Replay this game in current yea

>replay this game in current yea
>all jokes are reddit tieir DUDE SARCASM and I SAID THING WAS GOOD WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY BAD lmao!
>everything said by Wheatley being cringe incarnate

i mean the gameplay is still fun but, how did anyone think this game was a landmark for writing in vidya? it did not make me laugh ONCE and i a generally jolly guy

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Post 2011 Sup Forums is shit and it's all valves fault

Stephen Merchant is pretty funny
Ricky Gervais is shit. Karl is god tier though.

I thought the humor was okay. If you went into it expecting "a landmark for writing in vidya", that's your fault. It's just a silly puzzle game with wacky dialogue in which one robot occasionally insults you in a humorous manner and another robot talks with a bong accent.

70% of my purchase decision towards this game was because Steve Marchant was in it. I was quite disappointed when he got shit lines.

>Reddit humour
Also, 6(?) years ago, what amounted to "Reddit humour" was completely different, because you fags can't make up your mind on what it actually is.

Are you guys so jaded and bitter that you go into a game with the sole purpose of hating it?

"Reddit humor" is always the "Sup Forums humor" of 3 or 4 years ago.

J.K Simmons as Cave Johnson was some brilliant dialogue. I love that guy.

Karl > Ricky > Stephen
Ricky's stand up is genuinely great, and, without him pushing Karl, you don't get anywhere near the best out of him.

It's just severely dated. It's not alone in that. Look at the Epic Battle Fantasy games on Newgrounds and some of the older flash animations people used to like and how dated the humor is in those. Remember Brawl Taunts and NiN10doh?

That's what it was originally, now it's anything from that to "whatever I don't think is funny".

>and, without him pushing Karl, you don't get anywhere near the best out of him.
While true, Ricky is still shit. His stand up is mediocre. His celebrity bashing are the golden globes was pretty good. But his overall personality is irritating as fuck. He's such an arrogant holier-than-thou prick.

Jesus fucking christ that some heavy retard shit.
Fuck this board.

The only people who ever claimed Portal to be anything more than ok, were always GURL gamers and ultra-casual retards.
Portal has always been a game for plebbitors.

Post something you find funny, be a video, image or whatever.
Sounds like you are just a bitter cynical cunt

>Portal has always been a game for plebbitors.

Is that why most people of Sup Forums overall really enjoyed it before the 'cake is a lie' shit started?

Don't be so contrarian. It was great because it was short, unexpected and innovative. It was also bundled in the orange box. Don't let all the stale memes cloud the game's actual merits.

Portal 1 was funny when it came out, but obviously wore out it's welcome pretty fast

Portal 2 was never funny

portal 2 is decent, the community levels are probably the best part, and aperture tag
portal is a really good game, most fun game to speedrun, even if it attracts thots

>Imblying Cave Johnson isn't a fucking god
Wheatley and that shit is pretty reddit though, yeah.

>portal is a really good game
It's a short as fuck braindead easy game that is 90% tutorial. It says a lot how in a puzzle game the hardest part is a section that simply test your hand-eye coordination and not your intelligence.
Valvefags, of which this board used to be infested, were always proto-redditors, if not, later, redditors themselves.

>i mean the gameplay is still fun but
yeah those puzzles sure were amazing... making you hunt for the ONLY portal surface around to advance, the geniuses at VALVe have done it again!

portal 2 ruined everything good about portal 1 except puzzles

The problem with modern Valve is that Erik Wolpaw + Jay Pinkerton's style of writing has wormed its way through the rest of the company.

It's a shame though, the old TF2 blog posts were gold, and it worked for the TF2 blog, when it's hamfisted into something like Portal or DOTA, it just muddies the final product.

This was a big problem. Thankfully, the co-op levels take it back to the classic gameplay, and add an extra layer of depth to the puzzles. But if you're playing with a retard, it can be frustrating.

Nobody but reddit said that portal 2 was landmark, its pretty shit tier desu
The original one was where its at

I just played them both in the last couple days. They are both in their own respective. I forgot how beautiful portal 2 was and was generally surprised after playing it again.

I enjoyed Portal 2, and if you didn't like it that's completely okay


>this is the power of Sup Forums contrarianism

>everything said by Wheatley was cringe incarnate

I honestly thought that's what the point was. I laughed because I thought it was self-aware cringiness.

>it's cool to not like portal 2 now

>itt retarded faggots

>play Portal 2
>no idea who Stephen Merchant is
>hate Wheatley with a burning passion
>fast forward to 2017
>still hate Stephen Merchant with a burning passion
If I ever met him, I'd stab him in the face

What a shit opinion, I'm glad I don't have such shit opinions

Valve's style of writing comedy went through a dramatic change at some point between Portal 1 and Portal 2. The first one was really subtle and a bit dark with its humor and 2 was just an endless series of quips and one-liners with a lot more randomness thrown in. The jokes were still pretty good and well-written, they were just way more in your face.

TF2 is a really good indicator of this as well. Compare how the Soldier is in his Meet the Team video with how he is in the recent comics and he's like a completely different character.

He's right though.

>If you went into it expecting "a landmark for writing in vidya", that's your fault