Tell me, Sup Forums, is this game as good as I've been reading?
I want to play it, but I'm afraid to fall for the hype of a bad game again.
The screenshots are amazing and she's awesome, the game looks absolutely fantastic, but... Is it fun? Or will I regret buying it if I do?
Tell me, Sup Forums, is this game as good as I've been reading?
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No one has anything to day? P-please?
It's an RPG with Platinum combat, and a quirky sense of self aware humour within a serious story.
If that sounds like your thing then try it. There's a demo on PS4 at least.
It's a generic weeaboo button masher with brain dead AI and I frames on dodges because permavirgin weeaboos can't effectively understand concepts of positioning and leading.
Only reason Sup Forums praises it is due to the fanservice.
yeah, it's dope.
fuck off with your "fanservice" memes. I'm far from a weeb, fucking hate anime. I played the game for the combat, and the story. anyone spouting shit about how people only play it because of 2B's butt are tards, it's like saying people only played MGSV for quiet's butt
yoko taro is a genius and this game's story is incredible
that said if you're going into it without having played the first i reccomend watching or reading some recaps of the first game's story so you have some context at least
nah. japanese but not weeb, not unless bayonetta and nier are weeb too which they aren't but you wouldn't know becuase you're just a shitposter who hasn't played either
>iframes on dodges
just like dark souls and monster hunter, two other super easy games that require no skill
Is the combat fun?
Yeah, exactly. Bayonetta and Nier are both weebtrash and garbage video games. Souls is largely only seen as "hard" to the brain-dead masses. Look at what happened once they tied I frames to a stat in DS2.
Monster Hunter was always just a grindier version of an action RPG, but with over the top telegraphed attacks for the brain-dead weebs.
>Look at what happened once they tied I frames to a stat in DS2.
You mean when they fucked it up so badly it wasn't clear what ADP does till some random mustard didn't do a vivsection because From couldn't be arsed to add a little stumble animation to low ADP roll?
It's bad game design when roll is completely identical in all parameters besides numbers of i-frames.
Its fun to fuck around with because they give you a shit-ton of options that feel good to use and look cool as fuck, but some of the design decisions (mashing dodge being way too OP, difficulty balance being fucked, being able to pause and heal without any penalties) coupled with the lackluster enemy design (and lack of enemy variety) make the game's combat pretty mediocre overall.
Is it mediocre to the point it makes the whole game non enjoyable or is it still an enjoyable game?
don't listen to retards like these OP
Fuck sake... Why did I even try this.
Players saying "it's shit" and other players saying "it's good".
I'm just as torn as before.
wtf else did you expect form Sup Forums
Hwaht did they censor?
>I'm torn
Because you think the weeaboos have anything legitimate to say. They're only trying to convince you, because otherwise they'd have to accept that their game was shit, and they bought a shit game purely because of what it does to their dick. No one's going to admit that.
No the game is still my favorite game of the year so far. Mixing up weapon types on the fly and switching between different pod types and abilities can make the combat really fun. Its just that everything you fight is kinda boring and you never feel like you have to use any of your cool abilities if you want to win. If you need a game to challenge you in order for the combat to be enjoyable, this isn't the game for you. If you like stringing together cool looking combos and being as stylish as possible just for the sake of it, you will probably still enjoy the combat despite its flaws.
But again this game is still a JRPG first and an action game second so the combat not being the greatest doesn't stop it from being fucking great overall.
It really doesn't do anything to my dick. I do like the artworks but I don't wanna buy it because I want to get off to it, the world and scenerey looks amazing.
Mostly, I want a good story, exploration and so on. Combat is not as important, unless it's broken to the point of it being frustrating. If it's easy mode I don't mind too much, I play dark souls when I want to challenge myself.
Speaking of easy mode, is there such a thing? Would it make it more interesting on a higher difficulty?
It's not a true Yoko Taro game. Play Nier or Drakengard 1 for that. They are espressos to Automata's watered-down Americano.
robot pucci
>Speaking of easy mode, is there such a thing?
Yes there is also a mode where the game can literally play itself.
>Would it make it more interesting on a higher difficulty?
Unfortunately the game has the issue of normal being way too easy and hard being way too hard. I would for sure recommend playing on normal mode until you get to the first save point and then change it to hard to see if its something that you'll find enjoyable. Things will 1-2 shot you in hard mode right from the get go. You do get upgrades later on that help mitigate this though but when you first start hard mode get used to being one-shot out of nowhere.
>a mode where the game can literally play itself.
So this is the power of casuals...
yes, the story, music, characters, and especially enemies are very fucking cool.
My switch came in the mail two days ago so while I was in the middle of this game, I started to play Zelda BOTW AND AFTER 30 HOURS I DIDN'T COME CLOSE TO BEATING IT AND WISH I DID SO I CAN COME BACK TO AUTOMATA THREADS FUCK!
>There is a mode where the game can literally play itself
Not a mode. This is just known as a weeaboo game.
>Story is incredible
come on man, pick a new argument. the story is trash.
>the story is trash.
What's wrong with it?
You'll regret it and hate it because you sound like a stupid person who can't even make their own decisions.
I might do that if I play, try hard mode.
Hopefully they will adjust normal though.
I think Sup Forums only likes this game because it has a sexy girl with a eye patch
There's nothing metaphorical or referential about them. Characters literally read the bible and pull stuff from it. They're not being coy about it or pretending it's subtle.
Nothing stupid about trying to spend money wisely when you don't have a lot of it.
I'm trying to get info about a game I may want to spend money on.
I'm glad you have a mommy that can feed you games in your basement though.
Not even weebing here. The controls are air tight and it feels fantastic. There's actually more strategy to combat than the people who don't play it will let on. In fact, according to what weapons you equip for your primary and secondary slot that style of attacking changes. The combat is more about grouping your enemies. Also, the UI is wonderfully put together and looks aesthetic as fuck. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
Watch gameplay then, instead of asking people for their meaningless opinions.
>tfw I have to listen to you dumb fucking beaners talk about GOTY like it's a flavor of the month
Go back to Brazil with your BR tier opinions
2B9S coming through.
Does anyone know what dye is for? I bought it from a merchant and it says it colors clothes but I can't do anything with it right now.
It's just an upgrade material for weapons/pods, not for actually changing color
I didn't want this game to end. I'm so sad it's actually over (Ending E). Guess I'll go ahead and kill myself
It's a 5/10 game. Gameplay is improved over the original however the story and characters are worse.
>story is incredible
Taro does the "wacky humor juxtaposed with melodrama" in every single fucking game, generally throws a twist in for good measure
Fuck off with this meme
Video games aren't for you. Find a new hobby, like mountain climbing or stamp collecting.
>you will never be able to save Pascal and his village
>you will never be able to protect their happines
I hate you Taro.
I already ride motorcycles for a living and don't have much time for a hobby other than videogames and figures.
Post hotglue pics
May I suggest you replace all hobbies that don't involve mansex with watching paint dry? That is more up your alley.
>yoko taro is a genius and this game's story is incredible
You need to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here before you make a fool out of the entire Taro fanbase. I like his games too but he's not a fucking genius and the stories are just okay.
I see, thanks dude
Its a SHMUP open world jrpg with hackey-slashy elements similar to Bayonnetta, with the most beautiful original soundtrack I have ever heard for a game. I think understanding the game was designed a SHMUP RPG its started making way more sense. Its a fucking weird ass game.
Name one other dev who's done anything remotely similar to Ending E in Automata
You literally can't. Sorry bub but when someone does something that no-one else has thought of doing that turns out to be good it qualifies them as a genius. You lose.
You mean a generic happy ending where robots gets reconstructed and everything is daijobuu?
Oh wow such a genius.
oh hey you're a retard good to know
I'm a retard for proving my own point? Hm, interesting.
Come back when you have something interesting to say kid. Or would you like a safespace and an echochamber?
>everything is daijobuu
It isn't really. Also are you just going to ignore everything else about ending E that he was obviously reffering to?
Are you referring to the credits and the save fuckery? Because that was a complete hack job
>hmmm I really want to do this save deletion thing again from Nier
>but I want it to effect other players
>I know I'll do it in a single player game where there is close to zero relation to other players
>who cares that it doesn't fit thematically lol
He just completely wasted a powerful concept
Ending D was the best ending desu.
Thinking about buying it soon. How well optimized is the steam version? I have a great gpu but my cpu and ram are getting a little dated.
Best music of this Gen.
Everything is not daijoubu, because humanity is fucked.
It's a taro game. They all have mediocre writing and are predictable as hell.
Don't buy it, just wait a month and it will get cracked
the hell with those guy screaming "weeaboo game" in every threads? if western games are so much better please tell me which western game i should buy then?
Nah, just buy better game such ass Torment: nu men era and Mass Effect: smash mouth
I've been having a blast with it OP. Just got the first ending last night, plus a joke ending (L).
Can't wait to do get the rest throughout the week
What game is not weebtrash then?
support yoko taro
support yoko taro
support yoko taro
support yoko taro
i want to see him smile
>person who obsessed with everything japanese related
Why the fuck japanese game are weeaboo game?
>Tell me, Sup Forums, is this game as good as I've been reading?
It's pretty fun to play.
I especially like the auto-chips, where the game essentially plays itself. This is a godsend for someone like me who sucks at action games.
>weeaboo shit
>japanese game
>not weeaboo shit
>katawa shoujo and animu wannabe mmo
The game's been constantly spammed on the board with multiple threads about Toobie's butt in the catalog at a time. That's bound to trigger someone especially when most of those threads are substance-less "say something nice about Toobie" threads.
Definitely not going to play that. May try hard mode instead.
How many endings are there?
Should i play the previous game too to enjoy this one or are they "standalone"?
Yeah and what about those overwatch threads? all of them are hana is my wife so cute and tranny lesbian shit
>complaining about spammed
>take a look at overshit thread on Sup Forums
Sheet, just change the name of this board to /overwatch/ also Toobie ass > overshit characters
Is this fanart after Ending E?
And Overwatch threads rightfully get backlash for it.
Play NieR first for the love of God. There's 26 endings 21 are joke endings.
And a bunch of blizzdrones still defending their turd with calling everyone who hates their tumblrwatch weeaboo anime loser. They're even annoying than those neptunia and mmo player.
>Play NieR first for the love of God
Please don't listen to this user. Nier is a garbage game with shitty sidequests and a somewhat above-average story. Anime cliches and obvious story "twists" abound.
In fact don't play any of his games. Drakengard is literately the most unplayable pile of garbage I've ever played, and Automata, while having SOMEWHAT better combat than the other games, has the worst story and characters out of all of them, making it a trash game overall. The ending E everyone goes on and on about in Automata literally has nothing to do with what happened in the story. Nothing. Its like all he wanted to do was make a neat little mini-game with a kind of cute message but the higher-ups forced him to also make a game around it. He's the biggest hack in the industry and has literally made nothing worthwhile.
Just like how a bunch of Nierdrones defend their flavor of turd by calling everyone who hates it a SJW roastie westernfag. You are two of the same kind.
>calling everyone who hates it a SJW roastie westernfag
>it's weeaboo trash reeeeee that why everyone should hates it reeeeeeeee
Shit man, are you alright?
Are you? Are you capable of reading comprehension?
What reason to hates it other than jealousy white white worshipper cucks who got angry because a nip game got 9.0? Give me a valid reason you idiot piece of shit.
fucking kek what's with all the effortless trolling lately
So why are you hating it?
>Just like how a bunch of Nierdrones defend their flavor of turd by calling everyone who hates it a SJW roastie westernfag
>third post
>It's a generic weeaboo blahblahblah
With quality post like this? no wonder.
I like Yoko Taro games because I'm a huge fan of his depressing, melodramatic storytelling, convolution aside. Yoko Taro's games makes me feel the same way Nasu made me felt with Tsukihime and F/SN back in the day. It really fills the void Nasu left when he went commercial and started pandering.
here let me tell you a depressing, melodramatic story that is of the same quality of Yoko Taro's "stories"
You play as a girl (who has a penis! lol!)and then she dies lmao oh but not before her friend who is a rapist of infants in case you didint know wishes her farewell and then his brother casts a spell that summons a bunch of kids and then he laughs and they all die and get raped and hey and theres a cannibal too whaddya know and then a big portal in the sky opens up and a giant baby comes out and kills and rapes every person on the entire planet because lol thats yoko taro for you :^)
>i hate it so everyone must hates it just like me reeeeeeee
Not an argument
Not an argument.
So the reason you called it weebtrash because you don't like his stories? that stupid
I never called it weebtrash. Its just trash. I'm not being unreasonable here I am providing facts and evidence behind my arguments. The same cannot be said about yourself.
>9.0 on metacritic
What game is not trash for you then?
Metacritic is trash.
>thinking metacritic matters
Jesus can Nierfags get any more pathetic? This is just sad!
i knew you will say that so what game is not trash for you then?
>only my review matter right? it time to bombard metacritic!
>this game is trash!
>can you recommend me some of your good video game kind user
>goes silent
Oh okay