Tell me, Ambassador, if the Centauri Republic is so great, why are there no Babylon 5 games?

Tell me, Ambassador, if the Centauri Republic is so great, why are there no Babylon 5 games?

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i mean, the psx-esque cgi in b5 is basically videogames

Non-recent, niche franchise. It would have to stand on its own merits instead of being carried by brand recognition and that's too much of a risk nowadays.

who was in the wrong between the narn and the centauri

protip: it was the narn

Mass effect was inspired by b5 I think.

t. centauri

youre wrong mistahr anoon


nothing but dren on our side of the galaxy, m8

>You will never a bald centauri slave/gf


There are 4 of them, called Mass Effect

but babylon 5 is good and mass effect is shit

>but babylon 5 is good

would the centauri have eventually won without those two interventions by the shadows?

They're not bald user, they've got pony tails. I would take a Centauri dancer harem in a god damn heartbeat, tentacle docks be damned.

RIP Babylon 5: Into the Fire
RIP Sierra

>tentacle docks

I hadn't considered this, how would it work

Custom races I make in 4X space games tend to be Babylon 5 races. That's the closest I will ever get, probably.

hated everything about this guy. his acting, his facial expressions, his weird as fuck announcer voice/ theater fags should stay away from Sup Forums if they can only act like they're on stage

bruce boxleitner is a god. does anyone know if him and jerry doyle got along?


Don't bully. Dude went legitimately insane and died in a halfway house.

>this cruiser design ripped off by nexus: the jupiter incident
>pic related ripped off by freespace (the leviathan and the fenris)

i can't think of any right now but i'm sure more designs were ripped off. maybe nexus ripped off that huge explorer ship design too, if i'm not remembering wrong

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

yeah i know. that;s why i didn't blame him for being tough to work with. doesn't change the fact i hated him in that role

Why was it called Centauri Republic if they had an emperor?

>did literally nothing wrong so straczynski had to have him ally with the shadows so he could be a villain

hooolly shiiiiiit

i haven't seen this is YEARS. i forgot this existed.

can we get an old/dead memes thread?

It doesn't help that the script of the first season isn't amazing and it's mostly crisis-of-the-week stuff.

>tfw he died suddenly because of a tear in his heart

I think the story goes that his wife poured him some morning Orange Juice, which he drank and thanked her for. Then pretty much right away afterwards and without warning, he fell over and died.

Why is Narn a member of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council when their homeworld is a mass driver-ed and cratered dust pit?

Fucking Narns.

yeah, i'm doing a rewatch right now. it's bad, but very few episodes are actually wasted. most serve a clear purpose in terms of world building

Him and Jerry Doyle are the cast members who have no real right to have died off yet.

Fuck a hole, finger 2 and go down on another. $ out of 6 ain't that bad. Or you could with a man and it would be just like my Chinese cartoons.

yeah, i never liked his characters (i don't think anyone did desu) but damn. i got sad reading about his death. so unfair

I'm a fanboy so I wouldn't call it "bad", just kind of mediocre. An average space show, really.

And yeah, even that stupid episode with evil biotech guy who gets defeated by talking serves a worldbuilding purpose - establishes that one company that works with alien biotech and also that biotech is the top tier tech in the setting that humans haven't figured out yet (and later we learn Vorlons use it too).

it's actually impressive how they managed it. other shows' crisis/planet of the week episodes rarely contribute anything. i feel perfectly fine skipping 2/3ds of early SG-1 episodes.

guess it was part of straczynski's autism. that guy is amazing. every show should have a showrunner like him

This one was kind of the weirdest to me.

> Make episode about MMA
> Call it alien martial arts
> Everything is just asian themed

I like Garibaldi's episode so I didn't mind it but like wtf.

And Signs and Portents obviously is an amazing episode.

Yeah, he planned a lot of stuff. B5 was a pioneer at that. Nowadays we see much more shows with that kind of planning, but back then, not really.

Hah, I forgot about it.

>he ended up marrying andrea thompson
what a fucking god. F

meant for

Probably not as decisively, the Centauri only succesfully attack their homeworld because the shadows wiped out the Narn fleet.

Yes, but it would have been a bloodier conflict and probably wouldn't have ended with the total defeat of the Narn Regime.

I met him a couple times.

My Dad was a pretty enormous fan so he would go special events and whatnot relating to Babylon 5. Stuff like renting Uni lecture halls and doing marathons of the show for fans with projectors and stuff.

Anyways, this resulted in my meeting JMS a couple times because my Dad's fan group managed to get him to come to a couple events. He's a really chill guy. Super super friendly and down to earth.

Yeah. It's been a while though, so I can't remember well if my favorite part of Babylon 5 was when the characters super soldiered their way through evil robot aliens for 80% of the series, or the deep moral questions it raised about whether people in charge should be nice or angry.

Dang, that's cool. I've read some of his messages saved on Lurker's Guide and yes, he seems like a nice person.

Who would have won if the Shadows fought the Vorlons in a 1v1 fight?

>we see much more shows with that kind of planning
we do? i thought he had ridiculously elaborate plans and contingencies for everything - actor deaths/actors leaving the how/being cancelled, etc. etc. i didn't know any current shows actually did that too.

ironically, with all the shit the B5 resolution of the great war got, in retrospect, i'd prefer it 100 times over what we got in ME3. talking it out is the only realistic solution when you've established your big bad as an undefeatable, incomprehensible super advanced force.

would have unironically preferred having a battle of wits with the star brat, not that bioware writers are good enough for that.

I was really disappointed with the resolution to the Shadow War. I understand that they could never be defeated, they were millions of years ahead of everybody, but actually getting them to stop with a stern talking-to was ridiculous. Sheridan said nothing, nor could have possibly said anything, that the Shadows and Vorlons wouldn't have thought of themselves. It would be no different than a parent agreeing with a three year old's request to leave them alone to take care of themselves.

The Expanse is definitely the best space show in like, forever

I'm thinking the Vorlons would have due to their telepathic abilities. Though really there would be no winners since most of the galaxy would have been reduced to ash.



I've read the first 4 Expanse books, but I just can't quite like it entirely. I really love the world building, but the complete plot armor and boring adventure main character group bull shit around Holden and his crew grew old on me. It eventually becomes really clear nothing super bad will ever happen to them, and that ultimately things will always work out decently for them.

This is compounded by the fact that the book is written by two people, one who writes all the Holden stuff, and one who writes everything else. I really like all the non-Holden shit, but god I can only read about an author's pet band of adventurers for so long.

I should probably watch the show, but my hate for Holden and his bullshit has built up and just won't go away.

narn fucking shits

Didn't they stop because Lorien told them to? I don't think Sheridan had anything to do with it, if my memory serves me right.

>tfw you will never kill Narn scum.

man, all the earth force vessels were such great designs. i loved the star furies as a kid. in my language they were translated as space cruisers because our word for cruiser comes from "cross" just like "kreuzer" in german. because of their x shaped wings, get it? fucking retarded translators kek. calling a fighter a cruiser


I stopped reading it at the third book, it got just too boring. Really a shame considering how awesome the first book was.

I guess not to that extend, but shows that have clear arcs at least.

As opposed to what, finding an even ancient-er plot device machine and using it? Also, you're missing one point: by organizing a biggest fleet in history combined of pretty much all the races, Sheridan shown them that they're tired of this bullshit. Remember, in the end Shadows and Vorlons weren't out there to wipe out all the sentient races, they were just tried to make them to behave. They obviously went too far even by their standards with the planet killers. Sheridan's fleet was more like "We will not surrender, you can wipe us out but is that REALLY why you're here?" He shown them that they can't be bullied into submission anymore, can't be forced to follow either one rigid way or another.

Even NASA thinks the Staryfury is rad as shit. Shame they never did go about making one.

>it's a dr. franklin episode


My memory is probably shit since it's been so long ago.

The display in the younger races all banding together in an effort to oppose two of the Old Ones showed that the Vorlons and Shadows' time was over and that they were no longer needed. So Lorien relieved the Shadows and Vorlons and allowed them to rejoin the other Old Ones on the Rim.


Emperor Cartagia did N O T H I N G W R O N G

if you want to play babylon 5, get freespace 2 and install the babylon project mod

ME is basically B5 bald space marine edition.

Seriously, almost that entire show is to be found in ME.


>muh stims
>guys i'm really busy and tired


Goddamn, Freespace 2 was dope as fuck.

>Best paint jobs
>Worst at winning.

I thought that with the shadow ships you could see its eyes when it fires. I could never see them.

when did we lose interest in space scifi?


In the sci-fi world I never liked to think of it as ripping off. If you're a writer/artist/creator in sci-fi you're obviously a sci-fi fan. It is kinda like respect. Of course if that were really true there'd be blurbs somewhere saying "influences for X include:"

When star wars came back.

I loved how they installed that new huge gun as a part of B5 defense grid and from that episode on they shown it firing. Small thing, but really nice for continuity.

I never lost interest.

There's pic related. Played it ages ago. They only thing I really remember is that you play as a telepath pilot, which seemed like a pretty cool idea back in the day.


B5 wars is a game ambassador G'Kar, just not a computer game.

its called sword of the stars

Where are all these webm from? I have a complete collection on DVD and the video quality is absolute ass, especially in CGI scenes

nice doctored footage fucking centaurophobes


beautiful. fucking beautiful. i forgot space odyssey did that design before b5

I just snagged a few episodes off a torrent a long ass time ago. It's probably gone by now.

when a focus group ruled that fantasy is not relate able and thus wont sell


what babylon 5 game do you want?

Ha! I recently saw that webm in another thread and I was like "hey I don't remember B5 looking THIS good" and then I realized.


>Nobody watched this movie

This is why we dont have more B5.

the cgi got visibility better as the show went on.
Its been years sense I marathoned the show but most of the those webms are from season 3+

a nexus style space combat game mr. morden

with a balanced mode and a fluffy mode that keeps all the relative technological difference between factions intact
vorlon/shadows>>>>>minbari>>>centauri>narn=(>?)human>>>non aligned niggers

All I want is to kill Narn and fuck Ivanova.

wtf this looks sins of a solar empire tier. what year did this come out in?

>that episode where you see what's inside the suit