

her booboos

for her cunny

to succ dic for colleg

That's what i thought too. It must be for something that is really bothering her constantly because she WANTS it

is tem a tem or a tem?

That's some pure autism right there. Good shit

That's some pure projection right there. Good shit.

post the webm already

Maybe someone somewhere made this thread because they want someone to post it

Seeing as a female human's crotch might smell slithgtly like a fish, would Undyne's crotch smell slightly like a human?

kill yourselves

No, her whole body smells like a sweaty vagina.


I kinda doubt this is true bacause it sounds too convinient, Who really is retareded enough to leave their phone lying around with compromising material in it. I mean, shit, I've made pretty damn sure that nobody has access to my phone even when the worst material in it is some softcore texts for my gf. Why the fuck would anyone leave their phone anywhere alone if there is porn on it?

I hate Temmie so much, the most cringe thing about the game, even more than the fanbase.

Why would you even have that audio file on your phone?
I'd say most of the "epic" greentext stories are made up bullshit, but sometimes there's an actual proof like that birthday cake thing.

All I know is Plague made a picture I masturbated to of Tem.

that is all

At my old job I found my co workers phone in the bathroom and he didn't have a lock on it, he had a pretty lewd picture of Felicia as his background so I knew I'd find some shit, he had a bunch of furry pics and a gif of a guy fucking a horse

Did you ever bring up Felicia in your conversations?

I did one time because he didn't really care if anyone saw that background so he would mess on his phone openly and I brought it up and he told me he had never played a Darkstalkers game, let's just say I didn't like talking about vidya with him

It's a good picture

Plague is great. He also has a pregnancy/impregnantion fetish as well. So he's tops.


Why is tems so sexual?

>believing greentext stories


This one?

It's great, you can tell it's a fetish he has himself as he always gets the details right. I presume this is true with a lot of fetishes, but I feel like you can tell in someone's fetish art if they are drawing it just because or for a commission. When it's actually a fetish the artist have you get these details that just make it way better.

fucking cancer


Do people really think that someone getting up and walking to their computer across the room is going to improve post quality?

What are those things on the sides of it's head?


She has dog and cat ears.

It's easier to make longer posts. I tend to make a lot of short posts as I go into topics where the OP makes some flat assertion such as "game x fucking sucked" and just state the opposite.

Undyne > Muffet > Tem > Goatmom >>> filthy lizard neet

If you had a choice of denying TemmIE OF her collEGE fund after sjer serviced you, what would you choOse?

>intentionally being this obtuse
Here's a comparative example:
Women, on average, live longer then men. Despite this, if you were to turn yourself into a girl, you would not live longer as a direct result. (disregard your personal feelings on the subject of transgenderism here, since even if the process was perfect and it could fully transform you into the opposite gender, you still would not live any longer as a result)
Similarly, if you post via computer, your posting quality doesn't suddenly lower or increase when posting via phone (except you might do what said), and yet despite this, phoneposters on average are still absolute cancer.

Cums inside

Insanity, mostly. She doesn't even realize that she funded pretty much the entire cost of her higher education by way of me buying a fuckton of glasses from Gerson and selling them all at the Tem shop over and over.

OP still has blue balls because nobody posted that tem wemb

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>File: tem.jpg (76 KB, 765x555)
> Undertale Anonymous 03/10/17(Fri)17:36:51 No.370023596▶
> Anonymous 03/10/17(Fri)17:44:07 No.370024113▶
>her booboos
> Anonymous 03/10/17(Fri)17:44:46 No.370024167▶
> (OP)
>for her cunny
> Anonymous 03/10/17(Fri)17:45:08 No.370024193▶
>to succ dic for colleg
If you dont post that WEMBm of >Tem sucking dick OP is reduced to fapping it to Skyrim mods¨


What the fuck is that post. I DID NOT MEAN TO WRITE THAT