What the fuck? Why is this becoming so common?
What the fuck? Why is this becoming so common?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because retards buy it
if people want to pay more to get extras why not?
because console players accepted it
tfw no good LOTR games ever again
AAA games are very expensive to produce.
>one hundred fucking dollars
Because the price of a single unit game hasn't changed in a very long time, but budgets have grown much higher every year.
I don't see what the problem is. The base game is still the same price. If you want extra shit, you should be able to obtain it somehow.
Assholes like you is the reason cancer like this is a real thing.
because retards will buy it. that's the only reason.
It's a Warner Bros game
Just wait for the GOTY edition or pirate it
you know how you have a hundred games on steam, and barely played most of them ?
how you bought them cheap, for the most part ?
this is the same thing, for people with more money
need to spend some money to feel good about something
*marketing budgets have become huge
Because we stopped complaining.
Simple as, the only people old enough to care this is commonplace are also too old to care about video games anymore.
The medium is genuinely heading down a dark road, games will never be seen as anything but toys if this carries on.
free money. some retards will buy it to get the PREMIUM EXPERIENCE (fuck poorfags) costs literally nothing because it's not like physical goods where the premium editions will take up space in some warehouse if no one buys them.
Because spoiled children with rich mommies and daddies keep buying that shit. And because Reddit keeps defending the practice.
I think you know which one to buy, goy. It's offering you more content!
Well, yeah? It's part of the budget?
> This whole thread
I'm pretty sure Reddit and cunts like you are the reason this is considered acceptable.
What were you hoping for? Someone to say this is alright?
And people always wonder why they're called poorfaggot children.
You people are literally getting mad people are spending more money on the same product.
You're the kind of person that buys a can opener for 3$.
Vendor then sees an obviously rich man and charges him 7 to pull a fast one, and you start getting outraged.
Stop being fucking retarded, seriously.
>"B-but I didn't get super deluxe costume DLC"
You're a fucking idiot.
>Why is this becoming so common?
Because people pay it.
That's how any business works. The corporations dick us only as much as they can get away with. When they try dicking us too hard, such as the xbone reveal or paid mods, people throw a tantrum. Though they quickly forget.
majority of gamers are dumb fucking retards who will lap this shit up
Warner Bros and Square Enix are the only companies who do this.
>physical analogy
opinion discarded
Because people buy it.
If you have to ask why, the answer is always "Because gamers will buy it". Gamers are what's killing gaming
I don't see how it's not.
The base game exists for the same price a base game has existed since like '04 or something.
There is clearly a market to sell a more expensive version with extra content.
But I guess they should just sell that content as DLC only? Or just give it to people on the base game when it generally does not affect the base game in anything aside from aesthetics or more of the same levels?
You're clearly not very educated.
>Muh superman colors DLC won't be in my game!
If you actually weren't a complete retard you'd wait until the game was 5$ on sale then buy it, but being impatient poorfaggot children every 60$+ release pisses you off to no end.
Who are you quoting user?
That wasn't clever nor funny, we're not on /jp/, you're acting like a child, go to a communist country if you hate people earning shit they want so much.
The game looks fun. I am unironically going to pre-order the gold edition. I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with this, since it's not like you can't just get the basic edition without the add-on shit.
It's a game + bonuses + season pass deal. It's a fairly standard price for such a set. There's actually a physical release edition that's even more expensive than this one, but that contains some fancy "collector's" statue.
> Acting like a child
the average retard cant wait 3 months for their shit game to be in a 50% off sale and humble bundle.
>Because retards buy it
Exactly. There's one born every 12 attoseconds.
Please answer the question user
>Spout /jp/ meme in an attempt to deflect your retarded reaction to digital costumes.
>Proceeds to point out we're on Sup Forums when called out.
No go ahead and pretend you were just trolling since you can't backpeddle out of this and pretend you had any form of a suitable argument so people can know your viewpoint is a joke, you can even save face, just admit your viewpoint is a joke and people here are crying about what other people spend their riches on.
not the same poster dummy
So you're just a complete idiot, and the other guy is a /jp/ crossboarder that got BTFO by Sup Forums scum.
Fuck how humiliating.
If it's going to have real extra content, fine. Ubishit games are the worst when you pay 120$ for skins
>pre purchasing ever
>complaining when you get fucked over for doing it
saw this as well. not buying the game
at best ill pirate it if its even worth my time
>It's better that they sell you actual content at 120$, not that they scam retards and let honest god fearing american buyers get the content at half the price.
Cosmetic DLCs are objectively the best DLC simply because the company gets its money and players don't get divided or miss content.
It's not about the prepurchasing, its about these ridicules tiers that go up to 100 fucking dollars
It's a slippery slope that started with pre orders and will continue to get more Jewish until people stop partaking in it.
> Sup Forums scum
but user
you're a reddo
Literally nothing wrong with it.
>More deflection.
I do visit reddit for NFL streams, does clicking links for illegal NFL streams influence my pattern of speech or thinking?
Although "reddo" is a tumblr term adopted on /vg/, so I'm curious where you picked that up.
This right here, idiots are willing to pay 100 bucks on one game, letting companies know that gamers as a whole are fucking idiots.
i cant remember the last time i personally have preordered something if there was a time at all, and i sure as fuck aint buying into this shit
at the least buy it 3rd party like GOG so that these stupid practices don't get supported
because retards keep buying them
This. And even if there were you just know they'd do it piece by piece. Preorder and get the exclusive Aragorn model. Buy Gold editiopn and get the Rohan expansion for free.
I don't have problem with dlc, at least not at face value. When it becomes an issue for me is when games feel unfinished due to being rushed out or cut into pieces, then having content that should've been in the game to begin with sold at a price which rivals or surpasses the game itself. There is a very fine line between additions to a finished game, and dlc needed to make a game feel complete.
The most recent 3 Total War titles(with Warhammer being the worst offender) are prime examples of this garbage.
Also buying a season pass is objectively foolish. You often have no idea what you'll actually be getting, the whole business model is fucked.
It's because they are lowering the bar, because they have no self control, just they encourage and enable greedy fucks to try to swindle even more people.
You also assume that rich people are okay with being cheated and two, that people who buy the 100 dollar version are rich.
This picture applies to you user.
>normal game same price it's been for the past nearly 20 years
>cosmetic bonus stuff probably
>game plus cosmetics plus season pass to get the dlc down the line of a purchase around 20 dollars
Honestly, I'm not sure what the issue is, its organized purchasing and if the game goes on sale so too does the packages if you want them. I think this is more beneficial than you think honestly.
>Swindling is bad.
>People are okay with being cheated.
They're STUPID PEOPLE user.
What do you not understand? Do you think people get ahead in life by worrying about every single low life on earth? At this rate I could call you a bad person for not donating to ghana to save their hungry citizens.
Don't be fucking naive dude, people dumb enough to get scammed deserve to be scammed.
>i am indeed a reddo
i was aware
>I'm curious where you picked that up
on /vg/
>All these people that are supporting this
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why would ANYONE support this sort of business practice? Why spend 60 dollars (which is already a lot of money) when you know you're not going to get the full experience unless you shell out more? The fact that they had the balls to go and release these stupid "additions" that should have been included in the base game as a means to make more money is absolutely retarded. It isn't even a physical edition too, this is all digital so it's not like you're purchasing a collector's edition or anything. This is one of the many reasons why gaming is so shit in the modern day. Nothing but corporate greed that tries to go and get every little cent in some stupid fuck's wallet.
>Why is this becoming so common?
Because normies, gaymers, and Sup Forumsedditors are willing to pay for it.
>You're clearly not very educated.
Spotted the redditor
Ah I see, you're just mad I destroyed you, if you're going to go so low in the barrel that finding Reddit streams Sup Forums advises everyone to use as "Being a reddo" then you're obvious grasping hard, and out of anger.
Enjoy fuming user, must be tough having a low IQ.
>season pass for a single player game
Every day we stray further from God's light.
Are you really complaining about warhammers dlc? Are you stupid? Does games workshop give you extra armies for free? Shit takes time and money to make armies with va work and unique modeling and animations.
And then you have this guy who doesn't even get how a market works or how dumb he is for not getting how this trend literally doesn't affect the normal consumer at all.
So pointing out how you are uneducated makes me a Reddittor?
Don't see how that makes sense, but you're an idiot so I guess I'll just let that go.
wow you're like a double reddo
Well withholding content and releasing it as dlc is bad, but 120$ for cosmetics is just autistic if you buy it
>Said the /vg/ regular.
>if you buy it
And there you go.
They get to release the serotonin by buying expensive digital content, while you and me get all the content at half the price.
>cosmetic bonus stuff probably
Early Access only exist because of the mentally impaired people (kids) who are willing to buy the pre-alpha version of a game, same goes for DLC. Neither of those two existed a decade ago, before spending hundreds per year on games somehow managed to become commonly accepted.
I really fucking hope that people (somehow) finally grow up and stop giving them money so we can have the golden age of 2000-2007 back again
>season pass for a single player game
thats why I pirate games
>don't even know what this game is, look up the Canadian prices anyway
don't worry user i still love you
here, i made this meme just for you
is this the power of autism
>There is clearly a market to sell a more expensive version with extra content.
>I want my box of chocolates to be smaller, and some of the chocolates sold back to me with extra price.
You're retarded. And so are anyone who actually buy that DLC shit.
>Does games workshop give you extra armies for free?
>Shit takes time and money to make armies with va work and unique modeling and animations.
Context matters.
I'm looking at the amount of content the game released with and the current total price of all the content now. Also the fact that Creative Assembly released 3 games within about 3 years of each other, all in less than ideal states.
>Are you stupid?
Not stupid enough to fall for it a third time.
You forgot the Mithril edition at $299.99
remember who you are!
But Schlomo Shekelstein said all of it's developed after release, and that's good enough for me!
thats what happens when a country only makes money from maple syrup.
>Game clearly withholding non-cosmetic content
>You faggots defend this
I want neo-Sup Forums to leave
>even considering purchasing a modern AAA game
kys retard, you're the reason games have become garbage
You are free to simply buy someone else's chocolates if you think you're getting ripped off.
But of course. Still doesn't change the fact if you buy that box of chocolates you're a fucking retard.
Because people who have money want to spend their money. You would understand once you start making expendable income.
This will never change, in the future it's just going to be expanded with more conveniences.
will it have denuvo?
Theres a difference between spending and wasting money. And the amount of expendable income you have doesn't excuse shitty purchases.
Real life:
get 75% more soda for 20% more money
get 10% more content for 70% more money
Whatever, I'll buy the complete edition for dirt cheap a year or so after release. I still have a backlog that keeps growing - if they'll manage to jew someone for that kind of money, it's good for them I guess.
Because WB is a publisher that's greedy as shit. Bamham Arkham Knight was the same way, it was like $100 for the ARKHAM KNIGHT edition. It was great that Gaben had Steam Refunds implemented and it completely buttfucked WB over that time; I imagine WB will hire that same garbage port developer again and get mass-refunded again.