What went wrong? Before the release, everyone was saying this was going to be better than Bloodborne and now it's pretty much forgotten already.
What went wrong? Before the release...
Zelda came.
Replayability wasn't as good as people thought it would be. Lack of enemy variety was a big contributor to the problem.
botw and nier stole all its hype
*Tsk* Breath of the Wild, sweetums.
It'll probably show up on some "PS4 HIDDEN GEMS" list 5 years from now
>people complained that there were too many nioh "shill" threads when the game came out
>now that newer games are out people complain they arent seeing enough nioh threads
why is Sup Forums so autistic?
You underestimate the sheer amount of people that come to this board intermittently. You need to remember that a lot of people who come here do not spend all day here.
Isn't there no PvP in this game? Bloodborne at least has some sort of community still going and outside of that, you can join in fight clubs.
>3 Million in Sales
>No rule34/fan service
>"Game is shit"-autismo
>Fuck yourself homo
You can get summoned and sabotage the efforts of your host.
I can't wait to use the enemy variety meme for every single action game now, thanks soulsfags
well, I played it for 345 hours, did everything, and I'm pretty much done with it
not really interested in the coming PvP, but I might go back to it if they add another difficulty mode
Sloth ruined the game.
>Sup Forums is one person
Yeah I pulled about 200 hours. I don't think I'll be getting any DLC for it because I can't stand the idea of paying for DLC. I still liked the game.
I suppose that gives the game some replayability. But no real reason to farm for top-tier gear. Like with Bloodborne, the PvP incentivized farming FRC gems. But why bother in Nioh?
No it didn't, the game is incredibly fun but the enemy and level diversity and design are so fucking spare and boring it's unreal, NG+ turns the game into a glorified nip diablo clone, why am i farming +10 items? Just to kill stuff I smash even faster?
The extra difficulty and boss rush mode will spice things up but it'll probs be too late, but the next game and dlc will hopefully be great.
It would've gotten more staying power if it was also released on other platforms. Much more livelier communities.
youre right. Sup Forums isnt one person but they are all autistic.
I agree. One thing I liked about Nioh was the ease of actually connecting with people. Unlike in Dark Souls or Bloodborne there were almost no problems playing with exactly who you wanted to play with.
is there anything at all that isn't broken?
I thought barehanded was weak but then I noticed most speedruns kill half the boss using barehanded because it's faster... (the other half is mostly kusari).
Bloodborne was pretty fine with the password system in place. It only got a little janky when trying to summon in chalices.
It's a primarily singleplayer game. Every single time, they are always "forgotten" by Sup Forums standards.
The enemy variety is a big problem, plus the way it encourages jack-of-all-trades builds and easy respeccing means you don't have a lot of reason to replay it.
>remember centipede being a damage sponge
>watch speed run
>kills it in a few punches
Mostly this. Also levels aren't that interesting to explore and kodama/treasure/amrita sense makes it too easy to find supposedly hidden stuff.
That's what I mean. In BB everything was slow to connect even if everything was configured properly. In Nioh if you had the same password and wanted to go to the same place you would discover and connect almost instantaneously. I hope future titles that use this sort of multiplayer system take notes from what they did right in Nioh.
Can you respec in Nioh? Does level affect online co-op matchmaking?
Great game but zelda stole me from it honestly. It didn't help that they casualized the game but made co-op with friends a pain in the dick to do unlike the demo.
>we didn't want the game to be too easy so no co-op unless both of you played the stage
>but you can summon people that are overpowered and use omoyo magic that debilitates the bosses to being giant loot pinatas
>oh and we weakened all the enemies compared to the earlier test because japan are smartphone wielding pussies
Like I said I still like the game but the difficulty is lame and this is someone that avoided all magic and status effects save for fire. I should have gotten bloodborne but I already spoiled everything for that game.
I agree the enemy variety is pretty limited, but I don't get why it's such a problem. The enemy variety is no worse than DMC'S ever was.
Don't think so, at least not in random encounters.
you can respec (the price of the thing to respec goes up everytime up to a cap, but it's no biggie and there's alternate ways to get it), and can also stay at a lower level in the process if you wish (even lv1)
no it doesn't, a lv750 in post-game can be matched with a lv1 just starting out
Revenants killed the whole random loot-smithing part. There is no point grinding for materials when you get showered with top tier equipment from killed revenants.
>Can you respec in Nioh?
Yes. A bunch of times.
>Does level affect online co-op matchmaking?
No. Your level and stats are raised or lowered to be similar to the person you're playing with.
>oh and we weakened all the enemies compared to the earlier test
I didn't play the Alpha. Is it easier than the Beta and "last chance" ?
Revenant equipment is never +x equipment though.
forged equipment have halved stat requirement, especially relevant for medium/heavy armor since STR is a pretty useless stat with no real secondary use (stamina is so much better for weight).
also have a chance to be +1, or lv160 in late game when forging, which revenants don't give
it is better than bloodborne
but it doesn't make it a good game
>Your level and stats are raised or lowered to be similar to the person you're playing with
How severe is this? In Bloodborne, if a lvl 4 summons a lvl 200, the lvl 200 is practically useless for example. Even with korean gems and +10 weapons.
You can rocket a +0 item to +7 in no time at all.
Sure, if you're content to settle for Red Memon or Kingo like everyone else and don't want to chase that sweet, sweet +10.
..not to mention revenants almost only drop red demona nd kingo, making it hard if you want anything more specific
DMC is a much shorter game, and the mixes can make encounters interesting even with a limited toolbox. Nioh rarely throws an interesting mixture of enemies at you, opting for groups of soldiers and lone oni with archer/ gunner assistance 85% of the time.
It's not severe. I believe the gear you have remains intact; only your character's stats are affected. I could be wrong about this, but I helped out a lower level friend and I was still able to smash shit to pieces in no time flat because my gear was better.
If your character is magic or ninja based though, how bad is it?
I wouldn't know I don't do that pussy shit.
You still keep all of your skills and invested skill points, so you'll still have all of the same amounts, you just might do more or less damage depending on how heavily you rely on your character's stats for raw damage.
The alpha was harder for the wrong reasons and after the QoL changes it was perfect but japan harshly criticized the last chance difficulty and the normal game was just way easier.
Succubus and tachibana is a joke now. So far after reaching the 4th region the red demon was the hardest boss but he's optional followed by the ice boss.
>notice ice boss tells are garbage and had some problems
>look online for other people experience
>oh she was easy just use sloth and beat her up
>see any video and see people just cheeseing the bosses
I hate the red light for tells memes but dealing with that bitch made me realize that I would settle for that than poor design. But nobody cares because lol omoyo magic XD
most of the powerful magic stuff doesn't even scale, you'll mostly just notice a bit lower damage on talisman and less healing
it'll probably hurt a ninja-focused build, but if you got a good unlimited setup it won't really change much since the stuff you're fighting is gonna be weak anyway -- all those gear abilities and +% damages are still active
if just bashing stuff, then it's hardly noticeable.. stat scaling isn't even that strong compared to raw power of weapons
a pure ninja build is actually less pussy
weapons are overpowered as fuck, it's better if you don't use them
Can someone rank the weapons in Nioh from most OP to least? And then from most fun to least?
prepare for a flame war.
That has nothing to do with forging being pointless though. The opposite, even.
The five weapon limit doesn't bother me at all and I fucking love the weapons
What well and truly kills it is the enemy variety though. Thats all it comes down to, and thats why it lacks replayability to a massive degree.
I think the absolute best way to play the game is to focus on weapon stats, leave ninjutsu and onmyo almost completely out, and use each weapon for a time during one playtrough. Thats how you don't notice the variety being very low, and constantly learn new shit to use with weapons.
it kinda depends on what you're fighting
Spear can lock human enemies in place pretty much
Axe destroy Ki of everything making them harmless
1kat is pretty much the boss 1-shot weapon
Kusarigama is used by speedrunners to quick kill most shit
2kat I never really looked into but seems broken as well
Barehanded is actually even OP on some enemies due to the damage type.
It's too hard for people to brute force their way through like retards, unlike Souls games, and other meme shit has come out since then.
>forged equipment have halved stat requirement
I wondered what the hell was going on there, that clears it up.
>axe all the way down.
I'll fight you.
personally find spear the most fun because of fluidity
I know some people just do mid-stance pokes and do spearfall, but personally I just keep doing long ass weird combos
body swap is great for getting enemies away from walls and keep things constantly flowing
kusarigama I feel more like I'm just spamming
>It's too hard for people to brute force their way through like retards
Out of all the souls games, and bloodborne, Nioh is significantly easier than all of them to brute force their way through.
You'll lose if you're using an axe.
Doubt it but it allows us to point out that revenants are a piss poor replacement for actual pvp.
Fair play. I still don't see it as much of a deal breaker. Sure, it'd be better if there was a wider variety, but it doesn't feel inappropriate given how fundamentally different the world is from Souls in concept and design. As it is, the variety and game design seems reminiscent of Onimusha, and that's alright to me.
Hopefully having a high break value with modifiers or something will make axe impossible to parry
or else it'll be 100% useless, easiest shit to parry
Everyone knows that spears and magic will dominate any sort of PVP because of the knockdown.
Better to take a chance than never having existed at all.
spearfall is super easy to evade, and entangle has super short range and a long windup
Spear does have an excellent parry move though.
Talisman does raise worry though, something will be need to counter them, so have pretty insane range and can be used almost instantly
Nioh is the easiest one to brute force ur way through tho.
Nioh is literally easier than every Souls game.
Did you only play the alpha or something? The actual game isnt really hard william is op compared to the enemies and they're not aggressive enough
There's not enough build diversity. I've run quite a few hours of co-op and have seen maybe 5 or 10 players who weren't running 1/2Kat and light armor. I play Onmyo axe tank and I end up carrying almost every game even though I pull double duty of damage and magic support. The one game where I wasn't pulling all the damage was with a speedrunning 1Kat crit build guy.
>I play Onmyo axe tank and I end up carrying almost every game even though I pull double duty of damage and magic support.
Heads up, shithead. You end up carrying almost every game no matter what build you're using because the only people who ask for help are absolute shitters at the game. If you were using a more effective build that would be even more evident.
>HZD and BOTW came out after Nioh's release
gee I wonder why we have no Nioh threads and 80% of the board consisted of the 2 sides shitposting each other to death
I am blown away by the complete downgrade in difficulty from the alpha/beta to now.
Doesn't make it bad. Just lacks some challenge unless I'm throwing myself on the Warrior of the West's sword or bashing my head into a Twilight Mission.
Nioh is different enough to Souls for comparisons to have a hard time sticking, and it was absolutely nothing like For Honor so shitposters' attempts to spark a rivalry there fell flat. Sup Forums cares more about having something to fight over than actual discussion, so yeah, you're right.
Way of the Strong is basically the alpha, including enemy placement. The biggest change is the fact aggro range exists now, but I'm actually glad about that given how much more simple it makes speed running missions for smithing texts.
The real game basically only begins once you've beaten it once.
I do WotS Youkai realm, not visitors. I'm only 150 while every other partner I run into is 175+. I carry because even in NG+ very few players know how to ki pulse or block, they throw sloth on bosses and spam mid stance quick attacks, then complain when the boss knocks them on their ass for 75% of their life because they're out of ki. I'm sure you're part of the latter, maybe I carried you through OmiBozu? : ^ )
>I carry because even in NG+ very few players know how to ki pulse or block, they throw sloth on bosses and spam mid stance quick attacks, then complain when the boss knocks them on their ass for 75% of their life because they're out of ki.
Like I said and you conveniently ignored, EVERYONE WHO NEEDS HELP PLAYS LIKE THIS. You have absolutely no notion just how much more powerful 1kat light armor is. If you actually took the time, invested the points, and made the gear you'd be stomping shit even faster.
THAT'S the point I was making. If you think everyone else is somehow wrong, and that the meme builds you see on revenants everywhere are fluke and everyone is just blindly following what they see everyone else doing you are wrong. 1kat light armor is usually the inevitable result of most players who take the time to compare all of their options and decide which is the best for them.
I didn't mean there was a fight between Nioh and For Honour but between HZD and BOTW, leaving no room for Nioh discussion
Also massive shitposting about new Mass Effect models and animation and new Nier waifuposting
I personally noticed most people i help doing little damage and dying easily, no idea if they're seriously underleveled or don't upgrade their gear.
Yeah, I know. I'm just highlighting the other reasons why Nioh discussion got jilted in favor of petty sports rivalry.
I don't know man. Been the best game I played after that came out after bloodborne. Loved it!