>Sup Forums says the game is pisseasy and super casual
>it actually isn't
Sup Forums says the game is pisseasy and super casual
>Sup Forums being right about anything
>Sup Forums says something
>Sup Forums also says the opposite
>nobody cares
Wow what a thread
>Sup Forums only cares about weaboo trash
>the rest is shit
>Anons says that nobody cares but cares enough to post.
>Sup Forums says the game is pisseasy and super casual
>it is
this is shit thread even by shill standards
Post your current SR.
Current Blizzard games have always been easy to learn, hard to master. That same was true about their older games too.
One of WoW's biggest factors was it's simple UI and the fact that it was so easy to learn to play. People called it babies first MMO, and to a degree they were right considering all the nostalgia threads that exist for it.
You first
>the game is pisseasy and super casual
Because it actually is. Every character is stripped down and bare bones. It takes less than a minute to fully get the hang of what each character can do.
If you're getting pissy because you're losing a lot then that's an entirely different story. This game is 90% team composition and 10% skill. If you're a shitter who's hell bent on being a widow or mercy main, then yeah, you're going to lose a lot.
>$0.01 has been added to your account
Surely this was posted by an OVERWATCH eSports pro with 4000 SR and multiple tournament wins?!
It was actually posted by a casual who is painfully average at video games in general. A .9-1.1 K/D ratio and a 45-55% winning percentage depending on the game we're talking about. I have a 63% winning percentage in Overwatch because the most important thing, by far, is basic teamwork and situational awareness.
>teamwork and situational awareness don't take skill
If Overwatch was an easy casual game, any team of 6 friends could make it to the pros and beat Envyus. But that's not the case and you're just an assblasted fag parroting Sup Forums memes.
>a team-based shooter requires teamwork above all else
I'm blown away, really.
Why some blizzdrones doesn't want to hear that their game is casual has fuck?
The only good thing to do with this game is SFM porn.
You dont need to buy the game to enjoy it.
Just go play tf2 or another tf2 clone and spend your money on a comission
There is no real competition or passion in the end game for Overwatch. It's just a bunch of toy soldiers jumping around and shooting the whole map. Maybe next time.
>can't carry your team
>can't 1v1 properly without hardcounter shit
>unbalanced as fuck heroes
>tank meta
Stop picking your waifu and pick counters
There, nothing they could do, they were shooting, etc.
Do you even know what "skill" means? It certainly doesn't apply to a basic ability to communicate and an understanding of maps, positioning and team composition.
I never said that skill didn't factor in at all, just that it's a relatively very small component of it. Of course once you get into the upper echelon of anything then competition starts to get delineated based on a hair's difference in ability.
>if it's easy enough then anybody should be able to beat the pros xD
Now you're just being a retard who's boiling things down to their constituent elements in an effort to make a point. If the basic mechanics and gameplay of Overwatch are really too hard for you, I have a list of games you can download from the play store on your phone.
Post your SR
>I don't play le overshit XD
Then your opinion on it is instantly discredited.
Execution-wise it's not that difficult, but I enjoy taking a leadership position and wrangling a group of randoms into a functional unit to complete objectives.
And what metric are you comparing it to? Quake? Unreal? TF2? CoD? You're generalizing immensely by just saying "Overwatch doesn't take skill" when it takes exactly as much skill as any other basic FPS since it's a fucking FPS. Now games like Quake have more advanced mechanics like rocket jumping etc, but any FPS takes a basic amount of FPS skill to play.
>My fave game has an esports scene so fuck you
Oh dearest user however did you learn to turn on the computer that you are using to shitpost
The game IS super casual.
That's part of the fun. I don't need every fucking thing i play to be HARDCORE2THEMAXXX, sometime i want something that's easy to pick up and play for 30 minutes.
And how is an online game easy? It's dependent on the people you play against.
the game requires 0 individual skill
all it literally boils down to is spam M1 and press Q at the right time
the part where the skill comes in is team comp and team play, and that's it.
>He hasn't played the game so fuck you you don matter
If only there was someway to gather information on a game without playing it using some type of communication network that every first world country has by now
>This game is 90% team composition and 10% skill
This. So many matches are decided by people just pressing Q OR by whoever has the least amount of retards on their team. You can be completely garbage at the game and still press Q to win.
I really wish personal skill played a bigger role in Overwatch, but then again, that would eliminate a huge percent of the playerbase.
>can't carry your team
>can't 1v1 properly without hardcounter shit
>unbalanced as fuck heroes
>tank meta
None of this makes the game casual or easy.
>if only there was a way to critique every aspect of the gameplay in depth without actually playing it myself.
There's not. I don't shit on the "movie games" like Uncharted and LoU because I've never played them.
>you're generalizing immensely by just saying "Overwatch doesn't take skill"
I literally have no idea idea how else to break this down for you, since I have never once said this and attempted to clarify that for you.
>exactly as much skill as any other basic FPS since it's a fucking FPS
And this is your first mistake if you're just trying to outmuscle everything by playing everybody like they're supposed to be Soldier 76. You can account for an awful lot by playing your matchups. If you're getting shit on then you need to switch and pick a counter.
It pretty much is though. It's just WoW the fps. There is going to be a meta every season just like there is a class/spec to be every patch. Right now bastion with zarya/reinhardt/dva with your choice of any 2 healers will sweep with an experienced team. Literally don't even need assault. To make things worse, the playerbase is literally so cancer one of the characters is autistic.
You can 100% carry your team in the lower ranks. You just have to auto-lock soldier/roadhog/additional DPS hero of your choice.
>Playing Junkrat
>Sneeze in a direction
>Enemy teams Mercy, Lucio, and 76 all die
>PotG where I'm just idly shooting over a low wall into the point
>I watched YouTube videos so I'm now a pro at Overwatch and I can tell you for a fact it takes no skill
What a joke.
how would you know if a game is easy or not if you have no fucking metric to base that claim off of?
if you havent played the game, you really dont have the knowledge to make assertions on whether or not its casual
...what? Why are you assuming I'm getting shit on, and trying to tell me how to play the game? I never said it's a hard game or that I'm having trouble, I'm saying it does in fact take skill to play this game. If you don't have basic FPS skills, you're not going to make it out of bronze.
>That's part of the fun.
This is true up to the exact moment some random asshole tries to take it seriously.
I wish I wasn't to good for quick play. I hate utterly dominating the other team and ending the match with six golds and PotG.
Bastion is garbage again after the nerfs. He's only useful in lower ranks like diamond and below where people have no clue about how the game even works.
Hello silvercuck
>boils down to spam M1
are you people really this stupid
read this over again and contemplate the reason you havent killed yourself yet
First of all, you can carry your team in quickplay. Nobody ever switches so just a minor adjustment can sometimes turn the tide of battle.
And really, the fact that you can't carry your team is pretty good evidence that skill is a somewhat small-ish factor in the game especially for a 6v6. Generally, higher skill floors correspond to people being able to have a bigger impact on the game if they're good enough. But every character has such a basic skill set and limited sphere of influence that there's only so much you can do.
>Play TF2, stomp everyone
>Play Paladins, stomp everyone
>Play OW, can't stomp
Do i just suck or do other people suck in F2P games?
>Stop picking your waifu and pick counters
No I know how Blizzard works. If I keep playing the Hero I like and crying that they aren't viable eventually they will super buff them and I get my chance to shine.
They are already fiddling with the idea of increasing Mercys rez invulnerability to 10 seconds since people are crying that their five man rezes end in everyone dying again.
Overwatch IS weebtrash
Elo hell Platfag bro.
Anons, I need tips. How do I throw games without making it obvious and getting reported? I'm trying to derank a smurf but it's oddly stressful when I win. I've been playing Lucio and healing as little as possible but the enemy team usually has a hard time killing me even if I stand still in the middle of the point. Who do I play? Smurf is low gold and I'm mid/high diamond on my main.
>Lucio or Ana
Two best healers. Enemy almost always ignores me when I'm trying to feed ult charge. Even if I pretend to lag in a corner my team sometimes wins 5v6 without me.
>Main tank like Reinhardt
If I wildly charge the enemy team instead of feeding ult charge I end up either getting kills or I scatter the enemy team and my team wipes them after I die
Who? It's hard for me to not get kills when playing against blind peoole so I try to avoid really offensive characters.
Surprised they did anything at all. Haven't bothered to play last couple days. Been enjoying Zelda.
>it does in fact take skills to make it out of bronze
t. silver
Plat, actually. Nice projection though.
>t-this game takes no skill at all!!
Surely anyone who says this is a Grandmaster? If the game is so easy, you and all your friends should be able to break 4k SR, right?
>not going into ranked alone and making GM
I knew Sup Forums was shit but Jesus Christ.
is rock paper scissors not a casual easy game?
they have tournaments and pros for rock paper scissors you know
I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but here you go.
This game takes no skill at all.
>le Rock Paper Scissors meme xD
Begging you to get out of silver before posting
Play Hanzo or Genji and exclusively kill supports. Every time someone bitches calming point out the kill feed and how your consistently killing their Mercy.
Its enough to get 75% of them to just shrug since they put abnormal value on killing Mercy. As Hazo Ult OFTEN just ult slightly to the side of where a good spot would be. Its very visible and looks like you are doing something without really doing anything.
>I'm good at this game so it takes no skill
>everybody should be able to be classified in the highest possible tier
>this is the definition of "easy"
Hold the phone. If Overwatch is so casual. Why don't we organise a challenge.
6 of Sup Forums's best against a random team in a custom game?
>a team of advanced autists versus a random team of advanced autism
Go into your menu, there's an option called "Quickplay."
Your arms must be tired from moving those goal posts, darling :/
Your arms must be tired from moving those goal posts, darling :/
fixed that for you
Le epic troll xD
If missing a support is not hampering your team at all I can't imagine how much lower in rank you're trying to be.
>I can judge games without even playing them
This is the nu-est nu-Sup Forums post I've come by in ages. I don't even know why you people come here when you don't even play video games.
Whinging all god damn day. Fucking twats.
I don't play video games for a living because esports aren't a thing.
It is though... You just need a team of 6.
Overwatch is a fucky game in terms of balanced matchmaking
like you might be leveled with all high levels (80+) and still get your ass handed to you by a team of people under level 40
it just depends on how good a person is with any given character and sometimes people main more than just one character even though they suck with certain ones
it's pretty much either going to be either a complete victory or a horrible loss, rarely are there games that are evenly matched and even those can turn to shit in a heartbeat because of one fuck up on the team
I swear the game is rigged to force me to win. After I die I usually afk at the spawn and wait for a teammate to die so they can see I'm running back to the point when they spectate me. Sometimes I'll sit there until I get an AFK warning from the server. My fucking teammates just keep killing the enemy team 5v6. What the fuck?
but it doesn't take that much skill. It's better than something like bf or cod but it's still pretty easy.
It's a step in the right direction though, so I like it.
>user is trapped not in ELO hell, but ELO heaven
My problem is I start sweating bullets when I have a Pharah and/or Symmetra on my team. Those fuckers never die in low gold. They stomp the enemy team painfully hard and whatever faggot is the second healer just has to keep them alive to win. I need a smurf buddy to take the second healer slow and throw with me.
I'd watch a show based on that premise.
Want to know what I fear most? Gold players. EVERY time I get a goldy on my team they are the biggest trash players possible. I'm talking instant locking a key hero and then doing fuck all. A Rein that never shields or an Ana playing DPS and not healing.
Levels don't mean a whole lot but once you get into silver and gold borders and your still in plat or gold you just need to quit.
It means your a bad player and you have literally played so long you give no fucks and put no effort into the game.
Teach me. I'm the user trying to derank. Teach me their ways of fucking your team over. I took a friend's account from ~750 to gold the day before season 3 ended. I took another friend's account from bronze to diamond over a few days. I can group with you on my smurf when I'm low enough to help friends win again. I want to keep it below 2200 or 2300.
In that case play Lucio and only use speed boost. At low gold they don't know how to properly take advantage of the speed and the primary healer if there even is one wont be putting out enough heals.
Play Symmetra yourself and only go after tanks. It looks like you are trying and contributing when mostly your been will be canceled out by shields and bubbles and then you die. Place the telly really far back so that it barely saves time and if you are asked about it just say you are scared of them finding it.
>Sup Forums says the game is pisseasy and super casual
>They complain about being stuck in gold in every thread
most are just mad shitters
The only thing they are right about is that the game is boring after a while
I couldn't tell you if I wanted to. Like i said late silver borders and gold bordered players just seem like they put no effort into the game. Sure they are doing their thing kinda but its obvious they are not playing 100%
>sometimes people main more than just one character even though they suck with certain ones
I was in a game last night that we lost and the only discernible reason was that we had this asshole playing widowmaker the entire match doing absolute dogshit. We were about two inches away from moving the payload to victory on Dorado for a solid 4 minutes and this faggot just would not switch. We were holding our own on 5v6 and would have broken through had this guy switched to literally anything to help contest it and/or kill somebody.
I looked him up afterwards and this guy had an overall winning percentage of 65%, but was 2-90 playing as widow. I still don't know how to process how somebody like this exists.
As toxic as Dota 2.
>not being diamond is babby's first team based shooter
i genuinely have a harder time doing well in COD than in this game, i still like the polish and the game is fun but you simply can not argue that the game is literally the easiest FPS on the market. there are literally auto aims for people who cant play FPS games
Remember back in the day, when you could play any class in multiplayer games like BF2, and no one would care because it was all about having fun?
I miss those days.
just play hanzo or torb on offense nigga, you would have to play like a god to win with those characters or get hard carried
and yet you didn't finish diamond
Also being high plat when you're level 419 is really shitty dude
>tfw you'll never be in top 500
Not really. Even back then, if you want fun-only, cancer free MP you're pretty much relegated to 4 controllers and a Nintendo. Every single player base is varying degrees of awful, although any MOBA or game with MOBA-like aspects sits at the top.
>memorizing a map just to 180 your mouse and left click over and over and over again to pretend you're having fun
You're doing God's work user. I just played a bad symmetra/widow. Got some complaints about widow but nobody called me a thrower because I kept killing Pharah and letting everyone else roll our team.
>marketer says the game is "le harcore for le gamers" and the next epic esport
>open beta arrives
>is actually a simple for casuals
how do i genji?
>next epic esport
Anybody who buys into this shit deserves precisely what they get tbqhwy.
as long as you peak it literally doesn't matter if you stay in the bracket, which is why i dont go for masters because you lose your ranked icon if you drop out so i cant drop to low plat and taunt them
i peak at diamond 1/4 way into the season and stop playing seriously every season and just dick around with shit like attack hanzo and torb because those characters are the only ones with fun mechanics, or i queue with my gold friend and boost him, most of the time we just pick retarded shit to upset shitters
i can literally stop playing and i would've kept my rank, so you literally have no point there
>be bad at fps
>still better than the average ow player
Maybe you just suck at games cause I picked this shit up in like half an hour
you are not a diamond level player if you finish in plat fag
retaining your max rank medal was the dumbest decision blizzard made for comp
>Anybody who buys into this shit deserves precisely what they get
Even the devs and publishers fall for it. I'll swear "The next big esport" is the current "Next big MMORPG".
I'm silver right now.
I'm fucking pro at this game, I don't need to aim, I just need to mash Q to win the game every time and I wreck shit.
The only reason I lose so much is because my shitty team refuses to press Q.
>get to diamond
>stop playing because too afraid to lose rank
and this validates my rank more? this shit was cancer in league because of rank anxiety and people just not playing after peaking
i always drop to 2500-2700 to troll games with shit like attack bastion pre buff or attack torb, does that mean im just a plat player even though i peaked at 3000+ playing somewhat seriously?
>does that mean im just a plat player
Yes, it does.
Rating of how much of an asset you are to the team on average - not your potential skill level though it may correlate.
>does that mean im just a plat player even though i peaked at 3000+ playing somewhat seriously?