Nostalgia thread
Nostalgia thread
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Fucking millennials, i swear to god.
my first casual filter
>tfw Generation Z are already 12 years old.
how many levels of irony is this
>falling for obvious bait
>falling for obvious bait
(hunters dream) > Majula > ds1 Firelink > nexus > ds3 firelink
>falling for obvious bait
>2011 was 34 years ago
>see this post and kek
>realize you were like 3 or 4 years old when Soul Reaver came out and people on this board hate you
fuck these threads make me feel old
Somebody who was 12 when Dark Souls was released is now 18
The future is now old man
Ds1 firelink>Manjula>nexus>hunters dream>Ds3 firelink
If that future involves Windows 10, I don't want to be a part of it.
Today was tomorrow yesterday, gramps
Now you're thinking with portals, but how can portals be real if my thoughts aren't real
I like Majula most for some reason. It's turbo comfybuzzword.
Was Gothic even released outside of Europe? I always thought it was popular only in Germany and countries around it.
I remember that place but the game came out when I was on my early 20's, was my childhood awesome?
I'll be around, if you make it back
I fit that
I've got about 20 or so of these Nintendo official mags spanning 96-2001. I've been meaning to slice them up and put them through the document scanner at work. It's great when people screech shill these days and complain about the degradation of game """journalism""" when this mag gave Superman 64 an 8/10.
Qell, i am polish so there is that, also it had nonexistent marketing in USA.
>was 21 when it was released
Jesus Christ i remember it like it was yesterday, times fly by fast when you are older, that's for sure.
Is it baldur's gate of millienials?
I don't remember that place.
>Fucking millennials
Someone who was a child in 2011 would not be a millennial, you stupid faggot. They're gen z.
What!? You again!?
Z is 2001 innit?
That would be 15/16
Generation Z arguably started at 1996. There's Gen Zers who are 21 now.
Did somebody say nostalgia?
UT99 was the first pc game i ever played... true nostalgia
What a pleb
what are you going to do, play games on linux and mac os? lol , okay
sorry im not in my forties jesus
No, I am going to sit on Windows 7. The Russians can hack my data. As long as it isn't Microsoft I am happy.
Most people claim Z started early 00's could be anything from 12 to 16
>he didnt play Tennis for Two when the old radar equipment got repurposed
You're the pleb here boi
Makes me fell sad..
what the fuck. None of this even makes sense, even if you don't know anything about the game. Even as a kid I'd be able to tell they didn't actually play it.
Im sad for gen Z
They will never be able to enjoy the earliest games and lore of the world's current biggest game franchises
My first video games were in the PS1 gen so I'll pretty much always be "late to the party" on experiencing older titles. I have a lot of nostalgia for old games I haven't played. The ones I go back to are either disappointing or exactly as I remembered them.
I have a lot of nostalgia for older titles. I go back and play them. I haven't played a title newer than 2000 in about a decade or so.
I was 11 when demon's souls came out
Now I'm 19, feels good mang
Well I'm in Texas and I bought it last year on steam, for the first time I might add
Really damn good game
Generation Z arguable started with dragonball z in 1989, and as we know that was 32 years ago.
it adds up.
sorry fags, millennials are 86-05. generations span 20 years or so. boomers are 45 to 65, x is 66 to 85
So then someone born in 2005 would be 6 when dark souls came out.
>ywn visit an arcade again
>ywn wait your turn to play a fighting or racing game versus someone else by putting your token on the machine
>ywn save tickets for another day to buy a console
>ywn impress a grill with your DDR skills
Why live
the math certainly checks out, not sure why your telling me though
>i always had to spend all my tickets the same day because we were poor, and didn't know if we'd get a chance to come back
>falling for obvious bait
>Skyrim was released 6 years ago
Who 18 here?
What was your first game?
What is your favorite game?
Skyrim was my favorite childhood game.
>first game
some shitty jaws game on the snes
>favorite game
not 1 game but the sly cooper series on ps2
millennials were born in 82
90s kids were born in 86
people born in 90-95 are homeless
generation Z was born in 96
I don't like this thread one bit.
Better than having hundreds of tickets after they close down. No surprise since they got rid of all the fighting games, Initial D, and DDR, the only reasons anyone would ever go to that arcade in the first place.
Guys! I think that Ogre woman has a nipple showing!
>tfw 2006 was 40 years ago
i was born in 94 how fuck am i?
>Mfw these are still popular in my country and pretty much the only reason for why arcades still exists here
And I'm not even japanese
>generations span 20 years or so
Used to be that way, sure.
Current situation is incomparable though, people who were born in 85 and 95-00 are in a completely different situations.
>ipad for a baby sitter
>internet 24/7, facebook, social media
None of that shit was there for 80s kids.
>see DDR machine
>decide to give it a spin
>2 test runs in, decide to step up to my old level
>dance like crazy
>be done
>turn around to walk away
>a girl was watching me
>smile awkwardly and quickly walk away
>falling for obvious bait
If you remember this place from your childhood, you probably should not post here.
>generations span 20 years or so
30 almost exactly.
who would play such shitty looking garbage kek
>obvious for falling bait
This will never not move me.
yes, millennials, or gen Y are the kids born from 1980 to 2000.
gen z is the next. Gen X are the Boomers