When Rockstar is gonna make a new Max Payne game?
When Rockstar is gonna make a new Max Payne game?
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Don't make me post it.
Never. GTA Online is making them so much money they don't need to make games.
explain new red dead game then.
max payne got old about halfway through the first game
I said they don't need, not that they won't
Ok, MP3 is nice. But I prefer MP1.
>tfw there will never be single player DLC for GTA V because rockstar is too busy milking kids in online
Nah it's mostly people in the late teens to mid twenties who are wannabe gangstas
Say anons what are your thoughts on Max Payne 3 compaired to 1 and 2? I am in the middle of it, I like the new setting but I don't like how the new weapon selection works.
red dead online
it's genius because rockstar fans are mongoloids who'll eat anything they shit out
Why doesn't Crowbcat use words to explain why something is shit? Why does he have to use clips instead?
Max's story has concluded and there's not really any room for a prequel. Unless it's about Mona
>mona solo game
>mona in the middle of the game gets BLACKED by a hot black stud
>universal GOTY on Sup Forums
really made me think.
>New Remedy
I don't want a stupid Netflix tier series betwen chapters in my Max Payne games
Fuck off, Sam Lake it's so stupid in this years.
I want a new Max Payne game in HUB worlds, where you have freedom to investigate different cases, do police patrol, all on foot, no cars; it's not a fucking GTA.
Something openworldish like the Kamurocho of the Yakuza games.
A FUCK TON of interaction with people, objects, and phisic like never before.
8-10 big hubs with their respective chapters, move around America, going with a train to different lactions.
Living the early life of Max as a Police man to the first years of him as a detective, how the good life stars.
And the end of the game it's the beginning of Max Payne 1
With that scream
Yes, I want this. A fucking bullet time playground.
And I know Rockstar can deliver this.
because a picture is a thousand words
and a video is 30 pictures per second
so, 30,000 words per second
the point of his videos is that they create a discussion
it's why I actually hate him because it's a very reddit-y thing to do
but to be fair he does a good job of it
>Max's story has concluded
That didn't stop them from making Max Payne 3.
That is such a stupid idea.
Hopefully never
Why ?
I've never played Max Payne, but didn't the 3rd on flop hard? I mean isn't that the joke picture with the tonnes of copies in the bargain bin?
t. couldn't finish max payne 3
sadly it's the best shooter of that generation
>take a game that is famous for tight, well-written story set in a weird setting that is a mix of a hard-boiled police drama with mythical (but never outright mystical) elements
>make some weird open-worldish police quest shooter out of it
why not a new IP at this point
>8-10 big hubs
This is such an idea man thing to say.
I rest my case.
>tfw 6.6m views
oy vei
True enough, but it made sense that in reality he failed to move on and became a bitter drunk. They wouldn't do it again. Or would they?
Dude, do you even played L.A. Noir ?
It was a good game, but the fake open world was shit
>and also all the guess my face gimmick
You can make polished 1:1 places to explore.
Make a few neighborhoods to explore in different cities notorious for their police forces (NY, Chicago, Las Vegas, Mexico Border, Washington D.C, Philadelphia, Detroit).
They don't need to be HUGE, but they need to be clever designed, so you can provide different playgrounds for the player, nothing massive in terms of QUANTITY but in term of DETAIL.
And all the exploration will be railroaded by the main story.
Max Payne 3 was all about physics, what is your problem with that ?
MP3 was honestly the most fun I've had with a multiplayer tps. Got me so hyped for GTA only to be sooo godamn disappointed. I don't know how rockstar north managed to learn literally nothing from their collaborative success
What the hell does your imaginary game has to do with Max Payne?
>Make a few neighborhoods to explore in different cities notorious for their police forces (NY, Chicago, Las Vegas, Mexico Border, Washington D.C, Philadelphia, Detroit).
Like, what the hell even?
>when is rockstar making a new max payne game
to your question, probably never
A return to the old noir Max Payne, but in his early years.
How he passed from an optimistic cop to a cynic detective, and then, the tragedy who was the firestarter for the first Max Payne.
Like, the tutorial will be during the Police academy, with him understanding how guns and shit works.
During the academy one guy gets shot, so he needs to investigate, and finds out there is a group of officers doing strange deals with a mysterious woman (beginning of Valkyre shit, but still wihout that name).
And then he do goffed on all the "mhu investigation" and go full ape shit right into drug places and stuff, but without evidence he was just treated like a hothead.
And it'a all like this, he going around trying to solve crime "the police way" but ending up doing it "the max payne way".
>How he passed from an optimistic cop to a cynic detective
We already know that. His wife and baby died. He was described as a "boy scout" before these events. Pay attention to the game!
>Like, the tutorial will be during the Police academy, with him understanding how guns and shit works.
How exciting! This was my attempt at sarcasm. It's not exciting.
I dunno why am I even talking to you. Your ideas sound terrible to me but you obviously like them and it's not like you're a Rockstar writer so whatever.
Sup Forums is a bad drug. Turns people into freaking zombie demon from outer space.
MP3 apparently wasn't much of a financial success, so I can't see it happening any time soon. Shame really.
after Red Dead Redemption and MP3 I'm amazed the gunplay in GTA V was so sterile and boring, jesus christ it felt like a huge step back in almost every way
>Max Payne thread on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums
What happened?
This sounds fucking awful.
Link it.
>He was described as a "boy scout"
Yeah a "boy scout".
That can be a way of saying.
Cynical doesen't mean anti hero.
He could have been just a good cop with a bad attitude.
But you are meaby right, there is no need to investigate further in the past of Max.
It was just a tutorial "idea" to make you understand shit, since you was not getting it.
What about a fucking old Max, living the life with the branco's money, becaming an old tycon who nobody knows about.
Past it's upon him once more, and a deal with a "notorious" russian tycoon ends up being a trap made by the son of Vladimir "Vlad" Lem.
They shoot him in the head and put the body on the gorud, like a fast bury.
All Max Payne's empire is going to be bought piece to piece from the Vlad's Son, who not acts alone.
After some hours Max return from the grave.
Tutorial it's you who escape, almost dying, from the trap place.
Same shit like the above.
Hub world, investigation, try to know who it's who, and how Vlad's Son discovered the new Max persona as a tycoon.
So now you can move around the world instead of around US, in a path of vengeance.
I dunno dude, just make some shit up you too.
You got pwned.
>After some hours Max return from the grave.
Idea sounded good until that.
But I don't want montages. I want accusations of people being Jewish with evidence being explained in words.
MP1 = cult cinema
MP2 = refined kino
MP3 = well made film
Do we actually really need another Max game? I mean, looking at it not cynically as in "well, the franchise exists and might be profitable"? Honestly, if I had rights on it and a freedom to do anything, I'd ask Sam Lake first. Without his weird blend of myths and hard-boiled (almost to the point of self-parody, but never quite crossing that line) narrative set in a "weird criminal underworld", the Noir York City, where the TV shows seemingly mock the hero, it won't be a real Max Payne game. Just a generic crime action game.
He got shot in the head once in Max Payne 2 (or meaby twice)
Meaby an explosion
Like, the whole place it's exploding and you need to escape.
Making that part from MP3 where you try to escape from the Branco's facility the new tutorial phase.
And meaby hear yelling him:
"Not this shit again!"
>Do we actually really need another Max game?
I don't knwo, but I want one
I wish they would one day. They got many things right with the gameplay and Max's writing, but fucked up the setting, cutscenes and other characters, which were pretty unmemorable. It would be cool to get a new Max in the good old noir setting again, but with a graphic novel instead of cutscenes. Sure, if they want to modernizes it, I'd be down for motion comics (like Watchmen, but more high budget, i.e. not voiced by one person).
Max Payne 3 was a bad Max Payne game
Max Payne 3 was a good Rockstar game.
>I'd ask Sam Lake first.
Remedy is not into sequels. MP2 was done reluctantly due to publisher pressure.
That's not max payne
But why? What is Max Payne to you? I'm getting the vibes that it's just a police story with violence and slow-motion.
Really? I see.
If it's not made by the same people who made the first and the second one, then no, thanks. They already ruined him in Max Payne 3, not to mention that terrible movie. STOP RUINING MY BELOVED PAYNE!
No offense you are everything wrong with modern games and should work at Ubisoft.
>red dead online
Pretty sure they're doing a 4th game. MP 3 was a success.
>Max Payne in 1 and 2 is a brooding broken man with substance abuse problems and love for dark humor
>Max Payne in 3 is a brooding broken older man with substance abuse problems and love for dark humor
waaaaaah they're ruining muh payne
Ok, It was just a fucking idea, just stop being retard
>I want a new Max Payne game in HUB worlds, where you have freedom to investigate different cases, do police patrol, all on foot, no cars; it's not a fucking GTA.
Sounds fucking terrible. There is literally nothing wrong with linear levels.
>Max Payne's empire
I'm sick of open games, linear levels are underrated.
You can have a linear Hub, you dingus
Max Payne doesn't drink in 1 or 2.
Yes he does, he's just not an alcoholic.
It was not an alcoholic, but he drink.
He even got drugged...when drinking
Max Payne is a videogame about vengeance, and all the kind of vengeances
>MP1: Personal Vengeance
>MP2: Love Vengeance
>MP3: Vengeance for others
>MP4: ???
>Ambition Vengeance
MP2 isn't really about vengeance until the very very end of it.
Both Rememedy and Rockstar are always independently working on TPS concepts and engines. Remedy has been quietly working on Alan Wake 2 for YEARS, it's basically in development hell, could be announced and released any time or could be many years more without a word about it. Quantum Break was an enormous development hell mess that cost them many years of productivity - probably would have destroyed a lesser company. As far as anyone knows their current main project is singleplayer mode for a Korean F2P arena FPS, but they've been enormously secretive about it (it seems to have been an accidental leak that we know about it all).
Rockstar initially had a strong desire to follow Max Payne 3 with more content of some kind (could have been continual support for multiplayer or a standalone expansion or something, rather than a full max Payne 4) after GTAV, but GTAO killed that. GTAO will be remembered as essentially killing Rockstar, period.
At this chance the most likely way we'd see a Max Payne 4 within the next few years would be if Remedy had gotten rights/license back from Rockstar (at least to develop one game), as their way of trying to make a bit of a 'comeback' from their other foundering projects.
Yeah but all 3 are nearly perfect games.
>I don't want this in my Max Payne games
>I want something that has fuck all to do with Max Payne
I doubt I can eat the puke I feel coming up.
Well, to be fair, "love" was a subtle redline across the whole game.
>this asshead is suppose to be max payne
not on my watch!
I came here to read this
Do you even played this idea ? It was a bad idea ? Do you not enjoyed ?
Because it was just an attempt to think about something.
What is your great idea user, tell us.
Who's/why's that guy shopped into the picture?
Is this a rhetorical question?
Hard to blame him with all the boring shit cutscenes ruining the flow of gameplay
You don't need to experience an idea before knowing its shit.
>Ever had fireants thrown in your face
>How do you know its bad
Fucking retard.
You don't get the point
What it's you MP4 idea user ?
Tell us
I fucking love this image and unironically want to use it as an avatar but crowbcat uses it and I don't want to look like a fag
say my name
>mfw airport mission
I loved Max Payne 3, hell I love all of the Max Payne games, only thing that bothers me about 3 is that you can't skip cutscenes so that keeps me from replaying it.
Pick Kazuma instead
Better question is when Remedy is going to make a game that isn't locked to Microsoft hardware and software.
What's wrong?
>play MP2 as a kid
>stupid fucking romance, I just want to shoot some guys
>replay MP2 as an adult
Is he our guy?
A quick GTAV skin
Get ready for Red Dead Online Shark err... I mean Coyote cards!
>3 character
>Django (the white one)
>The man with no name
>William "Bill the Butcher" Cutting
I will play that in a heartbeat.
>Remedy has been quietly working on Alan Wake 2 for YEARS
I wish.
oh man, that last panel
Best sexual tension in a game ever.