The most accomplished, accessible, precocious modern JRPG out there

>the most accomplished, accessible, precocious modern JRPG out there
>Whether you’re a series fan, a JRPG evangelist or a total turn-based newcomer, this is an essential play. Persona 5 is packed with stuff to do, expertly put together and exquisite to the last pixel. An unabashed masterpiece.



Other urls found in this thread:

>What a time to be a PlayStation gamer!
is this that unironic shilling i hear about?

it's falseflagging
the whole site is monitored by nintendo fanboys

Definitely looks awesome. Hopping right on P5 once I finish up Yakuza

but Persona 4 wasn't even a jRPG...

>le VN meme xD

>Zelda killer
>not even the same genre
are you retarded?

igor is a fake and the final boss
goro is the traitor

without memeing and Umaru posting, do you think PC port will ever happen?


Play the game, dumbass
I bet you haven't even got passed Medusa in the game your reaction image is from

im glad i still got my ps3, dont need to get a ps4 for this game

Beaten the game on the hardest difficulty twice, currently doing an Apocalypse difficulty run on IVA.

>Purse Owner
Already fell for that shit twice, ain't wasting time with another glorified singleplayer pokemon game with highschoolers.

>shitty wapanese vn gets 10/10 from an obese weeb
what a fucking surprise
kys OP

>OPM scribe Jen Simpkins concludes,

>listening to a woman's opinion on video games

fuckin neck yourself mate


Why did it have to be turn based. :(

No, but you can emulate the PS3 version kinda slowly with garish lighting and choppy videos.

>He bought a ps4 before the release of P5, HZD, Nier and Nioh

Nigga what? Im a huge personafag, but you can't even compare Zelda and persona, apples to oranges m80

You can emulate it at literally 2fps, with lighting that makes the game near undecipherable, and the FMVs play so poorly that it's laughable.

get out

Is it supposed to be fun or something, choosing your attack and not actually doing it.

kill yourself

>train animation starts
>oh wow this is running really smoothly
>train animation just keeps playing endlessly

>Sup Forums hates Persona now
What went wrong?

I see. You enjoy a slow paced game. I don't think your heart could handle fast paced ARPG combat anyway. Maybe it's due to your old age from all those old school turn based RPG's. XD XD

Never played a persona game
give me 5 good reasons why I should give a shit about this game

kys yourself fgt

it has good characters
it has good story
it has good dungeons
it has good bosses
it has good music

comfy x5

End yourself.

>fast paced ARPG combat
There's not a single ARPG which has good combat or even remotely fast paced combat.
ARPGs are for fags who can't handle neither pure action or rpg games.
Now get out.

cute girls fun gameplay
those are the only reasons you need

Good dungeons unlike previous games.
Good gameplay that's closer to mainline.
Good atmosphere.
Good soundtrack.
Good characters.

do whatever you want faggot, see if I care


You really shouldn't. It's mediocre at best. Play a mainline SMT or another series if you want a good jrpg

You shouldn't, fuck off.

>mainline SMT
>when only two of them are genuinely good
opinion discarded

>Zelda killer

It's already out

Sup Forums hates sony niggers, not persona


>lmao turn based is bad not fast enough for me XD LOL
kill yourself

Now watch how they port this to the switch

>t. user who hasn't played p5
>t. user who thinks all SMT games are good just because nocturne and SJ were

Yeah man, I know your like forty something now but those good ol turn based days are dead. You probably tried an ARPG but it was just too much for your heart and caused you high blood pressure. Sorry. XD XD

Will PS3 version be good enough? I don't have a PS4.

Nier: Automata is at most a 6/10 game.


Zelda is a 7.6 and shills gave it a 98. Your point?

Which two?

Explain please. How are the characters, dungeons, etc good?

>zelda killer
they aren't even the same genre nor are they releasing near each other
please don't do that

Is Automata actually above average? I feel like people taking anything made by Taro and actually giving it a score above 7/10 are just fucking with me.

Explain how it's mediocre

please kill yourself ASAP

>zelda killer
>half a year older than zelda

Post girls as proof

II and Strange Journey.
Nocturne is babby's first SMT.

Why would I play P5 when its going to be the same shit as 3 and 4. Good music, barebones gameplay, and a lot of VN bullshit, which is the best part of the game. The music was really good, though, so there's that.


It's the best Taro game to come out. It's not a 7/10.

Literally the only people who think this are Nintendo fanboys. There's a ton of stuff to do, multiple playable characters, interesting combat, best taro story, 60fps and atmosphere and soundtrack are some of the best. It deserves the score it got

People who still play turn based.


This is a code word for casual. P3 and P4 already had shitty easy boring combat and if this the MOST accessible then its worse than those games.


Persona invented social links. I can't wait to bang hot girls! BOOM!

Good taste, but I really liked IV, too.

You're delusional.


>Why would I play P5 when its going to be the same shit as 3 and 4.
>barebones gameplay
Right here's your problem. P5's gameplay is a far larger part of the game, and rightfully so since the dungeons got a complete overhaul and combat was significantly revamped too. Gone are the procedurally generated bland hallways, and instead there are massive, varied dungeons with puzzles and exploration that are huge.

>There's a ton of stuff to do,
You can fight and fish. Wow.

>multiple playable characters
2B, A2 and 9S. Wow.

>interesting combat
lol no it's standard platinum

>best taro story,
Taro can't write and his stories suck, only 12 year olds like his edgelord stories with shitty writing

>yfw Persona gets a 99 on Metacritic

>mfw it falls below 88

>nierfags shitting up personathreads

Once again proving that you're the worst fanbase. Go cry about your shitty game with shitty reviews.

Keep the bait coming!

>This is a code word for casual. P3 and P4 already had shitty easy boring combat and if this the MOST accessible then its worse than those games.

It's actually not as accessible. The dungeons in Persona 5 are actually a lot more challenging this time around due to having actual puzzles to do, and actual traps to avoid due to actually being properly designed this time around. The Persona 3 and Persona 4 dungeons for the most part, just had random floors.

I wish I could have taken screenshots of my playthrough, I hate the share function block shit.

Huh, I'll buy it in a sale then.

So mad you can't even refute what I said.


P5 is genuinely accessible in that it does a great job of explaining its mechanics in a non-daunting way to newcomers, but it's not casual or toned down in the slightest. On the contrary, P5's dungeons are far more complex than any other series entry, and the combat has plenty of new mechanics that significantly change it up. Baton Touch brings the One More system to the point where it's essentially Press Turn, enemy AI now far more frequently targets weaknesses and exploits the Technical System, the Harder difficulty is genuinely harder and not just the "you get less EXP" difficulty, and the game punishes you for any mistakes you make if you're playing on Normal or Hard (or Challenge). Guns are back, but now more complex - requiring ammunition, so you have to be mindful of that in addition to SP and HP, Demon Negotiation is back and replaces the archaic recruitment systems of P3 and P4, co-ops (social links) now actually serve a gameplay purpose, with each of them adding new mechanics to the game that make a tonne of difference, etc. It takes every element of the past titles that was bad and completely changes them, and takes the elements that were lacking and gives them the expansion they needed. Everything is more fleshed out - so calling it casual when it is more complex than any other game in the series is just insulting.

Do the persona games use turn based combat? It's pretty much the one thing that'll determine if I get the game or not


Yes they do. Turn based gameplay really get your adrenaline going like nothing else. -__- XD XD

Is the gameplay regularly turn based?

What do you mean?

All you need to know is that combat is turn-based.

Somebody is lying

You do know you can enjoy both turn-based RPGs and ARPGs right?
This is coming from someone who loves Persona 4, Nier Automata and the Souls series

I'll play it when it comes out on Switch, not gonna buy a black toaster with no games.

Oh the irony

Wow that looks really stylish. Worried the flashing menus will get in the way of gameplay though. And I'm not too big a fan of turn based gameplay anyway

The irony

at least put effort in your bait

It's not bait. Playstation doesn't have any games worth playing anymore, and those that I like either come to Ninty or PC.

Reminder that P5 is Sony exclusive.

Reminder that the new SMT is coming to both Switch and PS4.

Me neither, bu this does look convincing enough. I like RPG's so i'm hoping this will be fun.

They're not a problem.
The times where the menus crowd the screen are the times when you don't have anything else to focus on. Other than that, they get out of your way while still looking good.
Something that surprised me was how efficient the menus are, despite their flashiness, they're incredibly fast to navigate and combat flies by incredibly quickly.

I'd get it but I don't have a ps4. Hope it comes to PC. Does anybody know if this'll come to PC down the line?