When is the last time you paid $60 for a video game?
When is the last time you paid $60 for a video game?
I'm pretty sure that Xenoblade Chronicles X was still $60 when I picked it up.
If I don't include Dark Souls 3, I don't remember. Maybe Gothic 2?
Literally never and i have been playing games for 20 years now.
I bought every console available after they were hacked and i could pirate the games.
Probably Mass Effect 3 Collector
Never again
I paid full price for Nier Automata and Zelda Breath of the Wild over the last couple weeks.
Thoroughly enjoying both. Feels good to be playing video games these days, especially after Gravity Rush 2 was everything I'd hoped it would be and I loved that too.
Dark Souls 3
before that, I don't know
probably The Last Of Us
Never. I always owned handhelds and those are 40 or less
Horizon Zero Dawn.
It's worth it.
In about a year ever since amazon started giving discounts to new games if you have prime
Paid full price for Metal Gear Rising and Killer Is Dead collector's editions, my last 2 games for the PS3 back in 2013.
Bought RE7 in January. Have P5 Special Edition preordered, so that'll be more than 60.
When I bought Nier Automata.
I recently went all digital (selling my physical PS4/PSV games and buying them digitally) for multiple reasons
>Forces me to only buy games that I know that I really want as I can't get rid of them
>Not just buying games because I know I can just sell them
>helps me clear up space as I'm trying to simplify my life and belongings
>play on PC
>always, always get games on sale
>pick up a PS4 because it's got some good exclusives
>mfw everything is always $60
and people say PC is more expensive? buying physical fuckin adds up
pre-ordered nier: automata
feels good
im pretty sure its the only game ive ever bought for $60 too
looking back it also wasnt worth it
I bought Nier Tomato a few days ago for £40
I don't think ever, but I spent $50 on the SMT IV release edition.
I never payed for a videogame
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3 Deluxe during the last steam sale.
30 minutes ago. 69,99. Overwatch PS4.
+50€ for ps+
Rarely. If there's a game I really want, I go for the Limited Editions.
No LE, I'll wait for a price drop.
I want to hump Mio's tits
Honestly, I doubt I'll ever pay $60 for a videogame because most $60 games have DRM out the ass
for honor a couple of weeks ago
it's pretty fun but not $60 fun
I have ~200 games on Steam and I don't think I've ever paid a full $60 for any of them.
Nier, games aren't normally less than $60.
Last sunday for Nier Automata.
Metal gear solid V
i pre ordered it on steam
>this image is over $1000
we all do user
Never. I refuse to. The last time I paid full price for a game was for Dragon's Dogma, and it was only $30.
today, nier automata
pc gaming is expensive though
Honestly don't know, a pretty damn long time ago. I've bought games on launch fairly recently but not at full price. I remember I bought Diablo 3 on launch, that was a long time ago.
Yakuza 0
Never. Handheld games are cheap and consolegames i get either review codes for or I buy them later.
it's not
it's one big initial payment and then you make up for it by getting sweet sales
console gamers always have to pay $60 for their games
BF4 at launch.
Yeah, I don't really make the best decisions
>console gamers always have to pay $60 for their games
>buying digital on a console
the only game in 18 games ps4 collection I paid over 40€ is Nier Automata I bought today because I desired to avoid spoiler
like 5 years
I only buy games with collector's editions now
I desire 2B's ass
No Man's Sky
Folklore back in 2007.
For Honor, and I might even drop another 60 for Wildlands sooner or later.
the most ive paid for a game was 35 bucks. and it was GTAV 2 years go
Mio truly is the best girl
I pre-ordered The Witcher 3, that was the most expensive game I bought
no regrets
Like a nigger on welfare
and baby makes three
I bought hzd last Friday and Sunday I bought a switch + botw
Warhammer Total War.
I don't regret it. That game is awesome.
I'm still waiting for the price to drop for that game. I don't want to pay more than $15 for a game that old.
Hey I like tacticool shooters with customisation man. I always buy these things.
Is Gothic 2 actually good? I'm not sure I trust Stream review's view that it's "classic".
got it when it released on origin only because 3 of my friends got it
i was making a joke
me too
A long time, thanks to Amazon Prime and Best Buy GCU. Everything I buy is only $48 at most.
>paying money for the privilege of using the internet connection that you already paid your ISP for
I bought Street Fighter V on launch day. Retail, because I was worried I might regret it.
I never did.
we have daily gothic 2 threads, ask there
I bought nier automata three times. One for a my friend. A copy on my ps4 and for PC.
its gonna be a while. perhaps after red dead redemption is released? gta online is still quite active and rockstar with their sharkcards won't drop the price any time soon.
This is one of the things stopping me from buying a PS4. Having to pay an extra subscription fee to use online features is so stupid.
Near a Tomato few days ago. Before that Borderlands 2 (regret that one) and the one before that I think was Empire Total War. Don't regret that one. I buy full priced games very very rarely.
To be honest, since the PS3 I only buy ever buy imported Japanese games that most of the time had no localisation in the first place like Capcom's Basara series. Every other western game I buy gets the PC only treatment because I don't care for GoW or Uncharted anyway,
Halo Wars 2
Street Fighter V
I'm cheap as hell I never buy games at full price
Pretty sure never. I stopped when it was 50.
Havent paid more than 20$ for a game ever, also thank god for piracy, would probably paid for so much shitty games I would drop in less than 30 minutes and not discover a lot of awesome vidya
>thread didn't just devolve into a thread about best girl Mio
I'm confused, am I really on Sup Forums?
Deus Ex Mankind Divided, heavily regret it. Of all the other triple a games I've bought in the last year I enjoyed it the least, yet I paid the most for it.
>Best girl
Thats not mugi
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. A few days ago.
I know because Mio is best girl, not Mugi
leave anime if it isnt a weebgame on Sup Forums
Doom and MKXL.
That's factoring in DLC, though. Not including DLC, I've never paid $60 for a game in my life.
Though my bro stopped by my place last Christmas with Dark Souls 3 and FFXV. $100 worth of games he just hands me like it's nothing. Then he texts me $80 in PSN codes a couple weeks ago. Either he won the lottery, or he's gone nuts. Either way I'm not complaining.
Same. I bought it day one on steam. Full price. People keep shiting on it. But im still having a fuck ton of fun. Kolin is great btw
>that feel when on the fence about buying the Season 2 Pass because it's not clear who the rest of the characters are
>caring about Mio
This guy knows what's best.
Technically Tales of Berseria, though I used like $40 of giftcards I was given.
Im never buying any triple A game again.
>not caring about Mio
Rocksmith 2014, and before that I think Rocksmith (original).
I don't know the characters either but I bought the pass anyway.
Now that Capcom got rid of stupid fucking mandatory links I can't concieve that they could release a character in Street Fighter V that I wouldn't love to play (Bison is already in the cast, thankfully - we don't need another one of him).
It's for this reason that I'm optimistic about MAHVEL INFINITE, despite the fact that MAHVEL sucked balls.
God Eater 2 a couple of weeks ago.
I bought breath of the wild for the wii u
I beat it yesterday with all the shrines so time to sell it either on eBay or to a person I know
Nier Automata
before that Dishonored 2
>Wii U
i think it was when i wasted my money on the last guardian