed 300 hours of gameplay before there really wasn't much left to do.

Morrowind took at least 500-600 hours of my life spent in awe and I am pretty sure I have not done all the quests.

Anyone else here to remember this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Trying to hit something while you have zero stamina

>game must be spent walking slowly or standing around waiting before every encounter in order to hit stuff

I never played Oblivion, but I played Morrowind recently and it still holds up. Better than Skyrim at least

>Doesn't understand subtlety of examining surroundings.

Nostalgia kicked in

Oblivion is a trash game and even worse than Skyrim, but neo-v praises it because it's old therefore it has to be good r-right?

Oblivions is a complete pile of trash


>relentlessly attacking without stopping to catch your breath
>expecting to do damage

I don't see what's the problem here
oblivion IS better than skyrim

no one said anything about morrowind

daily reminder that Todd said his favorite game made by Bethesda is Morrowind

that's kinda how fighting works, you don't just stop to catch your breath, you'll get killed.

>Now people are claiming that Oblivion was objectively better than Skyrim
What? No.

>morrowind is good

OP here. To be fair. All three games are fun despite what Sup Forums says in their own regard. Alone these games are excellent and very easy to enjoy. I can see why there would be a band camp for each one of these games. But if you had to ask me -- someone who is a huge Elder Scrolls fan and played the shit out of Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim I can safely say:

Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion > Daggerfall > Arena

You can ask me up and down why I came to this conclusion.

oblivion is by far the weakest elder scrolls game

old bait is old

>two handed weapons without full body armour equipped at shit skill levels

>0 stamina

>doesn't drink any potions to unfuck himself to be able to do anything


I respect your opinion, but I'd say:
Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Oblivion > Arena

now we know you know nothing

Breath control and good breathing is a core part of being able to fight.

I always enjoyed oblivion.

and the sky is purple

I couldn't get into morrowind. Think it was the setting and all the brown.

The reason why I placed Daggerfall so lowly is a couple of things:
>Even with the latest releases of the patches with community fixes, this is one bugged as shit game.
>Everything and almost everything is randomly generated, resulting in some nearly impossible or completely impossible quests to generate.

I have proven that I have been given quests that has impossible solutions such as a monster being stuck in a wall or a solution 'box' being not connected to the rest of the dungeon. This has happened and is not necessarily uncommon either. This game would be where you stated it or even better than morrowind if the bugs were resolved.

I haven't played Arena or Daggerfall, but of the rest, yes, Oblivion is the worst.

Shit taste, OP. They're both excellent games but if you like Morrowind and not Oblivion, you like the wrong things about it. Most of you are probably fucking normies who actually think Mankar Camoran wearing the amulet of kings is a plothole.

>morrowind thread
>discussing gameplay
Shit tier

>attacking with zero fatigue

Every time

>most of you are probably fucking normies who actually think mankar camoran wearing the amulet of kings is a plothole.
Nice one, user


post alchemy skill
I would think only someone with a high level of alchemy could make a potion by smashing some fucking bread and grass together with mortar and pestle

Anyone else get into Morrowind post Skyrim?

It's obviously below 25. Neither ingredient tells him it's "restore fatigue" effect.

I wouldn't be surprised if his fatigue was at 0, too.

Imo morrowind has the best soundtrack out of the latest three. Skyrim's isn't very memorable, oblivion had some good stuff but neither of them come close to morrowind's

Really? They all sound pretty similair to me.