MonHun Weapons Ranked

Why is this objectively true forever?

God tier:
Long Sword
Switch Axe

Good tier:
Insect Glaive
Dual Blades
Hunting Horn
Sword and Shield

Okay tier:
Charge Blade
Great Sword

Shit tier:
Light Bowgun
Heavy Bowgun

Shameless self bump

>tfw no mhxx on vita

I've heard a lot of good things about the vita. it's a shame it didn't sell too well.

>Long Sword
>God tier

>shit tier

you dont have any friends right?

What retard that can't play made this list?

WHOA did you just bait me? :S
That's fucked up, bro

Honestly, It just feels the most fluid and powerful to me. So many other weapons feel stiff


It just feels so stiff, man. I like being able to move quickly
fight me

>god tier
>great tier
Dual blades

insect glaive

I give you the fluid arguement, it does feel nice and fluid.
I feel like hammer, GS, hunting horn and even CB feel tons more powerful.

its a fucking megaman Stick. what do you expect?

its a fucking canon that you can poke things with

Yeah, the great sword is killer if you can actually land hits but those weapons are all so slow. It's not impossible to get good with them but it's a bit of a hassle

Not even worth the time mang, from the way you listed things its pretty clear you're just not good at the game, go check out nico at some point though you might see some neat things

Honestly, the gunlance is sort of frustrating because it combines the bad aspects of the heavy bowgun with a lance but ends up botching what makes the lance good

This list works for me.

I'm actually pretty damn good with the top 2 weapons. I guess I just expect different things from my pointy sticks

Hunting horn does feels pretty satisfying to use. I'll give you that

No bait here, user

I only have one thing to say in defense of the gunlance


How can other weapons compete? I'm still mad about the nerf

This has to be bait.

Unfortunately, it's how I actually currently feel about all the weapons. I may warm up more to some of the good tier weapons if I use them a bit more

The gunlance is a good weapon in concept. I just wish it was executed in a better way. As of right now:
>too heavy
>constantly needs reloading
>slow to fire

>not ascending your base form and mastering /everything/

you forgot the fact that it punishes you for using its unique mechanic by burning through your weapon sharpness

Someday I shall be as powerful as you, master. Teach me

This, seeing the sharpness lowered message makes me rage

You being unable to play the game doesn't make objectively good weapons bad (and viceversa).

Fair enough. Thing is I'm pretty damn good with the longsword and switch axe. Some weapons like the bow just feel unnecessarily clunky and slow considering the monsters all move at breakneck pace

>start a new character
>get one of each weapon type as soon as possible
>force yourself to use a different weapon type every hunt
>if you really don't like a particular weapon type that's fine, just use it on gathering quests for now
>as you go through the quests make sure you get enough materials to make gunner's armor sets along with materials for blademaster armor sets
>after you've done many quests you start to realize some monsters are way easier using certain weapon types
>proceed to wreck monsters a lot more efficiently than before
>gain the envy from other players as they watch you switch out a different weapon type every hunt and are actually decent

Shiiiiiiit, I might actually try this. Might force me to be creative and resourceful. Although, I can't ever picture myself being good with the bow

Then you get kicked and blacklisted because nobody wants to wait for you every fucking hunt.

Forgot to mention, always have at least 2 presets made to speed up time. A default blademaster set and a default gunner set. Then just switch the gun or weapon for the current hunt, maybe a charm change.

This guy hunts

>Having to upgrade every single weapon and make two suits of armor
Sorry but I'm not autistic

Wut. You do much better dps charging all the shells and then full reload.

>there are still no magic weapons in monster hunter
that said, great sword is my personal favorite

Elemental is the closest we have?
Does "magic" even exist in that universe?

It would be interesting to see how they approach magical weapons in this series

HH is pretty much magic.

I dunno, it's more like
>play my favorite battle song and I feel stronger so I get buffs

it'd probably be like a ranged weapon or a hybrid of some sort which would be easy to fuck up
could be really fun though if they didn't

I think so? I mean a lot of weapons have sort of magical properties like said
we just don't have something that is specifically a magic weapon yet

Hm, I wasn't sure if the HH was actually making you stronger with music/magic or it was just a morale thing according to the lore.
If magic did exist, it would be interesting to see something like a staff type weapon, though they'll probably make it hybrid as opposed to completely magical

Ugh staffs. I'd prefer something more original.

What would you propose?

Honestly I'm not sure but maybe something akin to the green lantern ring. Where you can materialize parts of a magical suit of armor when you're about to attack or defend but the suit disappears and leaves you vulnerable when you aren't actively attacking or defending

>charge blade
>great sword
>okay tier
false. they are god tier

>left hunter still got hit
Fuck Diablos

I was actually kind of sad when I used those weapons. I really wanted to like them but they're just held back from being great by a couple things. The great axe has these weird context based combos which sound cool but make it hard to consistently attack the way you want to.
The charge blade's constant need to reload and inability to use items when blocking with shield turned me away from it

great sword* my bad

stop posting anytime

>The great axe (sword) has these weird context based combos which sound cool but make it hard to consistently attack the way you want to.
>hard to consistently attack
You what. The combo is "charged unsheathe attack, roll away, sheathe weapon". If the monster is immobile the combo is "hold Y, press Y, hold Y". If you're feeling froggy you can maybe press A sometimes. The timing and general playstyle can be a bit tricky to get used to, but the attacks themselves are dead simple.

The only problem is the context combos slow you down when the monster is immobile and you just wanna bash his head in and charge moves take too long to charge. It just doesn't feel good to handle

>I have no good points to counter with

I don't see any cats on these lists. Where my boomerang bros at?

>context combos slow you down when the monster is immobile and you just wanna bash his head in and charge moves take too long to charge
If the monster is immobile you should absolutely be charging your attack. Even one level 3 charge will do more damage than a normal three hit combo.

Fair enough. I guess the great sword could be a decent weapon if I had the patience to attack, run, then attack again. I just wish the charge attack was more of a spinning thing like the hammer has so I could attack multiple times

It really doesn't actually require that much patience, you can almost always pop in and hit the monster with a quick uncharged attack and roll out of the way without a problem. But if you're the type that likes to stay on a monster's nuts throughout the whole hunt then it just may not be the weapon for you, and that's okay.

Is that Kamem Rider cat?

Yeah, that's pretty much what I like to do. Attack as much as I can and only distance myself from the beast when I'm running low on stamina or when I'm about to get crushed by the rushing monster