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being cute isnt good design user

god i bet she has a fucking penis doesnt she

i only just got the gist of the story line for andromeda (searching for a new home to colonize)
so why the fuck would they permit homos onboard a mission designed to spread humanity across the galaxy?
only thing they spread is degeneracy and diseases
prime method of spreading a species is procreation not sexual deviancy

whats with that breathing like a fish in Andromeda

looks like a character you'd see in a shitty western porn game

she moves like a fucking animatronic are they pandering to the fnaf audience now



>muh procreation
>in a culture where cloning and in vitro fertilization is lowtech

The entire ship crew could be otherkin ladyboys and it still wouldn't be a problem.

whats going on with her mouth? people don't naturally talk like that.

Nice angle on the pube beard there.

I'm not disagreeing but with this being the case I don't see why they even bothered with so many cryopods, they could've stuck a skeleton crew and some artifical wombs with eggs and it would've been easier.

>western shit


>that voice

Looks like me.

Those dead eyes will haunt me forever.

Why the fuck her lips move like this?

looks like mummy

Fuck... why does every character in this game speak as if though robotic with blank stares and rapid mouth movements? Nobody fucking speaks like this in real life.


Maybe... woah... because.... woooooah... because maybe..... MAYBE.... because.... IT IS NOT REAL LIFE... mind = le blown huh?

Woah... so... are you telling me... that they purposefully made them have robotic looking facial features because fantasy and not for other reasons like incompetency???

And I still don't give a shit. If I can't fuck a hot alien in this game, it's an instant 0/10 no questions asked.

It's okay because obviously everyone is just a robot, which is going to be the big twist.

Video where ?

>god i bet she has a fucking penis doesnt she
Only thing that would actually make me try and play this mess.

She's the one rumored to be the lesbian-only love interest.

>only thing they spread is degeneracy and diseases

I hate this meme. Not every gay person is a disease ridden slut with a partner count in the triple digits.


No fucking way, my self-insert will fuck her.

these look even worse than ME1/2 animations

But user, this IS a shitty western porn game


The one decent looking female and her personality is garbage.

She better be fuckable, cuz I want to fuck the stupid out of her.

Hell, why Even need a crew?
Just Seed planets with robots and auto-growers and connect them to the government via whatever communications method you have; BAM! 10K planets founded overnight.

I bet your personality is swell IRL ;^)

Why is she scottish?

>god i bet she has a fucking penis doesnt she

I think it's an allegory for drug abuse.

I'd seal her up and cook her at a low temperature, if you know what I mean.

At least I don't lick rocks you geo-sexual pervert.

Why not?

Woah... why... do you... speak... like that... black... kid... in a wheelchair... from... Malcolm... in.. the mid...dle...

spot on

But I also think she's Scottish and religious, so cut her some slack.

>blonde with green eyes
Looks like there's at least someone with taste in that place.

Niggaz looking like an episode of Reboot

Previews says you can flirt with almost everybody.
I can't wait to sexual haress the entire crew.

I kind of see a justification for at least a skeleton crew with the sheer range involved and the fear of AI but sending so many people is stupid.

Does ''entire crew'' include my sister?
If not, it's shit.

Going for the "fuck three people" achievement in one playthrough I take it?

Holy fuck the facial animations are terrible. Kill yourself comfy poster Nep has better animations than that.

Because if she was brit she would be deformed after 600 more years of inbreeding, with half of her teeth and those few teeth would be yellow?

>Just three
Nah I'm going turboslut. Last bioware game that let you do that was Origins

You don't need to point out those animations to tell a comfy poster to kill himself.

Kill yourself.

>That PeeBee tackle on the pax andromeda stream.


christ those eyes are lifeless

one character that doesn't look abominable isn't something to apologize for

Stop projecting your incompetence on all others of your sexual orientation, fag.

For what? Asari is still Shrek, all the men are still manlets, the eyes are still dead, the lip syncing is still shit and you most certainly can't romance this girl who ever she is.

Is your life too miserable to get COMFY?
That sucks dude, wanna talk about it?

>tfw you won't be able to tease and bully your sibling

>still this awful lip animation

>all the men are still manlets
Do you have any source on that apart from those kit pics with ultra-high FOV?
In all other pics they look normal.

>you most certainly can't romance this girl
They did say you can romance some characters outside your squad members.

>that soulless everything
Man, I remember when Bioware got praised for the quality of their facial animation.

Fucking hell.

Male Ryder is 185 cm. Where is that considered a manlet?

This man gets it

Sup Forums pls go

Fucking finally, a human in ME that I'd actually want to facefuck.

Lips are still comical tho.

I don't want to bully her, I want to pull her into a mating press while she moans for her ''big bro''.

animation is so bad, looks like she is farting from her mouth, cheek and lips blow for no reason.


no >:3

>looks like she is farting from her mouth

Jesus Tempest is tiny. This is not Firefly, how do people expect me to explore the galaxy in a fucking VW Beetle?

what is this hilarious bullshit?

Ugh the Tempest is so ugly compared to the Normandy...

>i bet she has a fucking penis doesnt she
That would be awful.

Malcolm in the middle had an asthmatic black kid who spoke with pauses after every few words.

You're not exploring a galaxy. You're exploring a portion of a galaxy :^)

Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa.
It's pretty funny


That's because there's no Mass Relays.
Without them, travelling throughout an entire galaxy would take millions of years.

You know I actually like maleryder's voice. Hopefully I can manage to customize him to not make him look like such a whimp.

You can, but you can't customize the body.
Probably because it would fuck up with the animation grid, like what happens when you use other character models in animation grids of, say Krogan or Salarian.

Then let's fucking hope there are some bulky armors laying around. The arms are a disgrace.

She's going to be lesbian, watch

Even Bethesda has managed a skinny, muscular, fat triangle-slider-thingy. Dont tell me Bioware aint up to the task.


I can't play games like this, the uncanny valley really disconnects me from enjoying the game when I see 'real life' animations and graphics attempt to portray human characters, emotions, facial expressions, etc.

>tfw even Fallout 4 has better face animations than this

I'm the exact opposite, I'm actually excited as fuck to pirate this just to laugh at it.

The Tempest crew is theoretically the elite chosen for their technical expertise. Simple baby making wouldn't be a huge priority for their selection compared to generic Colonists. Plus bisexuality is a thing.

He is a young soldier fag tho, they are usually skinny as fuck.

Maybe you should start playing games for their gameplay, worthless tripshit.
Not that ME:A is worth anything.
Certainly more than you.


Her hair looks like pumpkin guts.

Now they just need to fix the other girl.

And those sliders always fuck with textures and cause annoying clipping

Do all the girls have shirt hair? Where's my long black straight hair queens?