If you can name 5 quality releases coming for Switch in 2017 I'll trade in my PS4 Pro right now with pictures

If you can name 5 quality releases coming for Switch in 2017 I'll trade in my PS4 Pro right now with pictures.

>having to trade in one console to buy a handheld


Haha, you fag. I can buy anything I want. I'm just not going to buy a console that only has one game.

I can't because the only worth while games coming out for it this year are BOTW,Spla2oon,and Mario.
Unless you like shit like snipperclips and blaster master.

I know this thread is bait because if I can't find a Switch in stores, OP sure as fuck can't.

You mean you won't buy another one


I said quality releases, not shitty rehashes

If you can name 5 quality releases for the ps4 I'll cut off my dick, fry and eat it on cam.

But you already bought a PS4

Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Ratchet and Clank
>inb4 weebshit

>upcoming great Switch exclusives
SM Odyssey
Pokémon game
Xenoblade 2
Fire Emblem Switch
Splatoon 2

>upcoming great PS4 exclusives

How do you know they're great, Nintendildo?

I'll give you ARMS, that one we don't know yet, but all the others? Past experience.


List invalid.

Are you from future?


>le uninformed "it's just wii boxing 2.0" meme
No, but I have played Splatoon. So I know Splatoon 2 will be great.
Every 3D Mario in history was great, why wouldn't this one be?
Every Xenoblade was great, why wouldn't this one be?

And so on

Well, I've played Xenoblade on PC and it was mediocre. I'll have to disregard your shitty list, sorry.

>movie part 2
>already out
>kojima is a hack, also movie
>already out
>ultra movie
>already out
>zombie garbage for dudebros
>okay but not a real full Gran Turismo
>kingdom hearts is for autistic kids
>might be fun but horrible visuals
>go away with your memekuza spam
>looked like shit
>not a game
>will be horrible
>lol sports
>already out
>looked horrible
>terrible wannabe MH clone
>not exclusive

I could keep going but you have a bunch more non-exclusives in there like ni no kuni II and nier automata or danganronpa 3


Oh, it's the greentext guy. Have you noticed how he pops up in every thread with game lists to express his worthless opinion?

>Persona 5
>Ratchet and Clank
>Yakuza 0
more like absolutely mediocre trash

zelda? no that's already out
fuck it's literally only mario

>Ratchet and Clank
i don't think that's weebshit but the other ones are definitely weebshit

what's wrong with you weebs?

So you got shit taste,got it.

Sorry you got exposed as someone trying to smuggle non-exclusives in there, user.

I'm thinking i might buy a switch early on and wait till it gets hacked but i dont really want to spend $300 + microsd for it

what do you play?

i sure hope it's not toddlershit.

Lemme take a crack at this.
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2 (inb4 delay)

Nope that's it.

>He bought a PS4 Pro

Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade 2
Super Mario Odyssey

*watches uncharted 4*

>If you can name 5 quality releases

That's the problem. Sup Forums thinks most games are bad when they aren't.



>Wii U
>Wii U
>Wii U
>wii u
>the only switch game

>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
On the Wii U

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Also on the Wii U
Who gives a fuck?

>Splatoon 2
Probably just gonna be the exact same thing as Splatoon 1 with more weapons and some new maps.
Splatoon's single player was shit

>Xenoblade 2
Likely to get delayed but yeah I can agree with this one

>Super Mario Odyssey
Fair enough

Stop stalling and cut off your dick

What did he mean by this?

>Sup Forums thinks most games are bad when they aren't.
>what is an opinion???

There is also that Granblue Fantasy RPG coming out as well.

PS4 actually has a sweet setup, and the devs are nailing down mastery of the development environment much quicker than PS3, so less delays ahoy.

Reminder that Nintendo faggots are pussies who make statements and then refuse to back them up.

I bet you are the type of kid who got the shit kicked out of him on a regular basis in high school and could never figure out why.

What if I don't own a WiiU?
I guess Persona 5 doesn't count for the PS4 either then. It's also on PS3 after all.

Super Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade 2
Breath of the Wild (literally 7 days old)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
ARMS (could turn out good)

>What if I don't own a WiiU?
Then that's all good in the hood
>I guess Persona 5 doesn't count for the PS4 either then. It's also on PS3 after all.
As a game exclusive to the PS4? Not at all. While the OP hasn't said so I would assume he's looking for game to be released exclusively onto the Switch.

BotW on the fastest selling console of all time is reason enough to sell your nogaems pro tβh

ever considered that you dont even like video games anymore?

what if he doesn't want to pay $500 for toddler skyrim?

But I do like video games.

Nioh, Nier Automata (also on PC), Gravity Rush 2, Bloodborne are all good. But they're also all released already.

I even think Horizon is decent. But it's released already.

So really, the PS4 has a crappy future ahead of it. I see next to nothing on the horizon of the PS4 that is 1. exclusive to it and 2. actually something I want to play

Pay no attention, they don't like games, this was just for the purpose of mudslinging.

I didn't mention Horizon anywhere in my post, did I?

Pretty sure you didn't, kiddo. Now, go, change your diaper.

>shitting on Yakuza
You greentext wall is already insulting but this one is over the line

I can't believe people just lie like this on the internet.

The question was, is thee a reason to own the console and can you find good things on it, including exclusives. Which there are, thanks for playing, you can stop now.

Christ, and i like PC, but these type of people make PC gamers look like douches.

Here's how I see it right now.

The PS4 has already gotten its good games. You can get one for cheaper and play them all right now.

The Switch just came out and has barely anything right now outside of Zelda (Fast RMX is decent though).
It has a future though. Even just 2017 will get a lot of great games on it. And you can play it on the go as well, which might matter to some people.

That's all I'm saying.

>fastest selling console of all time
>no numbers released yet
Sony and MS sold 1 mil in one day with their launches and boasted about it. Nintendo hasn't said jack shit so far which leads me to believe the numbers aren't as good as you drones think they are.

What fucking future? It's going to be the Wii U 2 and that shit had no future whatsoever.

It's a shitty opinion.

>Granblue Fantasy RPG

If it's in any way as grindy and gacha as the mobage, don't bother.

Nobody here things the new Ratchet and Clank is good, right?
I tried playing it since I heard it has the best gameplay but it's a like a more soulless version of the 1st game but also made to be more of a kiddy baby game.
Going Commando remains the best

It's made by Platinum, the anti-grind devs

The WiiU had more great games than the PS4 had and is getting.

The Switch is getting more good games in just its first year than the PS4 has in total and that one is 3 and a half years old right now.

>People refused to buy a Wii U and then missed out on all the games
>Complain that most AAA Switch games are just like Wii U games.


Any1 thinking that Super Mario Odyssey will be release at the end of this year is deluded. Just like how BotW was supposed to be released during the Wii U era.

Granbrue has one of the most player-friendly gachas know to man.

720p/30fps mario toddlershit are not great games, kid.

the easy solution there is not to fucking buy it until it gets hacked, mongoloid.

>ps4 owner trying to act smug about fps

Did you even play Bloodborne?

But PS4 started 2017 with good games, and we already have things like that, with numerous things like God of War, Granblue Fantasy, the 7 remake looking like it might not take until 2020 to finish its trilogy, and an interesting showing at PSX with that new Earth Defense Force game.

If anything, it'd be Nintendo having a good start to another company that is going full steam ahead with no signs of stopping, which is good. It looks like a fairly competitive market is taking shape.

>somone posts quality releases
>hurr they're not exlusives

1080/30 versus 720/30

gg, kiddo

I hope you're not serious with those

God of War looked like the most cinematic QTE heavy piece of shit I've seen in ages.

And the FF7 remake? Don't make me laugh. All the interviews we're getting with Nomura etc. already confirm they will fuck that up even harder than the trash that was FF15.

Senpai I own a Wii U and I thought it was a great system with some neat exclusives. You think I'm gonna put down £280 on a system with only 1 game worth buying for months until Xenoblade 2 in 2018 (probably)? Couldn't give a fuck about Mario desu

You will all buy one when MH, new Animal Crossing and Metroid is announced in a few months anyway

There is no way they won't release that game this year. I mean what the fuck else does Switch have until then that isn't readily available on better hardware?

>calling absolutely fucking anything mediocre and then turning around and praising the new Zelda

I swear to god nintendo kiddos have to be the must delusional or just straight up oblivious people on this fucking board. I can't even try to argue anymore, because all my points are just refuted with, lol well you have shit taste.

>And the FF7 remake? Don't make me laugh. All the interviews we're getting with Nomura etc. already confirm they will fuck that up even harder than the trash that was FF15.

How? When they are addressing one of the few things that people had issues with, and that the characters didn't have as much individuality aside from limits. Now all the characters are getting unique skills and they are FINALLY going to balance materia into something sensible instead of command materia being absolutely dominant and making magic materia all but redundant with OP crap like Beta/Trine/Aqualung.

They are giving it the wannabe action combat. They are going to butcher all of the characters' personalities, the dialogue, the problematic scenes and sections.

They will not only have 500 different day 1 editions with exclusive DLC depending on where you buy it, they will also sell you the full game in slices. Probably 3 or even 4 parts, all fully priced.

It will be a fucking travesty. The entire FF7 remake thing will be a spit in the face of what made the original good.

>when a new pokemon gets announced

*also on PC

>being THIS salty

>They are giving it the wannabe action combat. They are going to butcher all of the characters' personalities, the dialogue, the problematic scenes and sections.

We already got outright confirmation that some stuff would stay, and much of the original staff is still on it. Someone expecting them to not have it be a hybrid ATB is retarded.

However, the transition from blocky models to full, detailed models would of course require some change. Use your head man, and think about how absolutely strange some scenes would go if they weren't directed in a different fashion.

Cloud was alright to be so goofy because he hardly had any details in his face and the mannerisms he used would of course be different if we could actually see his expressions, instead of him being just a blocky chibified character.

Give them a chance, trash them afterwards if you want, but you'd be better off curbing your nostalgia and using some logic.