Is this a game worth buying Sup Forums?

Is this a game worth buying Sup Forums?

How good is the story out of 10?

It's shit.

They just announced they're going to be updating it with a new companion, the ingame codex and improved crisis stuff.
Might as well wait a year and get it cheaper then.

Wait for director's or better yet, editor's cut and a sale.

The story is 8.5/10 or so.

I'm 18 hours in. It's fine, not goty or anything like that. It has gotten good ratings in plenty of sites

Just pirate it

>Nu Men Era


didn't play as much as I wanted to since release, but right now it's sitting at a comfortable 7.5/10.

Lots of weird design choices I won't get into just yet but the environment and setting sell the game so far. Gameplay is fairly unique with the stat pool and effort system but I can see it being negligible near the end of the game.

>nu men era

Gameplay problems:
Combat is boring.
Stat rolls are too easy (literally put anything in INT and have like 3 combats for the whole game).

Story problems:
Shit editing.
Some VEEERY mediocre characters.

Overall I give it 8/10 for story and 5/10 for gameplay, which averages at 6.5 overall, but the setting is pretty great, so it's my personal 7/10.

Desu vult

The subconscious always reveals the truth.

Is NU POGODI a fresh new meme?

It's bad.

Story is 6-7/10
Gameplay is 2/10

Don't waste your money user. You will uninstall the moment you see that fucking combat system and dumb dialogue INT checks.

Nah, just something I picked up earlier. Nu Pogodi is probably utterly unknown in the west. The "no worries bear" is from no-so-old Russian propaganda tweet

Story 9/10
Companions 6,5/10
Combat 4/10

Its a shitton of reading, if thats what you in to, for me its like a 8/10.
As good as PoE, better than Tyranny, but not as good as Planescape Torment.

>Nu Pogodi
Wasn't the rabbit a flaming faggot though? Pretty interesting considering he was meant to represent communism.

>you will never get Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition with reduced trash mobs and all cut content restored by Avellone himself

ehh I don't know... I've only seen a couple of episodes looong time ago and don't recall getting any sexually suggestive vibes from it.

The story is okay, I guess. Not nearly as compelling as Planescape's. None of the companions are as compelling as Planescape's either.

Combat isn't particularly great, but as others have mentioned if your character is focused on Intellect you're pretty much God and can do whatever you want, including avoiding combat altogether.

I'd probably give it a 5/10, wish I had asked for a refund in advance and put that money towards a better game.

Nah, I'm not saying it was sexually suggestive or anything, just that they showed our class a few episodes, and everyone thought the rabbit was a girl.

So what does one life matter?

I agree on the companion part, but if you really think about it, P:T had some weak characters too.
Annah, FfG, Ignus and Nordom werent all that interesting imo.
Still better than anything Tyranny has to offer tho.

5/10 is a pretty low score. By that do you mean truly average, or is it actually a steaming pile of dog shit?

How many hours is this game, including sidequests?

Is it short or a fully fleshed out long one?

I seen all episodes, the rabbit was feminine as fuck and there was an episode where the wolf, wearing a sailor outfit went to the rabbit to have a date with him and he bring flowers and champagne.

They were still better than any character in Numenera or PoE

Story/Dialogue: okay/10
surprisingly good at times actually.

Visuals: neat/10

Combat/Character Building/RPG elements: fucking terrible/10
Good combat is important to give a point to all of the character building elements in the game. Just build a party of high-intelligence conversationalists because you'll never need combat stats. You might think you have a choice, but you really don't. If you pick even a single combat-related stat or skill, you blew it.

I played for about 12 hours and got bored. I wouldn't recommend the game to anyone. It's barely worth a torrent if you ask me. There are better CRPGs out there.

Just pirate it.

There are games not even worth pirating. This is one of them, and the only thing that can change this is a good editor.

B-but if I throw all my shekels at companies who make good games, then it's like a vote in favour of good games.

But Inxile hasn't made any good games yet.

Why is Inexile so incompetent? Was entire Kickstarter just a ruse? Did they burned out? Do they lack certain writers?

Because being competent is what every games company does.

Now that you mention it (s)he did seem pretty feminine with those eyelashes and pink cheeks and whatnot. I guess I attributed it to effort to make it look "cuter" (especially in contrast to the bad wolf)

If I enjoyed Wasteland 2 will I enjoy this?

Rabbit was also voiced by a woman. It's hard to admit it, but Soviet Russia were the first one to make a Zootopia couple.

uninstalled in an hour/10. I did the same with PoE and I actually backed both on Kickstarter.

Not a chance.

Ah well. I suppose it was in some ways a more innocent time.
Or at least a more innocent age on personal level.

Out of Wasteland 2, PoE, Numenera and Tyranny. I also only enjoyed W2 (although i got bored after like beating 60% of the game it still longer than any amount of time i spent on other Inexile games so far)

completely different games, doesn't mean you'll hate this necessarily but don't expect them to be similar.
thanks for kikestarting :^)

If this cartoon aired in modern tumblr era, they would definetly became a guy couple or rabbit was turned into a girl

No chance of actual failure is what deters me. Lost a combat, and it just puts you in a makeshift graveyard like the first game. It's boring. I want an actual challenge or at least a way to actually lose.
might as well read a book otherwise

Additionally i also just found this, Some russians also got the nostalgia feeling.

Complete sacrifice of the battle and RPG mechanincs for a mediocre story with walls of boring texts and uncompelling characters.

Being sent to the graveyard counts as a loss to me m8.

good for you m8. enjoy your shitty book

there are actually fights where dying is a game over, and it's the fights you can't avoid.

>good for you m8. enjoy your shitty book
>enjoy your shitty book
I do believe we were discussing a game of the vidya variety? How does my poo-stained novel have anything to do with this?

a game without a failure state might as well be a book or movie.

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