
Do you guys like knights of the old republic?

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>4000 years before the events of the movies
>Technology and culture looks basically the same

prequels are pretty shit in general and this trope is one of the worst. even Star Trek fucked this up significantly, but in a more retarded way
>We're before Kirk's time can we possibly do anything interesting with the setting?
>I know, we'll have them invent the stuff they use in TNG over the course of the show!

And so for a few episodes everyone is worried about going Warp 5, then they do, and now they're worried about using Teleporters, so they do and nothing bad happens, so then they're worried about using phasers, so they do and nothing bad happens. Nothing bad continues to happen until the last few episodes where a main character kills themself for retarded reasons and then we find out the whole abortion was a holodeck episode of TNG.

That's pretty much the entire extended universe. So... is that a yes or a no?

[unintelligible whispering intensifies]
Atris is the best girl.

Pretty sure stagnation is a theme of starwars

I like both, prefer the 1st part, because i liked the characters and story more, and soundtrack was better.

Loved it, as well as 2.
When TOR was announced, I was devastated to learn they were doing an MMO instead of a 3rd game. Now, I'd be disappointed if they did announce a 3rd, with the way modern Bioware is anyway. Unless they get Obsidian to do it.

>its the obsidian makes good games meme

I love it. My older brother got it for his birthday and we played it together constantly running to our dad to get help understanding the english.
I have played through it a ton of times since then.

They would make a better job of a modern KOTOR than Bioware would.

>A culture's teachings, and most importantly, the nature of its people, achieve definition in conflict.
>They find themselves… or find themselves lacking.
>Too long did the Republic remain unchallenged. It is a stagnant beast that labours for breath… and has for centuries.
>The Jedi Order was the heart that sustained its sickness - now the Jedi are lost, we shall see how long the Republic can survive.

>and soundtrack was better
Fair enough that you personally prefer the first, user, but come on.

The characters & Star Wars atmosphere were great but playing through it for the first time in 2016, the gameplay was just not enjoyable at all and KOTOR 2 definitely feels level-wise like an unfinished game. Definitely a love-hate relationship for me.

Kreia is my mentorfu though

you can't be serious

I've read endlessly about the KOTOR games but never played them. I really should as there seems to be many ways to actually play these games. I think Nihilus is probably the most cool looking character from Star Wars ever. It's too bad he was only in the one game though.

You're suggesting modern Bioware would make a better KOTOR 3 than Obsidian? Honestly? Have you seen the Andromeda shitposting?

If you try go into it knowing the gameplay is very dated.

I agree about Nihilus its such a shame his fight is so fucking lame. Even if it was meant to be like that

>Judging a studio's (in)capability on shitposts

I played through it this year for the first time, even on the hardest difficulty Nihlus went down fast, and I wanted to learn more about him

also I feel very misled by this concept art, I thought Kreia would lead Nihlus to Atris' sanctuary

Why does he hold his saber backwards

I didn't say that ost of kotor 2 was bad, tho.
They both have really nice score

People are shitposting a game that's not even out yet. Look, I am trying my best to not get hyped or see anything beforehand for Andromeda, but the little I have seen and heard makes me hopeful. Honestly, I'm not some 12 year old boy who cares about waifus, so I don't care what the characters look like, even though I don't think they even look that bad. Andromeda is supposed to be lighter than the previous games and about more exploration and adventure, which is all I've ever wanted out of it. I sincerely hope the game is solid so everyone who has wasted the past months shitposting end up wasting their time.

>Unless they get Obsidian to do it.
Sadly, user, even if they did there's no way it could match up to what their proposal for KotOR III could've been at the time - too many people have moved on and games have changed too much, for better and for worse. I mean, I still think Obsidian could do a great job not that they'll get the chance ;_;, but it wouldn't be the same.

>It's the 'Obsidian doesn't make good games' meme
Obsidian not only make great games, they make some of the best vidya ever made.
In fact, if you're directly comparing their efforts to Bioware's, the two clear counterparts you have (the KotOR games and NWN games), Obsidian's are better in pretty much every way.

Nihilus was intended to die like a bitch, the Outcast is a hard counter to him. It's just they spend half the game hyping up this badass planet killer and it ends so fast.

Atris was originally going to be recruitable, there is so much that got axed because of time limitations

it's one of the styles of saber combat.

I'm judging it on such things as DA:I, TOR, ME:3 and the fact that now they're in partnership with EA. Modern Bioware is terrible and while ME:A isn't out yet, the gameplay shown and comparisons to the previous games are terrible.

Seems awkward though, he'll just get outranged

Force lightning

Nike Mignola's take on Kotor.

Never thought I'd see something like that.

You make a good point. I don't think a game like Kotor could make it in today's gaming environment.

I don't see that personally. I mean, outside ME1 which actually had some RPG elements, the combat in the other ME games was cover-based shooting with occasional power usage. Andromeda looks like it's going to be more fluid and since it isn't class restricted, give you a chance to really focus on what YOU want to do. I mean, I always play soldier, so it'll probably be a lot of shooting, but now I can move and not just get pinned into cover while I order a partner to try and use a move to give me a second to pop off a shot. Or I'll probably try more Infiltator style with a sniper rifle, but be able to get to better positions.
Like, please explain how what has been shown is worse than before. How is the gameplay bad?

>Kreia is my mentorfu though
Only your mentorfu?
>"It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat...''
Now you have to go back and play the other alignment, so you get the full KotOR II experience.

>also I feel very misled by this concept art, I thought Kreia would lead Nihlus to Atris' sanctuary
That is what she was trying to do, you just got to it first.
Originally, depending on your choices on Dantooine and Telos, Atris could've been recruitable and joined you for the final part of the game, to confront Nihilus and then Kreia... or she could've become the final boss instead, and Kreia would've remained in your party.

I'm at Malachor 5 in my first playthrough (light side), I never used Bao-Dur/Mira so they didn't become Jedi or anything, did I miss out? The other companions were just so much more likeable

Mira is ok as a jedi, Bao-Dur is shit always

>implying Obisidian ever made a better game than Bioware
Shitposts of random screenshots taken of a cutscene aside (spoilers:you can pause any AAA game and take screenshot of an animation looking weird Obsidian's writing is objectively subpar to Bioware's. Always has been.
Putting them in charge of a modern KOTOR would be a disaster. They'll be receiving the same "EA treatment" as Bioware has, so it'll be like "Modern Bioware" but 10 times worse.

>Originally, depending on your choices on Dantooine and Telos, Atris could've been recruitable and joined you for the final part of the game, to confront Nihilus and then Kreia... or she could've become the final boss instead, and Kreia would've remained in your party.

This kinda stuff makes me sad, Obsidian games always have so many cool elements that get cut due to development problems and time constraints

what did you think of the PURE PAZAAK man

Basically Carth, but good.

>Where they look at you and see the death of the force, I look at you and see hope for all life


>get visas early
>talk to visas for 5 seconds on first meet
>handmaiden locked out for rest of playthrough

>You make a good point. I don't think a game like Kotor could make it in today's gaming environment.
Yeah. Like I said, though, some things have improved as well - Influence mechanics are a lot more detailed now than the relatively crude implementation in KotOR II, which would be cool to see Obsidian play around with in a similar way.

>did I miss out? The other companions were just so much more likeable
Yes! Mira is a fantastic character with a 10/10 backstory, though admittedly her best interactions are those she has with the rest of the girls' club; and you can get as much Influence as you need with her as long as you can pass an Awareness:15 check. Training her includes some of the best scenes in the game, I think.
Bao-dur isn't a gamebreaking Jedi, but he's still an interesting character with good dialogues once you unlock them, so it's worth doing so once at least.

>>implying Obisidian ever made a better game than Bioware
As I said before, Obsidian are far, far better. For the two games where you can make direct comparisons (KotOR and KotOR II and the two Neverwinter Nights games), Obsidian's are strictly better, especially in writing, and I'm not really sure how you can think otherwise.

>not refusing to level any side characters till you unlock their jedi side. It's like you don't even minmax

>This kinda stuff makes me sad, Obsidian games always have so many cool elements that get cut due to development problems and time constraints
We're here to suffer, user. The real shame is that because their development time was cut so harshly, they simply had to exclude all that cool stuff entirely, so it can't even be added back by modders since there's no work done for it in the game at all.
Fucking Lucasarts.

>Did you touch him?
>Did you look upon him with love?
All the girls in II were pretty good, desu. Four perfect, top-tier waifus in one game, how did Avellone manage it?

Handmaiden is so cute.
>N-not like I'm jealous or anything, baka Exile!
>I-I just want to keep you from being corrupted!

*Five waifus
I miscounted, four in one party but five for the game.

It's like Grey DeLisle was born to play Japanese overlord apprentice daughter characters.

Yes, very much so.
Good taste

>posts rebuilt Jedi enclave
If you had posted literally any other track from KotOR II, I would accuse you of having poor taste.
But yeah, that's arguable the best track in the whole series.
Especially because of what happens while it plays.

Fucking love these games

I just wish we got kotor 3 instead of a fucking mmo no one wanted

It's better for spin slashing while flipping and jumping.. or something

So he tried spinning? Because it was a good trick?

Hnnnng dem traya titties

one of my favorite games of all time

>tfw enjoyed playing swtor's stories for a month or so
Should I play the other games?
It was my first time in the star wars universe and being an imperial agent was real neat.

Man idk

Jedi and sith can do some fucking agile combat shit, it's like watching competitive smash melee sometimes

The other games are much better, but it doesn't play anything like SWTOR.

Also IA was best storyline.

Just one question, I've played this game like a thousand times since I was a kid and have never done a light side play through. Can you turn Atton into a Jedi instead of a sith assassin with good side points, or does he just remain a good guy Han Solo type with a blaster? He was my favorite character and I'm thinking of doing a light side play through, but I have no idea who can become a jedi lel.

Yes you can jedi him up good regardless of alignment

Every non droid character but the chewbacca and Mandalore can become jedi with enough influence

>tfw being a chiss cleaner earning buckets of good boy points for obeying
Felt good man, what games are imperial sided?

I loved them as an kid but when I replayed them as an adult I realized how fucking basic and limited they were.

It's the complete opposite of when I replayed the baldur's gates and neverwinter nights as an adult and actually gained more appreciation for them.

Atton was right all along.


>want to replay KOTOR2 for my dark side edgemaster playthrough
>remember Peragus
>the mod to skip it is gone

Peragus probably isn't as bad as you remember

>Revan Understood snacks


I like KOTOR 2.

I hate what it's done to the fanbase, though. A lot of people misunderstood Kreia in general and think she was some Grey Jedi advocate or honestly wanted to kill the Force, and because of it treat any story that isn't HURR DURR NO LIGHT SIDE NO DARK SIDE TRUTH IS IN THE MIDDLE MAAAAAAAAN as being "bad"

I started playing again but this shit is too god damn long.

Just get me out of this rock.

Everything he suspects or guesses in dialogue turns out to be true. It's one of his class skills, for Pete's sake.


Peragus is better than Taris in my humble opinion.
I just like the whole murder mystery atmosphere of Peragus.

The way that the Jedi Order is depicted in Kotor is kind of dumb.
Oh no, we won't stop the mandolarians. We have to wait for the REAL threat to reveal itself.

What else is he right about? Its been awhile since I last played.

Right, the Jedi Order is depicted as flawed. Kreia's ultimate lesson was teaching the Exile to think for his/her self and do the right thing based on their own judgment so they could rebuild the Jedi Order stronger and more resilient than before.

I hate how people complain about her contrarian nature, because that's exactly the point of the character. She wants you to think on the reasoning behind your actions, and not just do things because it's expected of you. You can disagree with her and tell her to fuck off and you'll still gain influence as long as you say "I will think upon what you've told me" at the end of the conversation.

I liked that KotoR 2 made sticking to being a "good guy" (the Jedi teachings) painful and hard to do because the jedi order hates you, the galaxy at large hates the jedi, and you're put in situations where there isn't a straightforward "lawful good" choice that will work out for the best

He's the obligatory "I have a bad feeling about this" guy, and the game tells you to save whenever he says this or something similar. I don't want to trawl through his dialogue but he also accurately hints at the true nature of some of the shiftier party members and side characters you meet along the way. He's a survivalist/assassin/Force-sensitive so it's not really far-fetched to say that his instinct is superhuman.

>Kreia's ultimate lesson was teaching the Exile to think for his/her self and do the right thing based on their own judgment so they could rebuild the Jedi Order stronger and more resilient than before.
And in the end, She won.
The Sith trimuvant is utterly destroyed.
The old jedi order (who effectively sat on their ass in both games, not just 2) is gone.
Atris's corrupted teachings won't take root.
And who is in place to rebuild the new jedi order? Oh right, Kreia's student.
The real battle in Kotor 2 was Kreia trying to show the galaxy that her teachings aren't flawed/a pathway to the dark side, and she succeeded.

What's Kreia's backstory?